Post your ChangeOver notes please

I scored this on a whimsical early low ball bid that was a surprise win so I am pleased as punch.
Lets spread the happness by sharing photos
I scored this on a whimsical early low ball bid that was a surprise win so I am pleased as punch.
Lets spread the happness by sharing photos
Red seals too
I love signature, year (& series) change-overs. That's what we have in Canada. Our series change-overs are very seldom seen (like the Devil's to the modified 1954 series) & a few of the Journey. Nice pairs!
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More happiness on Green Seal Five FRNs too
1934 to 1934-A series COP
pssst - these are superb
but they go in the RADAR thread, this is the COP
1928-B to 1928-C COP
1934-A to Mule $5 SCs

Gary N spreads the love
Can someone please explain to me what a CHANGEOVER/ROLLOVER PAIR is and how it's determined. Please answer in depth, I'm really intellectually challenged. I looked all over and couldn't find an answer.
It is a sequential pair that transitions a series!
Each note is printed from an engraving plate that has the design AND a very small serial number that defines which series it was made for. When the BEP prints notes and changes to a new series they place the new front plates into the machine but save on the costs of creating new back plates until they wear out.
They figure that most back designs don't change like the fronts and nobody will notice.
Collectors now do.
Excellent first posts @BadWithMoney , welcome to the forum.
Very nice! I understand the signature & BPN change-overs but I'm scratching my head trying to figure out the others. Could somebody please explain what the certifiers mean by "wide" &/or "narrow?"
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Too all on this thread Thanks!
This is the most material or discussion and examples of "Change-Over" pairs I have seen anywhere short of the books, "Standard Guide to Small - sized U S Paper Money, I have 5th & 6th editions.
I have spoken to quite a few dealers and was amazed at the lack of awareness or even any that have ever seen one of these. You can see my previous posts discussing this topic .
I will also say anyone wanting to sell your pairs I am a buyer at a fair price.
Nice morning finding this thread.
Here are my "Change-Over Pairs", if the photos work, I am terrible at pictures and computers.

That there is a beauty. Congratulations
I concur 100% regarding this thread and discussion that has been perused with some fantastic pictures to exemplify the topic, hell with some small ability on the computer and the photo's of course. Between the two threads and what has likely been left out yet maybe willing if it was noticed in a Book!, HMMM!
All great pictures - NICE!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
These are good picture's except mine, I think I will try again to get sufficient clarity to able to read the Plate Position at least.
Morning All,
Synchr, your collection of "Change-overs" is fantastic. How many years has it taken you to put it together?
I am so new around this computer rules about most everything, so i will ask is it appropriate to sebd messages to people without an invitation too, in other words I would like to speak to you in a more private method rather than like here which is so very public?
Almost a Change Over pair, 6 notes apart