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eBay Certified coin breakdown....for your amusement/amazement

ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,984 ✭✭✭✭✭
First of all this is not scientific in any way. Numbers were obtained using a keyword search and does not take into account keyword spammers. But I still find it very interesting. If you thought third-world slabs were getting out of hand this surely affirms that fact. NNC, SGS and NTC slabs now outnumber ANACS slabs selling on eBay! The following figures may amaze/amuse you:

US Coins on eBay: 101,937

Grading Service/ number of coins on eBay / %

1. PCGS-8294/8.1%
2. NGC- 6022/5.9%
3. NNC-1239/1.2%
4. SGS-1190/1.2%
5. NTC-1153/1.1%
6. ANACS-1053/1%
7. PCI- 664/.65%
8. ICG- 530/ .52%
9. SEGS- 185/ .18%
10. ACG- 46/ .04%
11. PNGS- 32/ .03%

The SGS number is totally amazing imho!! Chris


  • SmittysSmittys Posts: 9,876 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1309 items found for ms70
    761 items found for ms70 sgs
    Just a little more seaching
  • Actually if you expand it, you get numbers like this (Yes I keep track of all of this for my own info)

    PCGS 10110 19413 29523 41.64% 39.77% 40.39%
    NGC 7878 16541 24419 32.44% 33.89% 33.41%
    ICG 639 1378 2017 2.63% 2.82% 2.76%
    ANACS 1350 2126 3476 5.56% 4.36% 4.76%
    SEGS 184 469 653 0.76% 0.96% 0.89%
    SGS 1222 2171 3393 5.03% 4.45% 4.64%
    NNC 1215 2624 3839 5.00% 5.38% 5.25%
    NTC 1011 2486 3497 4.16% 5.09% 4.78%
    PCI 673 1602 2275 2.77% 3.28% 3.11%
    NCI 1 5 10 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%
    INS 11 37 48 0.05% 0.08% 0.07%
    ACG 84 165 249 0.35% 0.34% 0.34%
    Total 24282 48810 73092

    Sorry it didn't format well placing them 6th This is the total # of slabs on ebay, not just US coins, this is all the services I could find that run on ebay regularly.
  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,984 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>1309 items found for ms70
    761 items found for ms70 sgs
    Just a little more seaching >>

    Isn't it amazing how SGS gets all the perfect coins submitted to themimage

  • << <i>

    << <i>1309 items found for ms70
    761 items found for ms70 sgs
    Just a little more seaching >>

    Isn't it amazing how SGS gets all the perfect coins submitted to themimage >>

    Better grab them up while you can.... they won't last long being in limited supply. image
  • So are you guys saying stay away from SGS?
    Love them busts!
    I am Looking to Buy California Tokens too.
  • how did you find a way to handle all the keyword spamming? do you think it throws off your counts? i know it throws off my searches alot.

  • << <i>So are you guys saying stay away from SGS? >>

    I think they're stating factual data. You can make of it what you will.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

  • One thing is for sure:

    Only two people in the world long for the days or yore when ACG was King of Krap: Alan Hagar & wench
    "Wars are really ugly! They're dirty
    and they're cold.
    I don't want nobody to shoot me in the foxhole."

    Best Franklin Website

  • << <i>First of all this is not scientific in any way. Numbers were obtained using a keyword search and does not take into account keyword spammers. But I still find it very interesting. If you thought third-world slabs were getting out of hand this surely affirms that fact. NNC, SGS and NTC slabs now outnumber ANACS slabs selling on eBay! The following figures may amaze/amuse you:

    US Coins on eBay: 101,937

    Grading Service/ number of coins on eBay / %

    1. PCGS-8294/8.1%
    2. NGC- 6022/5.9%
    3. NNC-1239/1.2%
    4. SGS-1190/1.2%
    5. NTC-1153/1.1%
    6. ANACS-1053/1%
    7. PCI- 664/.65%
    8. ICG- 530/ .52%
    9. SEGS- 185/ .18%
    10. ACG- 46/ .04%
    11. PNGS- 32/ .03%

    The SGS number is totally amazing imho!! Chris
    image >>

    Very interesting. So, only 19.92% of the coins on eBay are in slabs? That means over 80% are raw and ready to be slabbed by the lucky soul who buys them up. Are there really that many raw coins?

    I'd be interested in the percentages for all SLABBED coins, not ALL coins in general. I guess I could figure it out myself from the data you have given us.

    I have been a collector for over mumbly-five years. I learn something new every day.

  • << <i>So are you guys saying stay away from SGS? >>

    2004 Professional Numistmatists guild survey of grading companies listed only PCGS, NGC, ANACS and ICG as "average" or above for accuracy of grade. ACG, SEGS, NTC and PCI were rated as poor or unacceptable.
    Some here were sued for openly criticising a grading company- the suit was unsucessful, but that has made some parse their words carefully.
    PNG survey
    For more info and opinions, do a search of TPG or the like.
  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,984 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So are you guys saying stay away from SGS? >>

    2004 Professional Numistmatists guild survey of grading companies listed only PCGS, NGC, ANACS and ICG as "average" or above for accuracy of grade. ACG, SEGS, NTC and PCI were rated as poor or unacceptable.
    Some here were sued for openly criticising a grading company- the suit was unsucessful, but that has made some parse their words carefully.
    PNG survey
    For more info and opinions, do a search of TPG or the like.
    Don >>

    I'll stick my neck out here....I do not "parse" my words based on previous suits. SGS should be ashamed of there outrageously overgraded "so-called" slabs. I just hope that those who buy them expect about a 5-12 point overgrade. I believe there final selling price is evidence that they are fooling noone. Chris
  • How many(non PCGS) use the PCGS price list, in there adds? To tell the "possible" value of the coins.
    (Old man) Look I had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, “That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah”.

    (Priest) BLASPHEMY he said it again, did you hear him?
  • I don't see "Martha's Special" in the group. image
    My humble '63 mint registry set, not much, but it's mine!

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