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Payback Time - Last Laugh

1828 Half Bust Dollar
This has been the longest seven days of my life. But, all good things have to come to an end. Here is the final tally on this item.
Number of Viewers
Number of Bids = 14
Final Sale Price $76.00

Not bad for a Rookie image

imageAll the way to the Bank

Final Sales Link
Actually learning a few things here. What a great site.

My Ebay Sales


  • wheres the link to the item ?
  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    What are you talking about?

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • 555 viewed and 14 bid ? image

    Maybe they saw something they didn't like ?


  • After a little research I see you were the seller of this item.

    As long as you and the buyer are happy, more power to you.



  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>555 viewed and 14 bid ? image

    Maybe they saw something they didn't like ? >>

    This may be one of the ones that were originally linked in a thread on this forum. As we all know, if there is a link on this forum to what someone feels is questionable, funny, etc, the "hits" counter goes WAY up.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    I hope you don't take this the wrong way but....

    In that auction you show us that you most certainly have not been a numismatist for long, or if you have, you haven't learned how to properly handle coins. No coin should ever be handled like that, even you think it is a junk coin. Coins handled in that manner can develop fingerprints. Get into the habit of only handling your coins by the edges.
  • melikecoinsmelikecoins Posts: 1,154 ✭✭
    What K6AZ said!!!

    Keep your fingers off

    I don't buy slabs I make them
  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Uh HUH.image
    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!
  • image

  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey I can't properly access what's in that baggy from the image.image
    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!
  • thats assess !
    and im sure its only desiccant !

  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>thats assess !
    and im sure its only desiccant !

    Proof >>

    Thanks for the grammer lesson. Two words spelled differently. Not sure what makes you think my meaning was not how I spelled it. image
    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!

  • << <i>thats assess !
    and im sure its only desiccant !

    Proof >>

    If you're going to be critical of someone's spelling, at least you could capitalize and punctuate properly. image



  • << <i>If you're going to be critical of someone's spelling, at least you could capitalize and punctuate properly. >>

  • Sure makes you want to bid on future auctions, when the seller post on a public BB that he is laughing all the way to the bank.Bad Karma at the least.
    ~Elephants and Rhinos~
    ~I'm ready, I'm ready~
  • Ok, I'm back. I was donated these so I could attend my next coin show. They won't let me in without them.
    Actually learning a few things here. What a great site.

    My Ebay Sales

  • << <i>Ok, I'm back. I was donated these so I could attend my next coin show. They won't let me in without them. >>

    image Glad to see that you have a sense of humor.

    imageimageSee ya on the other side, Dudes. image
  • Seal skin is tough on coins !
  • Payback for what ??


    Last Laugh for what ??

  • tmot99tmot99 Posts: 5,238 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Seal skin is tough on coins ! >>

    Doesn't it demagnitize the coin? oh, that's eel skin, isn't it? image

    Why are some of you so worried about how he handles a circulated coin? it's not like it hasn't been handled that same way for 100+ years. IT'S CIRCULATED! I certainly wouldn't recommend handling coins like that that are less worn, but give me a break. Kind of like handling a P01. Be sure to wear gloves. You might get a fingerprint on it.
  • lathmachlathmach Posts: 4,720
    I guess I don't get the drift of this thread.
    What gives with the "payback time-last laugh", and the laffing to the bank thing?
    The Bust Half is Overton-117 (early die state), a rarity 1 coin. You sold it for a reasonable price.

  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    i just waisted several minutes of my life on this thread. image
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • a bad night

  • << <i>Ok, I'm back. I was donated these so I could attend my next coin show. They won't let me in without them. >>

    Now that's funny!!!image
  • Here are the finals.

    The Final Score:

    Refresh:: For all you Late Larry's that didn't follow My "Rookie" Auction.
    For 7 Days, I was bashed, beatin, trashed, Nailed to a cross, Pounded into the ground, Chewed up and spit out, all because of the way I held this coin.
    The purpose of this link was simply to show that not ALL negative advertising is a bad thing.
    People who viewed my Auctions 858
    Total bids 14
    Final Price $76

    Resulting in:
    The Buyer is very happy paying a fair price for the Coin.
    Didn't give two &^()*&* how I held the Coin.

    The Seller (me) is very Happy with the price I got for the Coin.
    (not a fortune, but that's not the point)

    The point is: The Power of Advertising:
    I will say it just one more time.
    ALL Negative Advertising is NOT always a bad thing.

    I sure do wish I had bought a few blocks of Martha Stewart Stock Last Week.image

    Link to My Ebay Sales. Just Click Here !
    Actually learning a few things here. What a great site.

    My Ebay Sales
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Ah, now it is all clear. This is the point:


    Russ, NCNE
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>Ah, now it is all clear. This is the point:


    Russ, NCNE >>

  • BustmanBustman Posts: 1,911
    Lucy, I'm with you. Just wasted 5 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.image

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