Laminating notes question

I have a bunch of world and US notes. Nothing rare or super high grade. I would like to put them together as a display for my classroom. My question would they fare if I put them in a mylar, or similar, sleeve before running them through the laminator?
My thinking is that having them sleeves would make it easy to remove them if I ever wanted to. Would the mylar overheat and mess up the notes?
Try it first with a blank piece of paper in a Mylar holder.
Never laminate, unless you plan on never reselling or value means very, very little to you.
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I like the suggestion presented by member @vonlettow.
If nothing is rare or high grade, go for it.
The mylar will not overheat and burn the notes, they are made of a cotton with linen blend, not actual paper.
OTOH, I am preparing a similar display donation for Brent at Cerro Gordo Ghost Mine and have decided to have the VF notes graded and PMG label the mine name on it