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Russia Giveaway - Winner announced

SMEHR-NAH! After keeping the fetching Mrs. Makarovii from her sick bed long enough to draw the winner from a genuine Soviet Army shapka-ushanka...will the real Claw please PM me with your info! Rah-zoy-TEES!

Thank you to all for showing an interest in my little giveaway. image

Here's the giveaway I promised after receiving the nice coins from Dimitri/SYRACUSIAN. Just post if you are interested and I will have Mrs. Makarovii, my better half, pick a winner this Wednesday 9/25/04.

USSR KM#87 1925 15 Kopecks

USSR KM#198.1 1985 1 Rouble

Russia KM#? 2001 1 Rouble Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the CIS
Potestas Democraticorum delenda est!
Joel 3:10

“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” -Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

“We Are All Socialists Now" - Feb 16, 2009 cover of Newsweek Magazine


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