yeah we talk about sports and dissucions.who are you to come in to tell us to go to a different forget that was your first post.look at almost everyone elses post then tell me who you think should be telling someone what to do.
A mixture of both does hurt. You add discussions, opinions, and debates to buy/sell/trade boards, and its just a matter of time before you have more B.S. and spam posts than actual buy/sell/trade posts.
Lol, if you guys wanna keep up to date on who does this stuff...Go to and DL a prgram called Fping trace program..From there when ya' want info on posts like this ya' just email yourself the persons post with a little html tag in the subject line and when ya' open it wa laa,All that persons info..Regarless of hidden profiles,fake email addy's etc. etc...It's pings all the way down to their source connection
AI3- PLEASE LMK who this is!!! I am a total idiot when it comes to stuff like that!! LOL I'm sure this a member who we ALL know! I want to expose clowns who can't stand behind their coments!! Thanks man!
Lol, Does no good exposing them when they do it,They deny,Out come their friends (and haters) and a 300 response fight post ensues..I just figured i'd put the info up so anyone who's curious about the BS can find it's sources..Alot of times I think you'd be very surprised at some of the folks doing it..
Besides I exposed Brandon Rusnack nearly everytime he came back with a new sn, And folks still set up trades and got ripped so it does'nt do any good,Just starts fights..Hell Rusnack is here now, Has been for about a month..
<< <i>Not here if you notice everyone is happy but you so I say scram. >>
Everyone may be happy now, but if no one is interested in following guidelines, I doubt if serious traders will be sticking around. I like the CU message boards too and I think most users would prefer having buy/sell/trade boards AND a discussion forum rather than two discussion forums.
I think we oughta start a million threads that has NOTHING to do with Buying, selling, or trading. Maybe that would get him to stay........NOT!
By the way...Lantz...I don't possibly understand why you like N' mean N'Stync...oops...I meant N'Sync. Boy bands...*barf*
And don't say your Lantz from N'Sync either because I don't think that's how he spells his name anyway... Maybe AI3TheAnswer can tell us who you are since he has the know all of who people are and who people aren't...
Derrick- I made this icon in an attempt at some humor. Some goofballs don't get the correlation between my name"Lantz" and the N'Sync guy "Lance Bass". Just a little humor. If you put that much thought into it....I'm sorry, lol
Trust me, I didn't put THAT much thought into. Especially after a lame arse band...(still amazed they still call it a "band")...but I enjoy your humor, but you could have ATLEAST made it to where the band is actually good and doesn't SUCK!
I just wanted to give you hell...because I enjoy doing it.
dude what the hell is this post than its far from a Buy Sell Trade post jacka*s
LOOKING CURRENT CLIPPERS and 99-00 RCS Wantlist on Site REFS Johnscottanthony,injun01, haliguy, FatKat, autobilia,awaltz,coachvinny, raf12,thematrix31,duncangal, Kenny21, and many more
<< <i>Lol, if you guys wanna keep up to date on who does this stuff...Go to and DL a prgram called Fping trace program..From there when ya' want info on posts like this ya' just email yourself the persons post with a little html tag in the subject line and when ya' open it wa laa,All that persons info..Regarless of hidden profiles,fake email addy's etc. etc...It's pings all the way down to their source connection >>
<< <i>and when ya' open it wa laa,All that persons info.. >>
By the way..."waa laa" is spelled viola. heh. So, who is this a--hole? You say it'll lead to a fight...I have no problem fighting with a little b---- who doesn't have the balls enough to stand behind his statements...and has to go make other sn's to post something controversial. Seems like a d--- easy fight if you ask me. -JP
<< <i>Not here if you notice everyone is happy but you so I say scram. >>
Everyone may be happy now, but if no one is interested in following guidelines, I doubt if serious traders will be sticking around. I like the CU message boards too and I think most users would prefer having buy/sell/trade boards AND a discussion forum rather than two discussion forums. >>
It has been going on for over a year that I have been a member. I am one of the senior members here. Trading still goes on. We just like to talk also. So if all you are going to do is bash us you can make a quick exit. It is not needed. We have had many just like you and they found someplace else if they didn't like it. So I say like it or leave. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to stay.
<< <i>Is this "Buy, Sell & Trade" or the discussion "Forum". Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board. >>
Is this "Buy, Sell &Trade" or the discussion "Forum". Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board.
Come on guys let's keep an open mind, he's new here; spreland New Member
Posts: 3 Joined: Sep 2001
And he's been around since Sep 2001, long time. I'm confused again. How about we give him a break, at least he put "Buy, Sell &Trade" in his post where spreland was saying Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board. spreland, I'm just the TOM and when people like me have an open mind at least for me it will get confusing.
Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board. Looks like spreland you should know better then this if what you say or think is true. I like facts.
As you guys can see, spreland has made quite a bunch of friends when he joined longer he went so long without posting, everyine hates him when he hides like a little girl behind this screen name.
Daystar Enterprises
Proud resident of Sacramento - The River City
#1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world
Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz
^^Bad Trader??^^
Neils Card World
P.S. Please PM me with your REAL Screen Name!!!
{Chief Morningbrew}
me and my brother
#1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world
Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
<< <i>a nice mixture of both can't hurt >>
A mixture of both does hurt. You add discussions, opinions, and debates
to buy/sell/trade boards, and its just a matter of time before you have
more B.S. and spam posts than actual buy/sell/trade posts.
Daystar Enterprises
Proud resident of Sacramento - The River City
{Chief Morningbrew}
me and my brother
Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
Besides I exposed Brandon Rusnack nearly everytime he came back with a new sn, And folks still set up trades and got ripped so it does'nt do any good,Just starts fights..Hell Rusnack is here now, Has been for about a month..
<< <i>Not here if you notice everyone is happy but you so I say scram. >>
Everyone may be happy now, but if no one is interested in following
guidelines, I doubt if serious traders will be sticking around. I like
the CU message boards too and I think most users would prefer
having buy/sell/trade boards AND a discussion forum rather than
two discussion forums.
By the way...Lantz...I don't possibly understand why you like N' mean N'Stync...oops...I meant N'Sync. Boy bands...*barf*
And don't say your Lantz from N'Sync either because I don't think that's how he spells his name anyway...
{Chief Morningbrew}
me and my brother
I just wanted to give you hell...because I enjoy doing it.
{Chief Morningbrew}
me and my brother
*engulfs himself in a bathtub filled with gasoline and puts a match to it* YIKES! That's how bad I wish you never said that!!!
refs:just ask
Wantlist on Site
REFS Johnscottanthony,injun01, haliguy, FatKat, autobilia,awaltz,coachvinny, raf12,thematrix31,duncangal, Kenny21, and many more
<< <i>Lol, if you guys wanna keep up to date on who does this stuff...Go to and DL a prgram called Fping trace program..From there when ya' want info on posts like this ya' just email yourself the persons post with a little html tag in the subject line and when ya' open it wa laa,All that persons info..Regarless of hidden profiles,fake email addy's etc. etc...It's pings all the way down to their source connection
AI3, this isnt a 100% thing, trust me
<< <i>and when ya' open it wa laa,All that persons info.. >>
By the way..."waa laa" is spelled viola. heh. So, who is this a--hole? You say it'll lead to a fight...I have no problem fighting with a little b---- who doesn't have the balls enough to stand behind his statements...and has to go make other sn's to post something controversial. Seems like a d--- easy fight if you ask me. -JP
{Chief Morningbrew}
me and my brother
<< <i>
<< <i>Not here if you notice everyone is happy but you so I say scram. >>
Everyone may be happy now, but if no one is interested in following
guidelines, I doubt if serious traders will be sticking around. I like
the CU message boards too and I think most users would prefer
having buy/sell/trade boards AND a discussion forum rather than
two discussion forums. >>
It has been going on for over a year that I have been a member. I am one of the senior members here. Trading still goes on. We just like to talk also. So if all you are going to do is bash us you can make a quick exit. It is not needed. We have had many just like you and they found someplace else if they didn't like it. So I say like it or leave. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to stay.
Daystar Enterprises
Proud resident of Sacramento - The River City
<< <i>LMAO!! Hey Supergreg- The FIRST post you made was hillarious!!!!! The FIRST!! LOL Find a new gig homie!! >>
And that icon off yours is too, go back to Lenny man!
<< <i>Is this "Buy, Sell & Trade" or the discussion "Forum".
Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board. >>
Is this "Buy, Sell &Trade" or the discussion "Forum".
Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board.
Come on guys let's keep an open mind, he's new here; spreland
New Member
Posts: 3
Joined: Sep 2001
And he's been around since Sep 2001, long time. I'm confused again.
How about we give him a break, at least he put "Buy, Sell &Trade" in his
post where spreland was saying Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board. spreland, I'm just the TOM and when people like me have an open mind at least for me it will get confusing.
Learn how to read and take your discussions to the Forum message board.
Looks like spreland you should know better then this if what you say or think is true.
I like facts.
Thanks, Mike
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!
Sweet Jesus that dude smells bad!