Two months without a card purchase....

Anyone else in a buying drought?
I check every day but nothing is popping up I want.
Two months is like an eternity for me. A few years ago I might get five packages in a day!
Anyone else in a buying drought?
I check every day but nothing is popping up I want.
Two months is like an eternity for me. A few years ago I might get five packages in a day!
I may go a month without picking something up for my Nolan Ryan Master, but I don't think I've ever gone 2 months without buying something. Hopefully your drought will come to an end soon.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
For the past four or five years I have averaged one or two upgrades for my Wrestling All Stars sets but have always bought other cards. Right now nothing! Haha
Close to that for me, but for a different reason. I will soon be organizing what I have left and selling the remainder of my collection over the next year.
Hope a good card comes along for you. BTW, watched the 30 for 30 on your man the other night. He has led a very interesting life ... fun but at the same time very sad.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
I went over 60 days without a purchase on eBay.
Have since picked up 3 cards.
This year I plan to stay on a strict budget since I already have more plenty of stuff to gaze.
Man been there, I’d probably be sweating by now. This draw for cards is an addiction and I am hooked like the rest of us. I think you are being smart and focused. Something I am doing better at as well.
The bay has seemed dry lately... I've only bought two packs in nearly two months, and that was thanks to eBay Bucks.
been waiting for my ebay bucks to arrive...time to buy...but holding out for another 8 or 10% ebay bucks special to max out again
Been slow here as well. Picked up a few Jason Williams and Aaron Judge redemption cards from Chronicles (my Dad loves the set), but nothing for my main collection. Not sure where to go from here. Frankly, I've been spending a lot of time reading and learning about blockchains.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
I just bought a card off ebay but it had been 5-6 weeks since my last purchase, More by choice to also stay focused
and be on a budget so I can be ready if a big card comes up.
I’ve purchased only a couple cards in the last month which were cards that were actually needed for sets I’m currently working on. I have noticed as well that eBay has been “dry” for the projects I’m working on and I’m hoping things pick up soon. I have the itch to buy and I’ve actually almost pulled the trigger on a few things today, but decided against it, as I would just be buying something to buy it and not necessarily to help anything I’m doing if that makes sense. Money is scorching a hole in my pocket.
I'd be getting antsy at 2 weeks let alone 2 months. I've put my main focus on buying just 90's inserts of Jordan and luckily for me there's no shortage of them on ebay.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
I am just hypothesizing but in my time back in the hobby since August of 2009, I have always found December to be a great buying month. Many collectors selling stuff off for cash flow reasons during the holidays and many on the bench because it's the holidays.
Maybe this year collectors are either wising up or are in less need of cash flow due to the stronger economy and material is not coming up.
Last year there was a bump in activity from my viewpoint in the end of February as tax money came in.
Hopefully sellers will bring out some material fairly soon.
For me it may be because there have been very few fresh high grade wrestling cards submitted that nothing is coming up for sale. You never know exactly where you are in the life cycle of cards that exist that can be submitted but we are definitely in the late innings.
That’s a great point Dave, and probably deserving of a thread all in itself. “How much product or high grade cards are left out there to submit for the set I’m working on?”
In my case, I’m probably the only one, or one of only a handful of people working on what I’m working on and just need to start ripping and submitting as certain cards in my projects haven’t ever been submitted yet. What has been submitted is relatively low pop.
You can obviously get a pretty good idea quickly from most sets what is or isn't condition sensitive. I have found many sets that are not highly collected have a good percentage of high grade cards because most do not submit unless there is a very strong feeling about the card. I have read you collect some larger sets so that must get tough on deciding whether or not to send in some border line cards. Anyone who has submitted cards with any frequency knows that some Mint cards grade NM-MT and the value proposition to get an 8 can be brutal.
I def cant go 2 months without. So I'll just buy a few inexpensive ones to satisfy the itch while I save up for a major piece of memorabilia or a card that will inevitably come up. Always when I'm not planning on it.
I’m dry since my before Christmas. I know that’s not long for some but 48hrs was a stretch for me for a while. I’ve kind of repurposed my usual play (card) money. I kind of did it on a flyer but have since really focused on it. Hoping for some good grades on my sub to raise more funds for my side project. That’s how life goes.
I’m always looking for my main collecting focus but instead of dabbling in side card projects on a whim I’m trying to use those towards something else.
I don't think that is something I will ever have again. There's so much I want to collect, paying for it is the problem. Especially now that I've added hockey to my collection. That's decades worth of cards I need to collect now, and my NBA, NASCAR, Olympic and Non-Sport collections are still going strong as well.
I purchased 4 cards today, all on COMC, in fact. Two for my Olympic collection and 2 for my automotive collection.
From a Jordan standpoint,December had a ton of his stuff available especially that week leading up to Xmas day. Most of the time its the top consignors selling the best MJ cards,then all of the way overpriced high grade/ungraded from random sellers but during that 7-8 days before Xmas i saw a HUGE amount of great deals on his cards. I definitely agree people were out there trying to bring in some extra Xmas funds.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
It's an interesting dynamic. In sets that are historically worth less (1980-82 Topps Baseball) potential submitters may not think it worth submitting commons that are going to command $5 unless a 10. But then that lack of graded product stimulates demand. I guess an equilibrium is eventually reached.
I'm just coming out of a buying spree that closely resembled a space probe rocket piloted by a cocaine-filled chimp. I'm now looking for just one card and feel a long drought coming on.
There's an inverse correlation between my buying and my productivity. My productivity has been ramping up the past few weeks so I've become less interested in the buying. Ebbs and flows. Yin and yang. Peace and cocaine chimps.
just curious; what do you all collect that ebay has been dry; are there any sets that there is limited supply on ebay or are prices set to just collect dust?
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
As for me, I'm in the latter stages of building a couple of raw baseball sets from the 60s, meaning that I mostly have high numbers left to get. So, besides supply being less frequently offered of late, I also have to find that sweet spot that balances out price vs eye appeal. Just haven't had much luck with finding acceptable cards at an acceptable price.
I also frequently like to type "Topps baseball PSA" into the search bar, set my filter on "ending soonest" and just browse through everything. I've noticed of late that there are significantly less items that I have to scroll through before I'm into items that end in 24 hours or more.
1980’s O-Pee-Chee Baseball, and other 1980’s oddball baseball sets at the moment in PSA 10. I’m really a fan of anything 1994 and older in baseball, but I have about 6 or 7 things going on right now, and I just don’t want to start any more projects. I’ve been doing good staying focused and really the answer for me is to keep buying unopened and ripping to submit potential 10’s. As PaulMaul stated, the problem with the 80’s is I am so super careful on what I’m submitting because anything other than a 10, (besides some exceptions), is worth less than bulk fees. It’s a fun game though...the 80’s just hold a special place due to my childhood.
Made me think
"Bless me eBay for I have sinned. It's been 60 days since my last purchase"
My eBay bucks are usually a good sign of how much I buy every quarter. October-December 2017 was the lowest sense I started getting bucks. Couple main reasons:
Son, go home use your eBay bucks and two discount codes and all is forgiven.
will be like that for me for a bit now. the only card store in town just closed ( owner retired ) closest shop is now an hours drive away maybe 1 1/4 hrs . unless can find cards in 2nd hand shops or garage sales when it gets warmer out
You can't see but I totally just gave you an internet high five.
It sounds like we collect the same things Arthur which is awesome, but DID YOU buy all the cards I need hence why eBay has been dry???? I’m just kidding really though...
@Gemyanks10 Now ReggieCleveland's pic of his 4-row graded box in the "Best card slabs" thread makes more sense. He's got a Yes,Maybe,No row dedicated to cards you need

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
I wish I was that organized. My graded cards and unopened boxes are good to go, but my ungraded singles are everywhere. I may steal this idea someday...
That is a small maybe box. I easily have 4,000 wrestling cards in card savers that are not graded. Probably more. I don't knowingly send in cards I will lose money on. It happens but I try to keep it to a minimum.
Slump broken!!!
I didn't even realize there was one from this set numbered to 25. I checked the pop report and the only one graded. I sent an offer of $125 and accepted!!!
Wonder if this is the first time Brock was someone else’s “Slump Buster”. Congrats!
Probably not. He has been on the road along time!
Of the three Football sets this to me is the least appealing with like 10 different versions. I need to figure out which one's I am missing. I have five or six prior to this one. I understand why they put so many different one's in sets to get you to keep buying packs but at some point it is over kill. The Playoff Honors has two versions and the Sweet Spot has three. That said this is the toughest one to pull from the set so a must have.
I went back and looked at the pop report and there are no more than two graded of any of the stars from the set so these are definitely hard to track down.
Congrats, I didn't know you collected football.
Only Brock Lesnar and Dwayne Johnson.
I have put in offers on Wahoo McDanial and Ernie Ladd football cards too but they were declined.
Dpeck- Do you have any Bulldog Bob Brown wrestling cards, or did they
not have wrestling cards back then?
I remember him being on TV back when I was a kid but don't really remember
too many others. I think I remember him because of the catchy nickname.
I don't see anyone standard trading cards available but he may have an over sized Boyd Pierce.
I went through a long period where I was obsessed with everything from our northern neighbors. Not just O-Pee-Chee but Leaf, Fleer Canadian, and even Donruss Canadian. I did embarrassingly deep dives on google about them. I found sales numbers, pictures of some of the factories, all sorts of weird shite that no one other than myself was interested in. I think I exhausted that portion of the hobby for myself but if anyone ever came up with something new that I didn't know it would definitely draw me back in full boat. But I also just love all things 80s. So I dig your jive, man.
I just found out one of my Facebook friends happens to be the cousin of Tom Zenk, who evidently passed away last month at age 59. Don't know the circumstances, but I wish I could say it was uncommon in the business.
No Raging Bull Manny Fernandez
. Growing up in Miami I used to chuckle at how they would try to make people think that the former Dolphin was now the wrestler. Used to love watching Wahoo wrestle and Ladd was a big man and a good heel. How about big nasty Angelo Mosca?
I think the drought is partly due to no PWCC Auctions in what seems like months now. Whether you buy directly from them or not I think that seeing high quality cards they list inspires other purchases/searches on eBay
Agree with the drought corresponding to no PWCC auctions this past month. Outside of a few Facebook pickups, nothing since early Dec. The other issue I've noticed is that sellers are way over recent sale/auction realized prices. Hope the tide turns in a week or two when PWCC is back.
@KendallCat I chat with Manny on Facebook all of the time! His only card is a 1986 Monty action shot.
I would definitely buy a Angelo Mosca CFL card. He is a Pop 1 in the 1982 Wrestling All Stars set. Not in my collection.
Pretty sweet chatting with Manny! I have been watching a few videos lately of Flair, Andre, Dusty... some great ones of wrestlers shooting on others. Love the ones where they discuss who was truly the toughest and baddest and seems like the top name that keeps coming up is Haku. Others were Andre, Hawk, Harley Race...