What does the golden rule mean to you?

I find the boards overall a position place. But at times I just don't understand the negative energy. I look at as a hobby. Not a business for me. So I do get the stress of that. I run a business so I do understand.
To me it means at the end of the night I can go to sleep and think I did no harm to anyone and maybe even helped someone out today. That if I was on the other side would I be okay with.
This is a hobby for me and I am very blessed if the only worries I have is if I want to upgrade a card or missing a card. I laugh at times when I think how serious it is to me and many others at times. Then just smile and say this is a great country.
To me it means at the end of the night I can go to sleep and think I did no harm to anyone and maybe even helped someone out today. That if I was on the other side would I be okay with.
This is a hobby for me and I am very blessed if the only worries I have is if I want to upgrade a card or missing a card. I laugh at times when I think how serious it is to me and many others at times. Then just smile and say this is a great country.
I actually wrote on an earlier 1984 / 1981 vending thread of mine a bit ago what a tool I am at times here. I did send one person an apology but should send more
I think the other post here also makes a critical point, in that tonality is often misread or unread in this format, as opposed to how something can be delivered and taken in person. I would add to that how the internet's cloak of anonymity affects society these days, in that it is easier to be uncivil or rude to a faceless entity while being a faceless entity. At shows or in any person-to-person interaction, the tenor of discourse is almost always congenial and warm.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
<< <i>
Hey! I got one of those! Beat the heck out of it and it still grills up a pretty mean ribeye!
Have been here for over a decade. Believe me, some really wild flamers over that time.
Our forum kind of mirrors any family - often times there's pure joy and on some occasions there's strife.
And just like in life, when we do "good" it goes unnoticed while if we do something bad? It's amplified 10 fold.
Never the less, this is one hell of a good place to rest your weary bones after a hard day's work and just talk about our hobby.
<< <i>this is one hell of a good place to rest your weary bones after a hard day's work and just talk about our hobby.
Amen brother! And who are you calling a flamer??
I was grateful that someone contacted me. Had they not, I would have lost $3,000 more in payments to the scumbag. That person directed me here and I've been a member since.
In my everyday life I do everything I can to help people who need it. Many nights I come home, dead tired, where I do my work and the work of others because they're physically incapable of doing so because the corporate office demands more and more out of these employees with disabilities. I should be out of this job next week and working solely in my online shop, a BIG and SCARY step for me, but I'm going to miss my co-workers and worry about them.
I've always gotten more enjoyment out of helping others than myself (which has gotten me in trouble quite many times) but I wouldn't change that about me. I've found out that there's many people on these boards who are this way, too. There's A LOT that goes on behind closed doors, via PMs and off-site. Have made many wonderful trades with members, have given many nice things away, have received as well and have GREAT conversations with people who share this weird passion of sports cards and memorabilia, and understand it more than my fiance and immediate family do.
It's a great place. I really like winding down at the end of the day, seeing what everyone picked up and watching sets get put together and goals accomplished.
I could never get her to touch
Very much
--Todd Snider
Don't waste your time and fees listing on ebay before getting in touch me by PM or at gregmo32@aol.com !
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
My mama said to me
Your daddy's leavin' home today,
I think he's gone to stay.
We packed up all our bags
And drove out to winnipeg.
When we got to winnipeg
I checked in to school.
I wore white bucks on my feet,
When I learned the golden rule.
The punches came fast and hard
Lying on my back in the school yard.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Well pretty soon I met a friend,
He played guitar.
We used to sit on the steps at school
And dream of being stars.
We started a band,
We played all night.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
The businessmen crowded around
They came to hear the golden sound
There we were on the sunset strip,
Playing our songs for the highest bid.
We played all night
The price was right.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Don't be denied, don't be denied.
Well, all that glitters isn't gold
I know you've heard that story told.
And I'm a pauper in a naked disguise
A millionaire through a business man's eyes.
Oh friend of mine
Don't be denied.
Good point. I will have to remember that. I think many people hide behind the computer.
<< <i>The only "Rules" I apply here is I try to type what I would say to someone if they were right in front of me.
Good point. I will have to remember that. I think many people hide behind the computer. >>
They sure do and it's tired act to say the least.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>The only "Rules" I apply here is I try to type what I would say to someone if they were right in front of me.
Good point. I will have to remember that. I think many people hide behind the computer. >>
Yeah, I don't know what it is that makes people feel invincible when they are behind a computer or operating a motor vehicle. I've been told to F-off on here, I've been flipped off on the road, but I have never had either one of those done to me at the grocery store.
Good post ashabby!
MY GOLD TYPE SET https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/gold-type-set-12-piece-circulation-strikes-1839-1933/publishedset/321940
I've been part of many sports card forums & I am seriously almost embarrassed of being a card collector at this point. It seems like the majority of characters in this once beautiful hobby are shady, arrogant, and self absorbed dueche bags! Most of the time it feels like there's nothing but ego stroking going on within the hobby of "Oh look at me I can afford the most expensive cards, makes me better than all of you peasants" ... And top that off, on the other side you get the haters who just want to put a damper on other collectors joy/cards. It's stuff like this that almost had me leave the hobby... But on the flip side, I just grew up loving these little pieces of cardboard the right way and have fond memories of busting open a few packs on allowance day! Or sorting through my 9-pocket page binder of commons, thinking even my base Jordan Flairs, Finest, and Metal Universe's were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I also know there ARE some really good people still left in this hobby! I've been blessed enough to know a few of them & just sharing our passions for what we collect is, in itself, some of the best social time I can think of!
So in a nut shell, I just got here & already can see a lot of the same old negativity that exists on others card forums... But all we can do is our individual parts to try and make it better! And I will do everything I can to contribute to a better morale!
Great topic! Thanks OP for allowing us all to vent : )
But, what fun would that be?