A few observations about card forums

Im on three, PSA, Net54, and SGC and one thing that I have noticed is completely different than the comic book boards I am on and have been on.
On the comic boards, there isnt a book sold without an asking price, without, a scan, and without information on the book/transaction/etc.
Here, on other boards, there is none of that. No scans, often times just a list of cards, and just as often a PM me with an offer.
Why is that? Are people to assed to scan and price their cards? It takes very little time to either scan a card(s) or take a pic of one.
It just baffles me as to why people put their cards up for sale but cant be assed enough to have pictures of their wares so someone who is interested can see and make a decision without having to resort to PMs.
And on PMs, it appears that not responding to PMs here is not a big issue. I know I have sent several PMs and got no response. Not a response from yes, no, F you, whatever.
Where are peoples manners? Is it really that big of a deal to read a PM, respond, and then move on about your business?
On the comic boards, there isnt a book sold without an asking price, without, a scan, and without information on the book/transaction/etc.
Here, on other boards, there is none of that. No scans, often times just a list of cards, and just as often a PM me with an offer.
Why is that? Are people to assed to scan and price their cards? It takes very little time to either scan a card(s) or take a pic of one.
It just baffles me as to why people put their cards up for sale but cant be assed enough to have pictures of their wares so someone who is interested can see and make a decision without having to resort to PMs.
And on PMs, it appears that not responding to PMs here is not a big issue. I know I have sent several PMs and got no response. Not a response from yes, no, F you, whatever.
Where are peoples manners? Is it really that big of a deal to read a PM, respond, and then move on about your business?
OK, I'll bite.
What exactly do you mean by "assed?"
Are you Chinese?
a few of us are no better than half-assed and require prosthetics.
<< <i>OK, I'll bite.
What exactly do you mean by "assed?" >>
Sorry, there are a lot of Brits on the CGC message boards and I have picked up some of their terms.
Assed=bothered or troubled
<< <i>Are you Chinese? >>
no, but I do play a Chinese football coach
<< <i>Please, no scans of the "assing".
Sorry...couldn't help it, you are a good sport...fwiw I echo your comments
Not sure what you're talking about?
Is this a reference to the Buy/sell/trade forum?
Can you give an example of what someone was selling?
Granted, if someones is selling a large lot of raw cards at a good price - you're not gonna see a scan but if it's a few cards - for more than a few bucks - most of the people here are saavy enough to take the time to scan the item for sale?
<< <i>Sorry...couldn't help it, you are a good sport...fwiw I echo your comments
I learned a long time ago to not get too riled up on a message board. After all, it is a message board, they are just cards, and they really arent worth getting your panties in a bunch lol
Great pic of Harry, I really miss him and all of the great memories of growing up attending Cubbie games!
If a person does that, and many do, I don't even bother responding. They are wasting my time and theirs.
I would hate it if you went to the market and there were no prices on anything. Sellers should price their stuff. I am not playing a guessing game.
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
<< <i>arex
Not sure what you're talking about?
Is this a reference to the Buy/sell/trade forum?
Can you give an example of what someone was selling?
Granted, if someones is selling a large lot of raw cards at a good price - you're not gonna see a scan but if it's a few cards - for more than a few bucks - most of the people here are saavy enough to take the time to scan the item for sale? >>
No need to give examples as Im not trying to make a big deal of it. But scans often seem to be lacking on many of the threads. There are sellers that do include scans and that is appreciated.
Yes, the BST section is what I am referring to and it isnt just here, but the other places i mentioned.
On several threads with PSA cards for sale there are just grades, prices, and no scans. Why is that?
Ive bought enough graded comics (and raw for that matter) to know that two different, lets say, PSA 7 cards can be very different. Centering issues, fisheyes, photo registration etc.
Even on a lot of cards that are priced well, why not include a scan of some? or a group shot? no harm no foul? Especially take pics. With comics you cant do that, as the grading of a comic can not even remotely by done by pic.
Im really not trying to make a big deal out of this. However, it is a little baffling that folks are posting stuff for sale but not including any scans of them.
In retrospect I imagine I should have been clearer on the prices, as it isnt happening as much as I led on, alluded to, in my original post.
<< <i>Most card sellers do not understand the basic rules of commerce or something, I guess.
If a person does that, and many do, I don't even bother responding. They are wasting my time and theirs.
I would hate it if you went to the market and there were no prices on anything. Sellers should price their stuff. I am not playing a guessing game. >>
You are one of the ones that runs a FS thead right. Scans, prices, info, etc.
which is why I look in your thread often.
<< <i>
<< <i>Sorry...couldn't help it, you are a good sport...fwiw I echo your comments
I learned a long time ago to not get too riled up on a message board. After all, it is a message board, they are just cards, and they really arent worth getting your panties in a bunch lol >>
Hey! It's time for an icy cold Budweiser!
If you havent ever seen it, youtube SNL and Harry Carey. Find the episode where Will Ferrel is playing Harry. CLASSIC!
Went over and took a quick look - the first thread had a mess of 68T PSA 8's with no scans but prices.
That's a lot of cheap cards for sale - so I can see not wanting to scan them - but I have to agree - one would be much more motivated to buy if scans were provided.
Having said that - I would imagine that the seller would be more than happy to supply you with scans - if you requested.
On the "no response" to PM's? That's disappointing. Not much else to say.
I agree with your last thought - it's not worth getting all nuts about - life's just too darn short.
Good luck on your purchases.
Anyway, haven't done it since and won't ever do it again. If a seller refuses to provide scans, even after a request, then you'll most likely be unsatisfied with the transaction.
<< <i>Are you Chinese? >>
Herro, Arex?
Now to go find the Will Ferrell Youtube video.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
I also won't buy a card without a scan whether it is posted in the thread or e-mailed later.
FWIW, I have never had any issue with people not responding to PMs on this board.
Argue, say what you want, but I have been involved heavily in several collectible areas and have found this to be a fairly safe assumption for this area of the market, with obvious exceptions as is life, and especially for all these fine forum members
What I really don't get though is eBayers who use blurry digital photos of high end cards rather than scans. It has to lose them quite a bit in both the number of bidders and in sales price.
"Molon Labe"
<< <i>
What I really don't get though is eBayers who use blurry digital photos of high end cards rather than scans. >>
It seems clear to me, they're hiding something.
If you have a 2000 Topps Roger Clemens PSA 10, how much do you ask? $10? Someone building the Clemens set registory might be willing to give $20. Why loose $10?
Let people make offers. Don't go below what you want, but try for more.
So, I can see not listing a price. Their is just one problem... Many people might like the card, but just not bother with the offer.
As for not having photo's, it depends. Low dollar cards it takes more time than what the card is worth. Mid-range $ cards is it a big name or a common? High dollar cards must have photo's.
Most sellers will send you or post a photo of any card if someone is interested.
Most people on here knows the condition of a card by the grade. On this board everyone has seen so many cards from each grade, they have a good idea of how it looks. It also depends on who the seller is.
I recently purchased 14 cards from the BST board, no photo's were listed. BUT, I do know what a PSA10, PSA9 and PSA8 card looks like. I was very happy.
I hope this helps.
<< <i>If you have a 2000 Topps Roger Clemens PSA 10, how much do you ask? $10? Someone building the Clemens set registory might be willing to give $20. Why loose $10? >>
Set a price you are comfortable with. Post your price, do your research, and set an asking price. Hoping to get someone to bid against themselves isnt, to me, the proper way to do business
<< <i>So, I can see not listing a price. Their is just one problem... Many people might like the card, but just not bother with the offer. >>
Completely agree.
<< <i>As for not having photo's, it depends. Low dollar cards it takes more time than what the card is worth. Mid-range $ cards is it a big name or a common? High dollar cards must have photo's. >>
I dont think so. There is still a lot of variables that go into a cards grade. Centering? Spots? Creases? Bends? Diamond Cut? stain on back? All can be deal breakers for the buyer.
<< <i>Most sellers will send you or post a photo of any card if someone is interested >>
That is a waste of my time and the sellers time. The seller should post a scan/pic when they list the card.
<< <i>Most people on here knows the condition of a card by the grade. On this board everyone has seen so many cards from each grade, they have a good idea of how it looks. It also depends on who the seller is. I recently purchased 14 cards from the BST board, no photo's were listed. BUT, I do know what a PSA10, PSA9 and PSA8 card looks like. I was very happy. >>
Most people. Im not one of those people right now. I will be, but Im not now. I want to know what the card looks like.
PSA/SGC HG cards I believe you have a point on what they look like. However when you get down into cards in the 8s, 7s, etc. there can and are differences in the cards. What might be acceptable to one collector, say centering off but razor corners, might be a turn off to another. So, why open yourself and your customer up to the hassles of returns, time later for scans, when you can just as easily post a scan/pic up front?
<< <i>I agree Arex. And even on 8's, 9's, and 10's there can be some discrepancy. How many times have people posted pictures of cards on this board and posters have said "That got a 10?" or "That was graded WAY too low!"? Is it an old 8 that might bump? Is it an old 8 that really could be a 7.5? Pics help. >>
Very true and that is part of my inability to understand why pics dont accompany cards.
I would much rather have a card that is centered with softer corners than a razor cornered card with nasty centering issues.
I don't necessarily mind when scans are not posted of graded cards, as scans eat up bandwidth, can be a pain to list out, and you have at least some idea of what a graded card looks like without seeing a scan. If I'm interested, I'll ask for one. Obviously if I don't get one, no deal. If scans aren't included with raw cards, I'll just move on unless it's a card I'm willing to buy in very low grade.
<< <i>Hey, I am Chinese so you can all rick my reft one.
When it came the back had 90/10 centering.
I have no idea what any specific PSA 10, 9 or 8 looks like unless I see it.
I have a general idea, that's about it.