Hank Aaron Auto Authentic???

Hi, before I send into PSA to authenticate, was hoping to see if anyone could let me know your thoughts on whether this Hank Aaron auto I have is authentic and worth getting authenticated
? Thx!
Hi, before I send into PSA to authenticate, was hoping to see if anyone could let me know your thoughts on whether this Hank Aaron auto I have is authentic and worth getting authenticated
? Thx!
I am no expert on HA but on first glance it looks pretty good.
An option is to list it on Ebay at a ridiculously high price that no one would buy it at, and then pay for a Quick Opinion ($15?) to see if it is likely genuine. If it passes that test you can then pay full price for the formal authentication.
It doesn't look real to me. Every Hank Aaron signature I've seen, the "H" in Hank has a loop that makes it look more like a G or S. His signature isn't usually this clear. He certainly could have changed things up over the years though...
He signed this in the early 80's.
I had one that I submitted to PSA/DNA that was returned as not authentic (which was received TTM back in 1979) very similar to yours ....I've been told since that someone else had been signing his fan mail (even back that far).
Same thing with me too. Sent mine to the Atlanta Braves in 1980. Still even have the return envelope. Kept the card for 40 years and PSA/DNA returned not authentic
This is one I had signed in the mid 60's and actually taking to PSA in N.J. to drop off tomorrow, so maybe this helps you ..will have back in approx. 20 working days.
2 more I am taking along, total of 15 in submission. They are already in the penny sleeves and card Saver #1 for drop off...