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Anyone Ever do Blind Trades?

Just wondering...Me and Nismo are trying this.. the BV is going to be 260 and we told each other no BS cards. So this should be very fun to do. Just wondering who has done it before..


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    how did you come up with the bv of 260?
    Looking for Roethlisberger (higher end)

    ref; sportsguy247, clippers21fan,
    ahares,samsgirl214, cardnyou,
    donniebaseball23, bradley25,
    duncangal, battier, josher416
    speedmaster, SkiVermont3,netfan5
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    Yep - Moss84(J.D.) and I have done blind trades for about 6 months now. Probably completed about 8 of them. You have to trade with someone that is very generous and you trust completely. Basically, I track down and trade him harder to find Vikings stuff and he trades me football autographs for my autograph collection. I tell him how much book I am sending him and who the players are and he sends out some stuff to me. Lots of fun opening the package and finding out what he sent me......

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    lol, nismo and me are good friends i guess?
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    i guess if youre REALLY good friends...so many people out there are selfish, so im not sure id ever do something like that. nothing against you guys, i just dont do bkb image
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    yeah i guess it has to be between good friends and you really trust them.
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    yeah i trust ya steveo....btw package was sent...3 cards all together can u guess which ones they are...lmao...u have my link to my personal page....go look whats missing image

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