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"Medals of the Presidents, Secretaries of the Treasury, and Directors of the US Mint 1789--1981" Francis Pessalano-Filos. With dust jacket. $19
"Counterfeit, Mis-Struck, and Unofficial US Coins" Don Taxay. Hard cover with dust jacket. $8
"Counterfeit Detection Guide" Bill Fivaz (index card spiral notepad size). $3.50
"Official ANA Grading Standards, US Coins" fifth edition. $8
"Photograde" James Ruddy. $7
"The Art and Craft of Coinmaking" by Denis Cooper (corners bumped). $250
"Fun with 1921" by Rob Joyce. Spiral bound. $9
"Medals of the US Assay Commission" by Julian and Keusch. $20

"Selected Washington Medals and Tokens: 1792-1977" Francis Pessalano-Filos. With dust jacket. $19HOLD
"The Cherrypickers Guide" fourth edition, volume one, second printing August 2001. Spiral bound. $9HOLD
"Official ANA Grading Standards, US Coins" sixth edition, spiral bound. $9.50HOLD
"Red Book's Guide Book of United States Type Coins" Q. David Bowers. $7HOLD
"The Expert's Guide to Collecting and Investing in Rare Coins" Q. David Bowers. Hard cover with dust jacket. $9HOLD
"The Error Coin Encyclopedia" by Margolis and Weinberg. $23HOLD
"The Bruce Scher Collection of Number One All Time Finest PCGS Registry Sets" Heritage Auctions Feb 24, 2005. $7HOLD
"The Official Red Book United States Pattern Coins" by Judd, Edited by QDB. Ninth edition, hardcover and nice. $8HOLD
"PCGS Official Guide to Coin Grading and Counterfeit Detection" edited by Travers. This is the preferred first edition. $14HOLD
added 6/25: "Medallic Portraits of Washington" by Baker. A 1965 reprint of the 1885 edition. $15HOLD
"The United States Half Dimes" by Daniel Valentine. Hardcover Quarterman edition, 1975, with dust jacket. $10HOLD
"The Design Cud" by Marvin and Margolis, signed by Margolis. $12HOLD
"Coin Chemistry Including Preservation and Cleaning" Weimar White. $7HOLD


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