One reason why gold coin prices took off over the last few years

Janet Yellen, who was appointed Treasury secretary in January 2021, should have issued more long-dated government bonds before the Federal Reserve began hiking interest rates early in 2022, Druckenmiller said. The billionaire investor and head of Duquesne Family Office made the comments to elite trader Paul Tudor Jones during a fireside chat at a recent Robin Hood Foundation event.
"When rates were practically zero, every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Mary in the United States refinanced their mortgage," Druckenmiller said. "Unfortunately we had one entity that did not, and that was the US Treasury."
Druckenmiller warned that Yellen's error has worsened the state of America's finances. If rates stay where they are, the government's yearly interest expense will amount to 4.5% of GDP by 2033, and 7% by 2043 — equivalent to 144% of annual discretionary spending today, he said.
This is why gold coin prices have hit record new highs, we have a large debt that will come due and need to be refinanced with much higher interest rates.
I don't know if that is why gold rose per se. I do agree that was the smart thing to do money-wise.
Should have doubled or tripled the duration of the debt. Yellen and the Biden Administration were asleep at the switch.
Everything went up the last years. > @GoldFinger1969 said:
Add Mnuchin and Trump to that group. They added Trillions and had the opportunity to lock in rates even lower than Y and B did.
Last I heard the Au was a worldwide commodity. Doubt it gives much of a hoot bout Americas finances. THKS!
…..because it is catching up with inflation. Don’t blame politicians.
and what if politicians are responsible for the inflation?
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
if Bob raises his price for eggs because the pharmaceuticals raised their price for drugs …and the post office raised their price for stamps to keep pace with the oil company who raised their price, I’ m not sure it is any politician doing that, even as they vote themselves a big fat raise.
Yes, the raising of most all prices usually starts with oil. Until OPEC has us by the throat, and it has occurred before, congress is the root cause of inflation. When they have the FED inflate the money supply on their behalf (reckless spending), the result is price inflation because the value of the dollar has been diluted with more dollars. If the dollar were to hold steady value at all times, market forces (supply and demand) would determine prices. Any greed or price gouging would be met by competition.
Every time new dollars are printed the purchasing power of old dollars dwindles via inflation.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
^ And as such; in recent months, gold has increased in dollar value by 40%. Since I changed trades from metal roofing in 2009 to coins and precious metal bullion….(16 years ) Gold has tripled in value. From $900 per ounce to $2700 per ounce. And mostly I hear “gold is too expensive”. So I would think inflation is created more by greed , at its root , than politicians. If we were self governing, do you think we would be fair or greedy ? While I agree, in part ( blaming policies and not politicians) , I have to look at “us” and not point a finger at “who” or”them”. And while I’m at it : ( for blitzkrieg dude ) silver has tripled in value , too. ( in that same time frame ).
Edit to add and counter blitzdude’s following comment

Gutter metal is barely half of what it was 14 years ago. Everything else on the planet has doubled or tripled in price. LOL Stick with the metal of kings. THKS!
The World Gold Council outlines three potential scenarios for gold in 2025:
Range-bound with slight upside: This scenario assumes current market consensus expectations for interest rates, inflation, and growth hold true.
Downside pressure: This scenario could materialize if interest rates remain high or rise further, dampening investor appetite for gold. Weak economic growth could also negatively impact consumer demand.
Significantly higher: This scenario is predicated on heightened market volatility and geopolitical risks, prompting investors to seek safe-haven assets like gold.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Let there be no confusion about the source of the inflation problem.
"It is not gouging grocers. It is not greedy consumers. It is not opportunistic suppliers. It is not even restrictions on energy production. It is the money printers in D.C. who have deployed their powers to print in service of a Congress that has spent without limit, as if the resources will all appear just like magic."
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Well then that about covers it. They actually paid someone to come up with these senarios? :Roll SMH!
Last I saw inflation was occurring worldwide. Actually, much worse in most places compared to this great United States of America. The Bulgarian hedge misinformation network strikes again. THKS!
Last I saw inflation was occurring worldwide. Actually, much worse in most places compared to this great United States of America.
That doesn't make it any less of a problem. If the US can't keep its act together (which seems obvious to me), then the rest of the world will experience a market crash even worse than here. Weimar on a global scale.
The "brilliant minds" in DC will propose a new system that is designed to help mainly themselves, and a new fiat system will fail per Jim Sinclair.
Got gold and silver?
Yellen is a mindless bureaucrat; I am so glad she is gone. I don't know much about Bessent but he probably has 100 IQ points on Yellen.
So that makes him average. Lol
Is he smarter than Munchkin? Or just another pea from the same pod?
LOL Don't know. But his wife is probably not as hot. Who says money can't buy happiness.
Prior to covid, silver was fluctuating between 15 and 20 and ounce. It's now $30ish. The price of a of gallon of milk in 2019 was roughly 3 bucks, now it's around 4 bucks. That's the glass half full view of silver.
central banks (but not ours) have been on a gold buying spree since the US stole (sanctions) the money Russia had tied up in US bonds. Fearing they may someday end up on the bad side of the US, foreign CBs have switched their monetary stockpile to gold and have been driving the price for the past year. Purchase of US debt are now on the decline. Another shot in the foot by clueless US leaders.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Milk is around $7-8 a gallon. I haven't seen $4 milk in years. THKS!,2025 7:33 AM CST
Goodness you must be shopping at the wrong store. Great Value (Walmart's) store brand is $2.98 per gallon here in God's Country. That's compared to $5.38 per gallon for the name brand, that comes from the same Hiland plant as the Great Value.
Philippians 4:4-7
Sorry should have specified we buy Non-GMO Organic only. Walmart great value milk is water with a bit of milk flavor and a few added chemicals. RGDS!
Not true and anyone that knows about agriculture and/or nutrition knows that. I'll let you in on a secret, organic and other such terms are marketing gimmicks meant to prey on city folks and the uninformed. Your organic milk isn't anymore healthy, doesn't have anymore vitamins or nutrients than my Great Value whole milk. You can continue to overpay for milk if you want, it's a free country, but it would be like overpaying for fancy gutter. 😉
Philippians 4:4-7
Is there gold in milk?
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
I'll let you in on a secret. I do live in the country and I am surrounded by miles and miles of farms. There absolutely is a difference between organic vs non-organic. You can continue to put whatever garbage chemical laced crap you wish into your body and I will stick with what works for mine. The fuel that goes into my body is extremely important.
An ounce of gutter is just an ounce of gutter, you don't eat it. I could care less what fancy design is stamped on it, it's all the same. Stick with your cheapo food and overpay for your fancy gutter. I'll stick with the opposite. RGDS!
The essence of coin collecting is the design and markings that have been put onto a piece of metal (and the history surrounding that).
If you have such disdain for collecting, why do spend time at a coin collecting website ?
I have noticed a peculiar difference between regular whole milk and organic whole milk. In my case, I only buy the house brand of the grocery store and I buy the one-half gallon cartons.
If I buy the regular whole milk, its expiration date is usually about two weeks in the future. Inevitably, a few days before the expiration date is reached, there are little bits of hardened milk stuff in the milk (the bits of milk are maybe half the size of a sesame seed) and the milk starts to smell and taste a little funny. I end up throwing away the rest of the milk because I find it unpleasant.
On the other hand, if I buy the organic whole milke, the expiration date is usually one month in the future. Sure enough, one month later, the milk is still the same as the day I bought it. I've never tested how long I can keep the milk before it starts to exhibit the fouling of regular milk but it most certainly keeps longer than regular milk. I've gone maybe one week past the expiration date on the organic milk and it was still good.
This was quite a surprise to me. Prior to buying it, I would have thought that organic milk would not have kept as long as the regular milk. Instead, it's exactly the opposite.
LOL, I'm glad you live in the country. Did you also stay at a Holiday Inn last night? 😆
I have a master's degree in Animal Science. I also raise beef cattle and my wife's family has a dairy farm, so I may know a thing or two. You are however correct in that there is absolutely a difference between organic and non-organic milk, it's called the method of production. However, the difference in the method of production in no way makes organic milk more nutritious or healthier.
I have no problem with organic milk or anything organic for that matter, and if people want to pay the premium fine. What I do have a problem with is when someone tries to deceive people by claiming organic is healthier/more nutritious than conventional food when they have no valid scientific proof.
For the record I don't buy cheapo food, but I also try not to overpay when I don't have to, it leaves me more money to buy silver. 😉
Philippians 4:4-7
I can't explain your individual experience with the shelf life of organic vs non-organic milk, although it does seem counterintuitive considering that organic milk shouldn't have any added preservatives. With that said, there are many factors that can affect the shelf life of milk, and I would caution that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. I also wouldn't put too much weight behind anecdotal evidence in the absence of scientific proof. Additionally, longer shelf life has no bearing on how healthy or nutritious a product is.
Philippians 4:4-7
The reason the organic milk keeps longer is that it is ultra high temperature (UHT) pasteurized in most cases. In many places around the world milk is aseptic (sterilized) and isn't refrigerated and has a shelf life around half a year unless the package is opened. The single biggest factor that differentiates organic milk from regular homogenized milk is price, and the fact that the vast majority of Earth's human inhabitants cannot afford it.
Isn't organic milk supposedly from cows that have not been treated with growth hormones and antibiotics, etc.? If so, then the argument could possibly be made that it may have additional health benefits, due to the lack of those possible trace residues etc. One thing I was not aware of is the longer shelf life of the organic milk... sounds like a good benefit to me.
But meanwhile.... got gold?
Is there a reason why non-organic milk isn't also pasteurized that way? Both the organic and non-organic milk I've bought from the grocery store are pasteurized. My understanding is that pasteurization changes the flavor of milk. However, the organic and non-organic milk from the store taste the same to me.
You are correct, if it is certified organic then the cows would not have been treated with antibiotics or BST. One can also make any argument they want. However, not to be rude, but I am not interested in arguments. I am interested in valid scientific data proving that organic milk is healthier and/or more nutritious than non-organic milk. Unfortunately, that data does not exist.
Philippians 4:4-7
Abraham Lincoln said it best in Gettysburg many years ago, "Government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy shall not perish from the earth".
Or something like that.............
you guys are really milking this thread
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Good one, that made me LOL. I never thought I would be discussing organic milk in such detail on a precious metals forum. The funniest thing to me is that I finally figured out how to get Blitz's goat, accuse him of overpaying for milk. 😆
Philippians 4:4-7
One of the greatest metal bands of all time IMO
My Ebay Store
Who doesn't like them some dairyb?
One of my top 10 favorite albums.
Never thought I'd be able to link a song about milk in a tread of gold prices. Love this place!!
I met the guys in M.O.D. which was a spinoff from S.O.D. circa 1987-88. They rolled into a Wataburger in Austin Tx about 2am and proceeded to trash the place. Ironically, we were at the show earlier that night where they had opened for Exodus. Good memories. RGDS!
... we were at the show earlier that night where they had opened for Exodus. Good memories. RGDS!
Lucky SOB. That's my all time favorite band. Should be included in Big 4. Probably would be if Paul Baloff hadn't died so soon. Gary Holt is top-5 guitarists of all-time.
Bonded by blood brother!!
I guess heavy metal is a move towards precious metals and away from milk.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Or at least another step closer to Reality™
Please don't feed the bears! Ahh the memories.