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  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭

    I would have thought that most people execute their bids with 10 seconds or less on esnipe. I am amazed that people with 20 second lead times were not able to get bids in. Was there that much of a crunch 20 seconds prior to end of auction? With esnipe 20 seconds seems like an eternity.


  • Looking at the final results, while we seemed to think that Mastro was pretty much nuts to do things the way he did, I think he made out like a bandit. I understand he definitely overloaded the sniping services, but in the end he got about $3000 less than SMR. Who can say that about selling a complete set that they got 95% of book value of the individual cards. From a seller perspective if he lagged it out, it would be a never-ending process to close out all those sales. Right now, after about 3 weeks he's going to have sixty large in the bank. If he'd tried to space it out, maybe he'd have 5 or 6 thousand dollars more, but he'd be collecting for the brunt of the summer.

    My opinion is he gambled people wouldn't risk using a sniping service. He may have lost that gamble, but overall he's laughing all the way to the Bank.

    This has been very interesting to watch...of course it also ruined my trade of my 60% complete set of raw 65's to Toppsgun, but we'll see.

    You guys are precious. A tribute to the hobby. Thanks for letting me be a fly on the wall.

    Hobby trails.

    Call me crazy, but I collect 62 Topps BB.

    eBay auctions
  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭
    <Who can say that about selling a complete set that they got 95% of book value of the individual cards.>


    Care to comment?

    Here's an interesting thread for you:

    1965 set sale


  • Well, I guess I underestimated the collector community's appetite for graded cards. I've just gotten back into the game and started by selling all these raw sets from the 70's and realized a very low percentage of book value so I was skeptical about realizing 100% value. I'm wondering though if the 65's are an outlier. They are no doubt one of the most attractive sets from the 60's and seems to draw a lot of attention on any large number of cards being sold. As a result they will demand a premium over other sets of the decade. Teaches me a lot as I pursue my 62 pretty much from scratch.
    Call me crazy, but I collect 62 Topps BB.

    eBay auctions
  • I have never used e-snipe, so I may be off-base here. But do all of you esnipers have records of your scheduled snipes? I think it would be a good idea, if we could, to look at those records (if possible) and actually figure out the prices of the cards that should have been realized had all the sniper services worked. Perhaps it can even be done by memory for some cards. I truly believe that there were many cases where a low-pop 9 went for $40 or $50 when esnipers had bids into the hundreds for them.

    If we can get a real number and compare it to actual, we can make a very valid case to Mastronet, esnipe and others that this was not the right way to auction off and bid on 600 cards and also to figure out the right price for this awesome set. Because the $60,000 overall price tag seems like there should have an asterisk next to it. I, as a 1965 Topps set collector and collector in general, do not want people thinking that the fact that this set went for below SMR that these awesome sets are not a great investment. Maybe it's just the auditor in me, but I would love to reconstruct this afternoon's activities and get a real price tag on what this set should have really went for. Anyone else agree?

    1965 Topps
    1975 Topps
    1952 Topps
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭


    I agree....if this auction was staggered over even a 4 hour time period today...results would of been much, much better. Then again...sales may have trickled off towards the end as people blew through their money. I for one could of either spent a couple of hundred or a couple of thousand today....I just had to put a bunch of bids in and hope I won some of them.

    Thanks for the board for the kind words...it was fun...as a 1965 collector....I doubt I will every see anything like that again!!

    By the way.....I sent the seller a quick email telling about my exploits and how I helped promote the auction....and asked them if they could swing a discount or something (ie. free shipping). I figured it cannot hurt to ask....they said they could not offer discounts because 100% of the proceeds where going to a substance abuse center being built in Chicago and the owner of the set decided to help out.

    I believe they need to invest in a center to help us guys with our addiction to cardboard!

    John Basilone
  • Let me start by saying I do not colect the 65 set and did not bid on any of these auctions.... But I have been lurking and reading these threads with a great deal of interest... In my mind the seller made several mistakes ( 1 has generally been discussed the other 3 have not):

    1.) Ending all the auctions at the same time ... By doing this the seller eliminated last second snipes from any bidder who does not use a sniper service. And by the looks of the overload on ESNIPE he also lost the majority of the SNipers as well.... Why did 't the seller use a 15-30 differentail for the end of each auction?

    2.) The seller ended the auction at 2:00pm EST - Not exactly prime time hours for ending an auction. In general auctions that end durring the middle of the day do not do as well as those that end at night.... Including weekends- I am not so sure that this had a mjor impact but it could not have helped...

    3.) Ending the Auctions on Easter Weekend and a couple of days after Passover? Lots of folks off on vacations (Schools closed) and many more traveling .... Not the most ideal weekend to hold a major auction.

    4.) We could also argue ending the auction on a Saturday was a mistake .... From my past sales it is one of the worst days to end an auction on....

    What did these mistake cist MAstronet .... My guess would be some where north of 20% on the hammer price... but again that is just a guess....
    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.
  • dudedude Posts: 1,454 ✭✭

    Your points are all well taken. This is a classic example of "Not How to Break Up a Major Vintage Set". I'll only add that if he really wanted to max out the money, he should have done it over 3 or 4 weeks time.

  • spacktrackspacktrack Posts: 1,084 ✭✭
    Has anyone figured what Mastro's costs for listing and final values were? With a 587 card set, they took listing fees of about $176, but with bids over 60K, I would imagine the breakdown of final values would contribute to a net of much less than the 97% SMR.
  • Alan,

    I appreciate the post to the old 65 thread. That was quite interesting to read again.


    I think that 20% may not be too far off. I can almost definitely say that it cost him 10% by ending it all at once on a Saturday afternoon on Easter Weekend.

    As far as sniping, I posted on another thread that I used auction sentry - no the esnipe. I was afraid of the program jamming so what I did was place my snipes starting with 1 minute left all of the way down to 10 seconds left. That way I would only have 1 or 2 being entered every second. This still didn't work. With auction sentry the bids are placed by a program in my computer as opposed to an internet site which places the bids for you. It has never failed me before but this was a terrible time to start. I'm sure that several of the 12 cards I won were cheap only because of other's failed snipes.

    One thing that surprised me was that there really weren't any major players who came out of the woodwork to start the set. I kind of looked at this as an excellent opportunity for a major player to build a very impressive set overnight and that didn't happen. Dan Schatzeder won several auctions so maybe he will be rebuilding the set. Other than him, it was mostly the usual 65 crowd from the past couple of years or so.

    I do believe that his set would have sold for more money in this instance if it was sold as a whole. I don't think that we can guage anything by this sale whatsoever in regards to the value of the set. One thing is for sure, the gpa's are going way up on the registry for the 65 crowd.

    1955 Bowman Football
  • pcpc Posts: 743
    i am certain these 1/1 and 1/2 pop psa 9s would have sold for 2-5x
    the realized prices.several would have sold for 10x smr under normal
    circumstances.i wonder if mastro has several more 65s available for
    sale.this auction may have been a test.
    Money is your ticket to freedom.

  • If selling 598 cards from the #1 set on the Registry was a test, it reminds me of the Texas Aggie who took a urine test and failed it.

    I guess that's not funny anymore given the drug & steroid testing in the sports world. But it used to be funny in the insurance business.

    Anyway, what could Mastro POSSIBLY be holding back?

    pc, that dog won't hunt.
  • Agreeing with a previous post by Acowa; this is an amazing thread! I have been reading this with interest the last few days and will continue to do so even though I dont collect 65's and did not participate in the bidding.
    We all learn new things every day about our hobby. Basilone's analysis was top rate, and it appears that sniping will be rethought and retooled by many to combat failure issues like we have seen here.
    This has been better than reading the Sunday paper....let me get my coffee.
    Never met a Vintage card I didn't like!
  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭
    Here's the reply that I recieved from esnipe (pretty fast response on Saturday night before Easter)

    <Hello Alan,

    What I can tell you is that our technical problems did not have anything to
    do with volumes of bids scheduled on eSnipe during this time. There were
    some slowdowns on eBay that did not help our situation, but eSnipe is very
    capable of placing hundreds of bids in a single minute.

    It is a shame that such a rare auction set went off during the same time of
    our problems, as it sounds as though the seller could have made a bit more

    Overall, eSnipe does a good job placing the bids scheduled on our systems
    with a failure rate of less than 1% on average. Times like we experienced
    this morning are rare, but do happen all the same.

    Thank you,


    This makes me wonder...did ANY of the snipe programs work on this auction?...and if none of them worked is it really just an EBAY problem? One things for sure...EBAY probably wouldn't be as responsive as esnipe was IMHO.



  • Alan,

    I used auction stealer and it worked with 10 seconds left, and just outbid what appeared to be a snipe from the Duke with 12 seconds left.

    I only had one snipe, but it did work......fortunately.
  • mrc32mrc32 Posts: 604
    Great thread....I agree that dumping the whole set on at the same time was a really bad idea. BOTN broke up his 1911 T-205 set(not nearly the number of collecters or cards as the 1965 set) last week and put it on ebay. The auctions ended anywhere from 45 seconds to 2 minutes apart from one another. I myself got into several bidding wars with 2 or 3 other active people who were watching and bidding on those auctions that night. But esnipe worked for me on the 20 or so auctions I sniped on. I know if he had ended all of them at the same moment he would have lost out on a good bit of money.

    I think Mastro has got to be kicking themselves. I don't know anybody who is so rich they wouldn't want $5,000-$10,000 more.

    Great thread- Congrats to all who won!

  • << <i>Here's the reply that I recieved from esnipe (pretty fast response on Saturday night before Easter)

    <Hello Alan,

    What I can tell you is that our technical problems did not have anything to
    do with volumes of bids scheduled on eSnipe during this time. There were
    some slowdowns on eBay that did not help our situation, but eSnipe is very
    capable of placing hundreds of bids in a single minute.



    Alan, perhaps they can handle 100's per single minute, but i don't think they can handle thousands in a few seconds.
    Ole Doctor Buck of the Popes of Hell

  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    Thanks to links provided by members of this board of several snipe programs (Norty I believe)....I signed up for justsnipe.com. I had approx 25 snipes at the end go off and only 2 of the froze. I only won several and they were placed with 4 seconds left. The two I missed (Pirates Team and the Blasingame) were big misses in the 1965 world.

    PC- Im glad to read you comments regarding my newly won POP 1 PSA 9's.....

    Keep in mind that the proceeds of this auction went to charity.....I am not sure if they have an additional amount of 1965's...If they do...it was from direct submissions to PSA. Ive been tracking this set for over a year on eBay and pretty much know of all the major players and where the sets that have been broken up have gone to.


  • << <i>One thing that surprised me was that there really weren't any major players who came out of the woodwork to start the set. I kind of looked at this as an excellent opportunity for a major player to build a very impressive set overnight and that didn't happen. Dan Schatzeder won several auctions so maybe he will be rebuilding the set. Other than him, it was mostly the usual 65 crowd from the past couple of years or so.
    Wayne >>


    I tried to bid on 251 auctions, and I have never bid on a 65 card before. I wasn't trying to complete the set overnight, but was looking to get a good start.

    Ole Doctor Buck of the Popes of Hell

  • mrc32 - I think the amount left on the table was more like $20,000+. It was about $6K alone from just two people here.
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    Yesterday while preparing the spreadsheet....I entered card #541 as #514 thus offsetting the final bids between cards #514-#541. Also, Brooks Robinson #150 was entered as a PSA 8 instead of PSA 9. Resulting in a Total SMR for the set as $63,588.00 and the amount of bids totaled 95.03% of smr not the 97.19% previously posted.

    I have updated the spreadsheet and posted it on the web due to memory limitations with the upload function on this forum. I have also included an additional column to show the % to SMR each card sold at.

    Here is the new spreadsheet - UPDATED MASTRO'S #1 1965 SET - EBAY AUCTION

    For those who have asked for the spreadsheet in Excel format...I will be sending you out an updated copy asap.

    If anyone else wants a copy...feel free to email me at basilone@neo.rr.com

    Here is some additional facts/figures (the tabs do not seem to work):

    The Top 15 cards that sold for the LOWEST percentage of SMR

    card# name grade SMR BID %ofSMR
    547  DICK STIGMAN 9 80 $17.25 21.56%
    559  ED BAILEY 9 90 $31.00 34.44%
    578  CAMILO CARREON 8 32 $11.50 35.94%
    539  HERM STARRETTE 9 80 $31.00 38.75%
    514  JOE AZCUE 9 80 $31.10 38.88%
    591  BOB SKINNER 8 32 $12.75 39.84%
    587  JOE SPARMA 9 80 $33.00 41.25%
    572  ORIOLES TEAM 9 175 $76.00 43.43%
    589  GIANTS ROOKIES 8 32 $14.51 45.34%
    583  WES COVINGTON 9 90 $41.00 45.56%
    394  JIM HANNAN 9 80 $37.00 46.25%
    417  ED BRINKMAN 9 80 $37.00 46.25%
    432  JIM GRANT 9 80 $37.00 46.25%
    152  PHIL ORTEGA 10 325 $152.50 46.92%
    503  PHIL GAGLIANO 9 80 $38.10 47.63%

    The Top 20 cards that sold for the HIGHEST percentage of SMR
    card# name grade SMR BID %ofSMR
    22  CHARLIE SMITH 8 18 $306.00 1700.00%
    115  BOBBY RICHARDSN 8 18 $158.50 880.56%
    14  LEN GABRIELSON 8 18 $103.50 575.00%
    109  WALT BOND 8 18 $103.50 575.00%
    110  RON SANTO 8 18 $101.00 561.11%
    367  LEON WAGNER 8 18 $91.11 506.17%
    291  JERRY LYNCH 8 18 $88.00 488.89%
    196  RON FAIRLY 8 18 $85.25 473.61%
    177  PETE MIKKELSEN 8 18 $83.00 461.11%
    309  STEVE HAMILTON 8 18 $82.00 455.56%
    305  RICO CARTY 8 18 $81.00 450.00%
    96  SONNY SIEBERT 8 18 $78.77 437.61%
    11  AL SO LEADER 9 65 $280.00 430.77%
    308  METS ROOKIES 9 65 $280.00 430.77%
    245  JOE PEPITONE 9 65 $276.00 424.62%
    71  JOHN O'DONOGHUE 8 18 $73.00 405.56%
    318  MATTY ALOU 9 65 $255.00 392.31%
    370  TOMMY DAVIS 8 18 $68.00 377.78%
    30  JIM BOUTON 8 18 $63.01 350.06%
    413  HAL RENIFF 8 22 $76.01 345.50%
    19  GATES BROWN 8 18 $62.00 344.44%

    Please let me know if you find out any more errors in the spreadsheet...so that I can update it.


    John Basilone
  • Rob,

    I didn't mean to try and take anything away from you as far as you activity on the set. I guess what I meant was I wouldn't have been surprised if someone from outside the normal 65 bidders hadn't of came in and won 50% or more of the auctions. There were several new names bidding and winning cards. I know that Mastronet bought a large group of cards from another collector for 150% of book. He obviously lost money on this lot of cards. If someone else had been this aggressive they could have picked up well over 50% of the set all at once.


    Ironically over half the cards that were on your list of bringing huge multiples of smr came from my old set.

    1955 Bowman Football
  • Didn't I read somewhere this auction was for charity? Any confirmation on that?
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭
    This was from an email I received from the seller:

    proceeds where going to a substance abuse center being built in Chicago and the owner of the set decided to help out

  • Wayne,

    No offense taken. You had mentioned that there was no new blood, so I was just noting that I tried to be a new collector of the set. I would have been more likely to have bid higher for the whole set, than individual cards. The problem with not knowing the set as well as the current collectors, is that I don't know the real tough cards or popular cards other than by the pop report. Thus if I bid high on a lot, I would end up overpaying for easier cards, and still not getting the really tough ones because those with better knowledge would scoop them up.

    With a whole set, accurate knowledge of each card is not as necessary, as someone with more knowledge can't pick and choose the plums. Perhaps that is why big collectors didn't jump in. The other reason may be the tedious process of bidding on almost 600 auctions. It took me many hours to familiarize myself with the pop report, and to bid on the 250 auctions I bid on. Each card I would have to look on the pop sheet, and then bid. Just bidding on the 250 took about 6 hours of time, and that is after getting the pop report and trying to get a feel for the landscape. A total pr partial set auction would have been quick and simpler for someone to try and get into the set at one time.

    A set sold individually is geared by nature to existing collectors. The time and effort involved, plus the risk of way overpaying for some cards while losing out on the choice ones makes this format difficult to attempt to conquer at one time.

    A similar thing happened on the Superior auction of over 300 PSA 9's from the '61 set. The prices were strong, but not nearly as strong as are seen on Ebay when they are sold in smaller blocks.

    Ole Doctor Buck of the Popes of Hell

  • GATOR5GATOR5 Posts: 654


    I want to say thanks for the stats for it must have
    been alot of work. Now I have something to compare.

    Toppsgun said it best, it's still a mystery what's it really

    Well you might not know for a couple of years
    for I don't see anyone selling for a while. I think that
    the total worth of 65 will always be a myth. It's that
    great of a set. Low pops with no meaning, the strongest
    being a met. People thinking are they that easy a big
    boost went to market this yr in 65's. John I'd like to see
    the #'s on that. It's crazy to even try to track the year
    let alone some side stepping auction.

    But I can say this a phil reagan 1-1 here in tigerland is worth
    more than 83.00. Campenaris rc 22.00 for and 8. And some
    dodgers went for cheap. Cards team 1-4 for 89.00.

    This will go down in history as the charity to all collectors. Yet
    I never placed a bid. image
  • John, that was an amazing work up on the 65 set, thanks for the education.
    Vintage Baseball Cards
    Sales and Ebay Consignment Service
    Lloyd_Taylor_Vintage_Cards -- on Ebay
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    There were still some decent prices for the high pop commons. In the 1965 eBay world....many of these high pop commons can be had less. These type of cards make up the majority of the set.

    BTW...hope you received my payment...


  • Oh I agree yet some of the sleepers slid. Yet i'm sure alot
    of the high pop bidders were team set collectors. Yet I'm
    no pro but I have a few raw cards to base assumptions on
    whats tough and not. Bond, Horton, Fairley, Davis all did well.

    Yet in the ebay world Charlie would've touched 4 figures.
    a couple of big collectors didn't even place a bid if I'm not
    mistaken due to sniping situations.

    Another team set collector that would have topped all bids
    yet the auctions weren't found due to the team name wasn't
    in the listing.

    I wanted to see the final tally for this is a set that can be had.

  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    My feeling is that Charlie would not have reached $1000...$500 maybe...but then agian someone could post saying they would of bid $1500 if their snipe went through...so everything now posted is "after the fact"....
  • helionauthelionaut Posts: 1,555 ✭✭
    I finally got around to looking up this auction list and the thing that strikes me most is the order the cards were listed in. Is there any reason they weren't in some coherent (to me) order? Seems like that would affect prices, too.

    Oh, just figured it out. Ebay's past auctions are displaying them in some odd order, but the seller's other auctions are in the correct order.
    2005 Origins Old Judge Brown #/20 and Black 1/1s, 2000 Ultimate Victory Gold #/25
    2004 UD Legends Bake McBride autos & parallels, and 1974 Topps #601 PSA 9
    Rare Grady Sizemore parallels, printing plates, autographs

    Nothing on ebay
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭


    The Mastro set has now been deleted from the all-time current finest list....you can now go ahead and add those cards to your set.

    Thanks Gayle...for deleting the set from the current list so that we can upload our new cards!!

  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭
    Is it just me or does Ebay seem to be a good way to auction this type of set?

    Could the set reached $80,000 at a major auction?
  • VarghaVargha Posts: 2,392 ✭✭
    eBay is a great way to auction a set like this. He just didn't do it the best way within that parameters of an eBay auction as has been attested to by many very experienced buyers and sellers on this thread.
  • kobykoby Posts: 1,699 ✭✭

    << <i>Is it just me or does Ebay seem to be a good way to auction this type of set?

    Could the set reached $80,000 at a major auction? >>

    $80,000 prices realized in a major auction is different from the actual amoun that ends up in a consigner's pockets. If done right, ebay is the way to go.
  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Is it just me or does Ebay seem to be a good way to auction this type of set?

    Could the set reached $80,000 at a major auction? >>

    $80,000 prices realized in a major auction is different from the actual amoun that ends up in a consigner's pockets. If done right, ebay is the way to go. >>

    Yes, but $80,000 is about what it would have taken to beat how he did despite this poorly "timed" auction.
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