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(Closed) YN Giveway - Two graded World coins. One to each of first two respondents.

cecropiamothcecropiamoth Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 30, 2021 10:55PM in Coin Swaps, Tags and Giveaways

I have two PCGS graded World coins which I've recently upgraded that I would like to pass along to a couple of YN's that will appreciate them.

One coin to each of the first responders. I'll take responses from either a YN or their parent or guardian (as long as the coin is promised to the youngster :) ). First person to respond can pick the coin of their choice. The second to respond will receive the remaining coin. Please respond inside this thread. We'll then confirm shipping address via PM.

First option -- 1946(P) Ecuador 5 Centavos PCGS MS65 (pop 3/3). Produced at the Philadelphia mint for Ecuador. CuNi, 17 mm, 1.95 g. KM# 76b. Mintage 40,000,000. This coin has a PCGS TrueView image. I will note that in hand, this coin is essentially blast white with strong luster. It appears significantly lighter than the TrueView, which suggests a much darker coin.


Second option -- 1946(P) Venezuela 5 Centimos PCGS MS66 (pop 24/7). Produced at the Philadelphia mint for Venezuela. CuNi, 19.1 mm, 2.40 g. Y# 29a. Mintage 12,000,000. Unfortunately no PCGS TrueView for this coin, but there is an older PCGS scan available. This is a little luster bomb!!! The small contact mark to the left of the 5 on the reverse likely prevented this example from joining the seven coins graded at MS66+ (top pop grade).


Coins will be mailed to the two first responders early next week.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!!!

Take care,



  • MJ1927MJ1927 Posts: 159 ✭✭✭

    Very kind gesture, a couple of young numismatists will be very happy with these... happy Memorial Day weekend!

  • ShaunBC5ShaunBC5 Posts: 1,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My YNs would love to have one of those! If this is just for YNs who post the board, I’m sure they’ll love them, too.
    Thanks for your generosity.

  • cecropiamothcecropiamoth Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @ShaunBC5

    Great picture!!!

    Thanks for getting the youngsters interested!!!

    Nope, not just for the YN's that post here.

    Since you have two YN's, how about I send both so that each can have one? LOL, that way there would be no fightin'!!!

    This has been up for almost two days now and had enough views, so I'm cool with that. Let me know if you would like me to mail both your way. If yes, I'll mark this as closed and get them sent off Tuesday or Wednesday.

    You can PM me your mailing address.

    Take care,


  • ShaunBC5ShaunBC5 Posts: 1,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That would be awesome! They’ll be so excited!
    Check your PMs and thanks so much!

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