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Coin shop find: My first GSA.(toning alert)

mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
Went to Medford today to go to the coin shop. It's a 70 miile drive through the mountains to get there. I wanted to get the car out the twisties since winter is over. I took hwy 66, the greensprings. The descent into Ashland is one of the most fun stretches of road out there. Tight turn after tight turn with nice 1000 foot drop-offs. SS350Camaro probably knows the road too. Sweet, puts a smile on my face.

I got to the shop and asked to look at coins. They said: 99% of our coins are in Seattle at a trade show. image He then said that they had just picked up a stash of GSA's. So I figured I would look at them. They were all 82 to 84 in around 63 typically. I got to one of the last ones and there it was, a nicely toned one. A bit baggy on the obv but pretty nice. So I got it. It's in the original GSA box with papers and such.

I was amused by the card in the pic below. Well, here it is.

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