Germania mint

in Q & A Forum
Looking for a opinion on the Germania mint ultra high relief coins or are they rounds?
Specifically be one called the chameleon and the other called the meteor dinosaur any future in these ?
Never heard of them.
Germania isn't a country so unless they are making coins under contract for a sovereign nation, they're just bullion rounds.
Do they have a denomination and issuing country on them?
Sounds like specialty rounds made by a private mint. Can't predict the future, but private mint rounds rarely trade for more than bullion value. You may get lucky and find a buyer that really likes the design but that might require a lot of effort
However, if you like them, buy them. Just don't buy them as an investment.
I think that these are the subject items:
~ chameleon;
~ meteor dinosaur.
Thanks @MetroD
Technically, those are coins issued by the Niue Islands. But in reality they are made by private mints with a small amount of revenue going to the islands. They are called non circulating legal tender (NCLT) and places like the Niue Islands are involved with loads of this stuff
Once again, buy it if you like it, not as an investment.
Edit to add
The dinosaur piece is from the Niue Islands. The chameleon piece is just a bullion round
Very interesting pieces.
As stated above, probably not an investment, but if you like them and they aren't too overpriced then I wouldn't blame someone for buying them.