Welp, this is a thing.... So far this PSA10 Black Lotus is at 700k.

Crazy. I wonder if it will break 1m. It has 9 days left. The last known (I think) sale on one of these was 250k and that was about a year? ago.
My guess it will break the 1$ million dollar barrier and then some.
I do not know these much but from people who have been playing MTG since 1993 in my family there is no way a PSA 10 should even exist. This is based on their first hand knowledge of opening packs and cards always seeming to have some king of printing issue. I on y part have no idea not into MTG just followed the Black Lotus.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Pop 7 too, not like it is the only one around...
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
There are 6 PSA 9 Mantles, and one just sold for 5.2 million.
The Black Lotus is iconic and while MTG doesn't have the following some sports cards do, this card will only appreciate in value.
welcome aboard. btw, there's a great article on mtg in the smr this month!
Just wow ! Not an expert, but condition sensitive card, small print run, and the iconic card for MTG. Investors are going after this.
i dont know much about non sports, but even I have heard of the black lotus
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Would you”play” the card? Is it an automatic win??
My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com
I would guess that the core group of people that buy the game type cards are also bitcoiner's who have experienced massive windfalls so the sky's the limit
Well almost 40 bid retractions now at 310k. Like I said I have my doubts that any Alpha cards are truly PSA 10's.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
It is mostly a nerd thing MTG. Nothing wrong with that just a fact and most science nerds make good incomes.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
You don't actually believe this, do you?
Collectibles across all genres are experiencing tremendous growth due to a massive influx of cash as speculators of all types (not just "nerds") are racing to invest.
Investors of all types are rushing to the collectible market. You think it's just "bitcoiners" buying sports cards and driving up prices?
Yes I do my brother has been into this since 1993 knows the inside outs very well and he is the one that told me this. So yes I do since he is a very smart guy/nerd. Like most nerds he has also a advanced science degree that allows him to enjoy his hobbies.
I have a advanced degree in social sciences and like many people in my field we do not care about card games. As a collector I do enjoy the series and history. Social science for the most part does not pay well like science degrees just a fact.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Of course their is a like anything. A lot of people with advanced science degrees are hardcore MTG players. They have very well paid careers. Science pays.
Most sports guys including myself could not even play this game or understand it. I am not saying we are dumb just most of us non nerds do not feel like sitting around playing card games or care much to learn about them. I do respect MTG it looks like a great game just can't stand it not exciting at all for me. I do play many video games and RPG games and many other types.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Do you think only people who watch sports are investing in sports cards? Or is it possible people of all walks of life, regardless of their affinity for the sport or game, see the investment opportunity and are buying?
No like I said but the majority are. I have been into that since the late 1980's. I know that hobby very well. I consider myself 30% nerd and 70% street smarts. I am no science guy. Go to Net54 the sports card forum those guys love watching sports not all some just like the history of it.
What I am saying is many MTG players have well paid careers and can afford such things. Like coin collectors same thing.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
It is easy to make 100k and much more per year with a science degree just the way it is. Hey I have no problem with that they have the brains and skills and they are in very high demand worldwide
Nothing wrong about been a nerd. Heck wish I was but such is life I have my talents in my field and other things.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Anyways the card has 40 bid retractions and is at 310k.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
It's more than 'nerds are rich'.
MTG has a massive and global following. I sold a large portion of my collection over the past 2 months and shipped cards to Canada, Finland, Norway, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Japan, and Australia.
Whoever said that MTG is clearly smaller than sports cards...I am not so sure about that.
I agree I know it is a global thing just like Pokemon and comic books/superheroes. I contemplated many times to build the 1993 MTG Alpha set minus the Black Lotus but I prefer coins. Same for the 1999 1st edition Pokemon set I should have would be rich now and could sell and get the coins I want. But it is what it is when you hesitate someone else is not. I was going to just buy the Holo cards in the best grades I could get but then came the insane price increase in the late summer of 2020. I knew it was coming but just was not sure when.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
That was my point I was trying to make. To suggest that the massive uptick in prices is solely due to "nerds" fundamentally does not understands what is happening in the overall collectible market.
High-grade collectibles of all flavors are seeing massive upticks in investors: sports cards, MTG, pokeman, all of it. People are looking outside traditional collectible investments like art and vehicles and it's raising the prices for everything.
I agreed with you but still does not change the fact the large majority are nerds. And again and again and again nothing wrong with nerds.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Hahahaha!!! Like I said nothing wrong with nerds or sports people to each his own.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Nerd fight!
Hey some are pretty tough I did karate for a little over 20 years (had to stop due to injuries) and some of my best friends where tough nerds. And I was very good at it. Some became police officers and some military and other professions.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Now back to the Black Lotus and forget about black belts.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers