china 18th century coins

Any information would be helpful... do not know the exact years. the differences are very subtle.
the first is around 24 mm and 4.12 grams
the second is 25 mm and thin 2.72 grams
the third is around 23 mm and 4.04 grams
A world without coins "Chaos"
Try posting in the world coin forum
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
I think this is the place. at the top of the page it says world and ancient coin forum doesn't it?
A world without coins "Chaos"
Originally appeared on the U.S. Forum, for sure, I saw it there! And it was irritating.
Sorry I irritated you
A world without coins "Chaos"
It’s not your fault it was the website messing up. All is forgiven
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
First coin
China 1 wen, Qian-long 1736-1795, Board of Revenue. Type B, issued in 1740-59.
Second coin
China 1 wen, Guang Xu 1875-1908, Guangdong (Kwantung). Milled struck cash, issued in 1895-1899.
Third coin
China 1 wen, Qian-long 1736-1795, Board of Works. Type F2 (top of boo is extended), issued in 1779-95.
I am on Numista and it shows specific years. anyone out there who can differentiate what year each coin was issued
Here are the website pages for each coin.
number 1
number 2 has only 2 slight varieties
number 3 I know you give me Type f2 so what specific year is it
A world without coins "Chaos"
There are no specific years on these coins. There are issuing periods for each type of these coins, and I posted them after type description.
I see now. Thank you so much for your help. These coins are most confusing. Is there a primer for identifying them somewhere?
A world without coins "Chaos"
I use
This is large database, moderated with experts of Oriental numismatics.
the third one photo does not match up with my coin. Would you please recheck it...the outer rim is narrower and the lettering is different on one side
A world without coins "Chaos"
Obverse. We see here Emperor's name Qian-long (top to bottom), and TongBao (right to left), which means currency.
Reverse. Lettering in Manchu script: Boo (ᠪᠣᠣ) in left and Yuwan (ᠶᡠᠸᠠᠨ), that means Board of Works mint, Beijing.
Things marked with red arrows are disctinctive type feature: top of boo is extended.
About the rim: This is a cast coin of low quality. It is difficult to find exactly the same coins even within the same type.
Thanks again. Got 2 and 3 mixes up, Sorry. Thanks for the explanation. Very interestng. There is a guy on Numista from Japan that has quite a few of themActually 108 different and over 500 to swap with
A world without coins "Chaos"