1956D Lincoln cent odd number in date

in Q & A Forum
This 1956D has an unusual 6 in the date, anyone have an idea what it's from?
The "6" is damaged.
Copper is a relatively soft metal. The edge of the 6 took a hit and the metal shifted. Sorry, but it's just damage, not an error
Damaged - possibly from a rolling machine.
The 6 took a hit. PMD.
I agree it could be damage, but there are no other signs of damage on the coin around the edge. thank you all for your comments. I think its still interesting.
"Could be" damage?
And what else "could" it be?
could be a beat up letter G ?
Just a bump in the parking lot ?
You can see the shiny copper surface where the 6 was pushed off of. Pmd no added value. Peace Roy
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