Opinions needed on 57 Topps Mantle.

What would be a fair price/current market value for a solid/legit 8 that's centered? Most of the one's I see on EBAY are off center and the one's that are not are priced much higher than recent sales and are not selling.
I understand that its hard to put a figure without photos - I'm looking for a ball park number that most of you would pay if you had the money and were looking to purchase the card.
This card is typically off-centered or skewed…so I would pay a premium for a copy avoiding this pitfall.
I have owned this card in an 8.5 and now in an 8. I sold my 8.5 because it has a grainy image…another issue with this card.
I paid $8500 for the 8.5…back in the day of 2009 in a Memory Lane Auction. 20k+ for the 8…in a Heritage Auction.
The 8 has a PWCC-A sticker meaning the card has above average eye appeal for the assigned grade.
I suggest subscribing to VCP for 24 hours. You can look at every public sale of an 8 for years and see the range of quality. It also gives you every sales price.
I have a subscription to VCP and people should not be assuming anything unless they are the first person in existence to be able to read minds.
I'm talking about the current market value today and what would be a fair price. The prices for this card are not consistent which is why I'm asking.
I would say a centered, non-skewed, bold, well printed image of a 1957 Mantle would reasonably cost $15,000-$22,500.
Thank you I appreciate your response. Your PSA 8 Mantle is awesome.
Prices will vary a great deal within each grade bandwidth for certain cards, and some cards' prices are even more sensitive to eye appeal than others. The 1957 Mantle is one such card whose price can vary wildly based on eye appeal. I'd have to lay eyes on the specimen in question to say how much of a premium I'd be willing to pay, were I in the market for one. A good and helpful process to undertake in this situation would be to closely examine images of past sold examples and compare what the prettier ones commanded in an assortment of grades as opposed to their less attractive brethren; that should deliver a feel for how much above average some have gone for centering.
Random side note: I used to own the 8 pictured above. Really liked that card and was the best 8 or 8.5 that I had come across. It changed hands quite a bit since then. I wound up finding this freak example below with amazing centering; it allowed me to sell the higher graded example, as I could not tell them apart on a wall display from my usual viewing distance, and expand my collection.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
Decent to slightly above average 57 Mantle with average centering would be $11-13k. Really nice Mantle with strong centering 52/48 or better you are looking at $19-20k+. Huge premium for strong centering which is so difficult to find with this issue, and if someone wants one close to dead centered they will pay $20k+ without hesitating. You also have to look for snow, ghost image, Orange burn marks on the right side.. which are minor issues.
Why did this only grade a 1.5?
Knowing how much you value centering and nice cards...I appreciate sharing the pronvenance with the PSA-8 1957 Mantle. I'm even more happy to have it in my collection.
Just noticed that a collector could purchase a 57 Aaron a 57 Mays and a 57 Ted Williams all in PSA 8 condition for less than the 57 Mantle. You could probably toss in the 57 Clemente in PSA 8 condition and still pay about the same as the 57 Mantle.
One 57 PSA Mantle is greater than the 57 Aaron, the 57 Mays, the 57 Ted Williams, and the 57 Clemente. Is that surprising to anyone?
A nice '57 Mantle is a tough card...that's why I ponied up and paid in excess of $20k.
It has a wrinkle in the area to the right of Mantle; one of those wrinkles that only shows up when held at an angle in certain light. That type of card is always my ideal, as it delivers me the look I want, while keeping my outlay to the minimum, and saves my resources for rarer/tougher stuff. It's almost like finding treasure or free money LOL. "Pound for pound" cards, I love to call them
Glad to see a fellow collector wound up with it and is enjoying it. Definitely was the best 8-9 I had come across and I scoured them all at the time.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
Unless there is a wrinkle or crease not visible on the scan....that is under graded. It presents exceptionally to superior to the assigned grade.
Based on the grading criteria, the 1.5 Mick certainly could have gotten as high as a 3. It does concede a wrinkle when held at an angle to light, kinda like an old school Sportflic! Man those bring back memories LOL. But the way I display it, I cannot see the wrinkle, so all good. It's always important to remember that any card grade we see, it is just an opinion, and the opinion of one stranger on one day; we don't know if that stranger has a good eye for cards, or is even a passionate collector who knows the set or card well, replete with all its nuances, etc. So we should take the grades with a grain of salt and trust our eyes most and what they think is a beautiful card.
Since the '57 Ted was brought up— great card. That is my favorite Ted card alongside the Wilson Franks. This is the best centered 57 Ted I ever came across, and luckily for my wallet it was graded very harshly on its day in court.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
That does not surprise me; Mantle demand will always be highest, plus the 1957 Topps Mick is so often found with eye appeal problems. The Ted and Willie are easier to find with good eye appeal; I cannot speak for the Hank as that is not a card for which I ever shopped, so don't know it as well.
All those 57s are such good looking cards; I love the simplicity of the 57 design. Someone once told me it was the Topps minimalist aesthetic set, the way the 53B was Bowman's minimalist edition.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
The simpler, the design...the more beautiful to me. That's why the 1953 Bowman Color, 1957 Topps and 1967 Topps are in my top 6 sets.
I love the bold color on the Ted Williams along with unimprovable centering! I owned a 1957 Ted Williams PSA-8.5...and it does not look as nice as your 6. I sold it last year...to fund other purchases, Here it is for comparison:
Awesome card. Thanks for sharing.
Reading these threads makes me happy I'm an Aaron/Clemente guy and not Mantle!
Though I do wish I had more of his cards in my collection. I'll always be Aaron first though.