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CC Renewal Time: Review?

It's time for me to re-up. Will be my second year so I'm still pretty new at this game. I have a few ungraded cards for my registries that I've been trying to accumulate to send in on a special, but I'm leaning pretty heavily towards sending them in for the renewal sub instead. I do feel like I should also at least give real thought on whether to send any cards in for review since I have several that I'd like to get reholdered with the new case/flip anyway, so if I'm going to send them to PSA might as well get the review. To that end, a few questions: Would I have to pay the reholder fees if nothing bumps or can you ask for reholder along with the review? And is there any real chance on any of these? Cards I think would have the best chance to get a .5 point bump, with their current grades are:

1965 Carlton PSA 6


1968 Bench PSA 7.5


1971 Blyleven PSA 7


1975 Yount PSA 8


1978 Molitor PSA 8


Thoughts? I can come up with reasons why these should stay at their current grade or bump--at what chance of a bump do folks find it worth giving it a shot?


  • hammeredhammered Posts: 2,671 ✭✭✭
    That carlton is a very nice card which leads me to believe it has a wrinkle or crease to earn the 6, and if true no chance for a bump there. I'd definitely try the bench, it could at least go 8. The blyleven has good shot at 7.5 maybe 8. The t/b centering on yount will keep it from a 9 but an 8.5 is possible. I think the molitor stays where it is (edges and corners).
  • graygatorgraygator Posts: 488 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks. Best I can tell with the Carlton, the grade is based on the lower left corner (as you look at the scan), which the grader must have viewed as a "bend." I think that's a pretty harsh view of that corner, but you are probably right that it stays there since that issue seems to be an automatic 6 (a technical aspect of grading that I don't really understand). I was thinking with how nice the card is overall maybe it gets to 6.5. If I turn this into a review sub I will probably send it anyway since I'll need to get to 6 cards.
  • Bosox1976Bosox1976 Posts: 8,563 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like Bench the best for a bump. Nice cards. Bly is close too.
  • JBrulesJBrules Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭✭✭
    +1 on the Bench.
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