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Billy Ripken error pack and PSA

Recently I purchased a sealed pack of 89 fleer graded 9 with the bill ripken error on the front.

The label did not designate the FF variation however you can clearly read the word “face” from the pack.

I reached out to PSA for a label correction and explaining that while the vulgarity is not easily identifiable that fact that you can see the word “face” should be enough to designate the card.

Here is the picture of the pack and the reply from PSA.


Reply from PSA after submission for label correcting :

Thank you for submitting this request.

Reviewing the images of the pack through the holder, I don't see the error clearly, only "Face", not the first word. We have to be able to see the variety with 100% certainty, and I don't see that here. The original submitter did not note this as the vulgar error either, and you'd think he would have given the value difference, so I am not sure, and really don't think this is indeed the error.

You are welcome to submit it for a review, and I will even provide a Fedex label for the return, but I don't believe this is mislabeled. It is difficult to see the fronts of some of these packs through a holder, and through the cello, so that's why I am including a Fedex label, but it is up to you whether you would like to send it in for the paid review.


  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,054 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would first try to contact psa and see if you can find someone who will take the time to hear you out. Eventually, you're going to need to send in for a review, but if it's PSA's policy that the entire error has to be visible, you are going to have to find someone with both common sense and also somewhat willing (and able) to make a decision that goes against their policies.

    I fought with them on several occasions, and haven't had much luck.

    Hope you can get it properly labeled!

    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    Thanks. Appreciate that feedback. I have another email
    Into them to try to schedule a phone call.
    I understand their point but at the same time , send me a label that just says “face” and it will be a true 1/1

    Have you had luck with resubmitting a request and hopes of getting another customer service agent?

  • mintonlyplsmintonlypls Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 30, 2024 10:19AM

    Other variations have the wording on the knob obscured in one way or another.Common sense should indicate that if the word “face” is visible…then it is the FF variation.

  • vols1vols1 Posts: 797 ✭✭✭
    edited August 30, 2024 12:09PM
  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    @vols1 said:
    They have graded several of them. The label says FF error. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1989-fleer-unopened-cello-pack-psa-nm-4711789694

    Great. But still doesn’t solve my problem

  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,054 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 30, 2024 1:37PM

    @momo1234 said:
    Thanks. Appreciate that feedback. I have another email
    Into them to try to schedule a phone call.
    I understand their point but at the same time , send me a label that just says “face” and it will be a true 1/1

    Have you had luck with resubmitting a request and hopes of getting another customer service agent?


    Here's an example of an item they refuse to put in my Killebrew Master set;

    The only "success" I can remember was getting all 3 variations of the 1967 Killebrew Punchout added. Two of the three have since been removed from my set.

    Frustrating to say the least, I sent a lot of money getting them all and having them graded, then degraded with the proper label, only to be denied in the end.

    As long as I'm crying, here's another one I lost. I submitted the below pictured card (image from current ebay listing) and got a PSA 10! It clearly pictures Killebrew and Oliva. Killebrew is the only Minnesota Twins player to ever wear the number "3".
    PSA won't allow me to add it because it doesn't say "Killebrew" on it. Funny, I noticed cards in the Babe Ruth set that showed his picture, but didn't have his name on it.

    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    Crazy. Well like in my case the card speaks for itself.
    As it sits my pack has a pop 3
    Let someone see it and tell me it’s not the error

  • I myself had sent one of these Cello packs with the FF error as the top card and really had to look at it to see the "Face" on it and couldn't see the "F***" word. This makes me really nervous now that it may not be graded correctly. I'll keep you all updated on my results once I get them. I sent it mid June and it shows completion early November.

  • bgrbgr Posts: 2,461 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The process in a couple steps.

    1. get rid of blue while retaining as much information as possible.

    1. Use a recursive NN algorithm to adjust the colorspace pixel-by-pixel to adjust for the impact of the layer we removed.

    Viva Los Computadoras!

  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    @bgr said:
    It took a couple masks but it didn't seem that hard... and this is with an image.. with the correct light frequency you could read it clearly I bet.

    @bgr said:
    It took a couple masks but it didn't seem that hard... and this is with an image.. with the correct light frequency you could read it clearly I bet.

    @bgr said:
    It took a couple masks but it didn't seem that hard... and this is with an image.. with the correct light frequency you could read it clearly I bet.

    I’m sorry. How did you do that? You were able to lighten it up somehow?

  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    @bgr said:
    The process in a couple steps.

    1. get rid of blue while retaining as much information as possible.

    1. Use a recursive NN algorithm to adjust the colorspace pixel-by-pixel to adjust for the impact of the layer we removed.

    Viva Los Computadoras!

    There’s no way PSA is gonna do that for me.
    I wonder if any of them
    Ever look at this forums.

  • UlyssesExtravaganzaUlyssesExtravaganza Posts: 648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think it comes down to communicating with someone who understands all of the different possible versions of the card. I feel the person you spoke to does not. Would think the data has to be in their system for graders who have to be aware of all the variations. Is it showing the words? Black box. White scribble. Etc. Etc. The Pop Report spells it out for us what variations there are for us. For an employee of PSA think it would be incredibly more clear. Is there any variation where Face shows but the F word does not? I was not aware of one. If one does not exist then this feels like a no-brainer. If one does, okay its more challenging.

  • bgrbgr Posts: 2,461 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't know what PSA has the ability to do, but the original image had enough light that went through the colored cello wrapper and reflected back to allow us to see what was behind it.

    It's basically the same as what they did on Jurassic Park to create dinosaurs, except completely different.

  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    Well I hope someone from @psa IS READING

  • bgrbgr Posts: 2,461 ✭✭✭✭✭

    They should first read this.


    It's all downhill from there.

  • mintonlyplsmintonlypls Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes…it clearly shows FF on the knob.

  • bgrbgr Posts: 2,461 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've heard that tweeting at them... or whatever it's called. X-ing? crossing at them? well whatever that is. I've heard that works best.

  • momo1234momo1234 Posts: 358 ✭✭✭

    @UlyssesExtravaganza said:
    I think it comes down to communicating with someone who understands all of the different possible versions of the card. I feel the person you spoke to does not. Would think the data has to be in their system for graders who have to be aware of all the variations. Is it showing the words? Black box. White scribble. Etc. Etc. The Pop Report spells it out for us what variations there are for us. For an employee of PSA think it would be incredibly more clear. Is there any variation where Face shows but the F word does not? I was not aware of one. If one does not exist then this feels like a no-brainer. If one does, okay its more challenging.

    Well I emailed them for a phone call so I hope PSA will call me.

  • RufussCkingstonRufussCkingston Posts: 1,720 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You have to assume that the email was only read by a generic CS rep, not someone with FF knowledge or the pack grading dept and didn't necessarily ask around for input. Same if you get your phone call, you won't be talking to a pack grading rep, so a waste of time. Keep everything to email. The person who subbed it probably had a brain fart and only put on the form that Billy Ripken was on top, didn't think to mention FF BR on top, so the research and ID person wasn't going to correct him, maybe the submitter just saw it as a ho hum BR on top (doubtful, but we've all see odd things). So it isn't really mis-holdered, but you want it re-holdered. If they will take it for review and send you a free Fedex, I'd just go with that and the proper people will look at it and probably sensibly label it a FF BR....

  • nendeenendee Posts: 568 ✭✭✭

    The user that showed you a previous slab example was helping your problem.

    Send them an email with that precedent - and they will have no choice but to reslab.

    Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

    My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com
  • 82FootballWaxMemorys82FootballWaxMemorys Posts: 1,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm willing to pay extra if they would print the actual word on the Flip

    It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)

  • Nice! Mine is now showing it is past the Research and ID to Grading now! I hope to be at your PSA 9 but don't know. First time sending a pack in for grading.

  • Mine got a PSA 8. I was expecting a 7. Was put in boxes and through some moves. Just wanted to keep it safe which is why I graded it.

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