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Question on the new currency holders.

the new holders have the pcgs logo and all the info on the left side now. makeing the about 3in longer. ((they dont not fet in the page holders ))

is pcgs going to keep this holder or go back to the reg holder that fit ???

or do they have something new to hold the notes in???? i know longer pages would stick out of a 3 ring binder.

i allso under stand that they are makeing there coin slabs thicker. will them fit in the pcgs boxes ?????


Loe-steelielee-bought 690. sale
nate-grandrapidian-bought 70. sale
Paul-commoncents-3500+ sales
Ken-jfoot-sold-125.00 sale
Mike-mozeppa-bought 1080. sale
Dave-Badger-sale 560.00
Lochness-sale 1,000. 00


  • ConstantineConstantine Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭
    Are referring to their very first holder? Maybe you have an old one and are confused.
  • its probably an old holder... is it flimsy? if so then its old

    this is an old holder:

    old holder

  • gnatgnat Posts: 392 ✭✭✭
    Very very old holder, dating back to 2009.
  • I want to say they are from 2005-2006. By 2007 I know they had the firm top label ones in use.
  • synchrsynchr Posts: 1,411 ✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: larry510
    I want to say they are from 2005-2006. By 2007 I know they had the firm top label ones in use.

    +1, for a low service charge PCGS will quickly put that in their new holders as the old ones really are cumbersome, which is dangerous
  • At the last Long Beach show there was a dealer who had a few notes in those old side label flimsy holders. I told him to get them reholdered and make the notes more saleable. It really does make a big difference in marketability.
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