Will "AI Sport Card Grading" be the next thing of the future ?

Sometimes I like to think out of the box ,... way out!!! lololol
I was curious as to how many people (eyes and hands) actually saw a card(s) submitted for grading prior to reaching the grader so I contacted PSA and asked them.
They couldn't answer specifically how many, but did state apparently several departments. or people would physically see the submission prior to reaching the actual grader. That is good in a way:)
Let's suppose it went directly to the grader and the person submitting the card(s) slipped a few 'C'-notes into the box. It could be possible that the grader(s) grab the 'C'-notes' and in return graded the card one or two grades above what they normally would. Hence an 8 or 9 in lieu of a 6 or 7.
The 'possibility' of corruption and dishonesty exists whenever the human factor is involved.
After all card grading is mostly subjective, I presume, to a certain point within specified guidelines.
I'd be willing to bet a 91 Wild Card, Brett Farve RC "ungraded" that somewhere someplace along the line a grader was essentially paid off to increase the actual grade of a card. Maybe not specifically at PSA or BGS ..but at some grading company.
Maybe by a friend, neighbor someone who knew that person and told them to keep a look out for a particular submission.
That leads me to my next thought: "AI GRADING" ... consistent, full proof, human less, Artificial Intelligence (AI) sport card grading. Parameters and variances are programed, set and locked. The grade is what AI says it is. Absolutely, no human factor or judgement involved. Consistent AI card grading at its best. hehehehehe
In this age of technology, we live in AI will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other's. AI development is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the PC, the Internet and the mobile phone.
AI technology is being used to fly F-16 fighter planes with superb results, already outperforming human flown F-16.
So my question is not how .. but when do you think**** "AI card grading" come into full fruition ?****
Will your 9's and 10's need regrading ????
FredRI ( Out of the Box )
Suggest putting this in the Trading Cards & Memorabilia Forum.
Not all coin collectors collect or know about trading cards.
both cards and coins are going to have multiple AI grades before it gets to the person that grades it to make the grading more consistent.
Why have a grader??
I'm back !! ololol
I still contend AI is the wave of the future ..time will tell.