why would I post this ? non sports

in Sports Talk
oh yeah deep purple Kicks A**
Did somebody get Smoked on the Water?
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
I don't know - Everclear? I know it's made me do some stupid things before......

"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Your pic is only 151 proof? That's only 75.5%...
You gotta get the good stuff; here is a shelf from a local liquor store

And thats how you go blind lol
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
that is pretty much poison
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The liquor store by me doesn't sell the 190.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Yea, perfect for those who wish to go the way of Brian Jones, Bon Scott, Jim Morrison, John Bonham, Keith Moon, and too many others.
I did about a half-shot of Everclear once, back in the mid 1980s; NEVER did it again!!!!!
I don't recall Ever drinking Everclear... Though my notes might be a little fuzzy on that part...
I call this one B&B...
Bases & Bourbon...🔌🏈🥃
Always astonishes me how some folks can do this to themselves? IE ingesting that poison, and even much worse chit than grain alcohol, as bad as that is.
I mean look at that list. Some of the top rock star names in history. They seemingly had it all, fame, fortune, women, etc. Yet for some reason it wasn't enough?
Just Scored Some...

I have a bottle of 190 proof Everclear - bought during the pandemic when hand sanitizer was in short supply so I could make my own with aloe gel. Never got around to it, though, so the bottle remains unopened in the pantry. Might find a creative way to get rid of it - think it might be a good fire starter out in the fire pit 😊
That's A Bad Move 4 your Fire🔥Pit🔥...