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Bank of New England Five Dollars Good Speed`s Landing

This obsolete note I have is Gem Crisp with Signatures and dated. Very clear. Does this add to the value or not? I was looking on ebay for 1 with a signature and could not find one. Thanks for any help! Dan


  • Steve_in_TampaSteve_in_Tampa Posts: 2,003 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I’ve only seen one other that was dated and signed. It was a $1 note and after some detective work, it was determined that the note had the signature falsely added some time afterwards.

    Several members here are experts on obsoletes and should have an opinion. My understanding is that issued Obsoletes (signed & dated) are valued more than Remainders.

  • dantheman984dantheman984 Posts: 868 ✭✭✭

    @Steve_in_Tampa said:
    I’ve only seen one other that was dated and signed. It was a $1 note and after some detective work, it was determined that the note had the signature falsely added some time afterwards.

    Several members here are experts on obsoletes and should have an opinion. My understanding is that issued Obsoletes (signed & dated) are valued more than Remainders.

    Thank you Steve. Here is the picture of the reverse of note:

  • StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,577 ✭✭✭

    These are readily available as gem crisp remainders, and are from time to time found with added signatures and date such as this.

    Preferences vary. Some would rather have an unblemished remainder, while others don't mind the spurious signatures. I'd just as soon have an unsigned remainder myself, as the bogus sigs can be confusing to some.

  • sellitstoresellitstore Posts: 3,026 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A few of the remainders have legitimate serial numbers and/or dates but no signatures.

    Both the Cashier and President signatures appear to be from the same pen and hand, so, yes, these are false signatures.

    Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
  • dantheman984dantheman984 Posts: 868 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for your input. I appreciate it! :)

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