Basebal21 tries to be clever
Basebal21 said...
"Even Ignoring things being wiped from the internet 30 years ago Ortiz was suspended and it takes 2 seconds to find it"
Yes, David Ortiz was suspended for one day for supposedly bumping an umpire which appeared to be very dubious. Bumping an umpire and being suspended for PED use are light-years apart and one has nothing to do with the other. So lame!!!
Basebal21, in a desperate attempt to vindicate his position about Ortiz being suspended for PEDs use cannot escape the lie he told. His comment about Ortiz is slanderous...word to the wise...choose your future postings carefully. If I see another post slandering another sports figure, it is my intention to bring it to the attention of the powers to be at PSA and hopefully you will become a ghost.
I think he is clever enough to not get banned.
I've managed to avoid it for a long time.
At least he never said he'd rather get hit with a tennis ball than a baseball!
what in the 15 yard penalty for breathing Patrick Mahomes' air is going on around here
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Apparently Basebal secretly recorded David Arias sticking PED needles in his butt back during his Salt Lake Buzz playing days then shared them with the Pacific Coast League Commissioner who secretly suspended David. The fallout was so bad he had to change his name from Arias to Ortiz and move to Boston.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
that makes sense
wait, what?
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
You didn't hear about the secret suspension of David Arias? It's been wiped from the internet but you could find it in 2 seconds if you actually knew anything about baseball. It's from the late 90s or some other time and they did everything they could to bury it but I guess you don't like talking about baseball. Proof is in your inbox.
I'm guessing someone got caught trying to throw crap at the wall hoping it would stick and it didn't. He stated Ortiz got suspended for PEDs while in the minors and was told Pics Or It Didn't Happen. No Pics. 🤷♂️
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
Absolutely no idea
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
^^ This is true! WE DID IT. WE DID IT!