One white whale on my list - finally got it - Hartland trifecta - I'm quite happy

I know this isn't a card and not as popular but I wanted to share it anyway - don't expect much excitement.
I've been collecting Hartlands for many years - I don't buy the real minty ones since they can get pricey - I've always wanted one with the box and tag.
Finally - and Ted Williams ta boot!!!!
I'm very pleased and this will be a focal point of the collection - this makes 10 of 18 needed.

The tag is a bit discolored but still nice - again really minty stuff can break the bank!
Thanx for viewing.
I've been collecting Hartlands for many years - I don't buy the real minty ones since they can get pricey - I've always wanted one with the box and tag.
Finally - and Ted Williams ta boot!!!!
I'm very pleased and this will be a focal point of the collection - this makes 10 of 18 needed.

The tag is a bit discolored but still nice - again really minty stuff can break the bank!
Thanx for viewing.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Jim Rice Photobucket Jim Rice/"
Luis Tiant Photobucket Luis Tiant/"
Congrats Mike, that is an amazing piece!
<< <i>That looks like mine! I have the anniversary edition. While mine isn't as old as yours, I can't tell the difference - what does one look for? >>
Hi Bobby
Here's a copy of the "Anniversary" version - you can see it says it on the top of the box:
I bought this from someone who's been dealing in this kind of stuff for many years and used to advertise in SCD in the 'production' years.
As it goes for the tag - the "Ted Williams" font is very different.
Thanx for the the kind words guys!!!!
Repro tag of Williams:
Real tag:
Very cool item Mike, thanks for sharing.
You always bring some neat stuff to the boards.
Keep it coming...Donato
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
<< <i>Awesome! I love those things. I don't collect them but I'd pick them up if I can find them at a reasonable price. >>
Depends on what you consider reasonable?
I've picked up some for less than 100 bucks - like I said - I don't care if they're minty or pure white.
Sometimes - ya can pick up a nice one that's darn clean for under 200$
Then sometimes they go for more - I've never paid more than 200$ for one - except this one which had all 3 items.
I missed a Berra tag tonite - I didn't want to go over 85 bucks - it went for 89 - but ya never know what the snipe is.
Sometimes the tags go for more than the statue!
"Molon Labe"
I've never seen one of these beauts up close. That's a great pic you shared. Thanks!
Now I'm going to have to see if there's a Washington Senator I could add to my Senators/Twins collection.
<< <i>I missed a Berra tag tonite - I didn't want to go over 85 bucks - it went for 89 - but ya never know what the snipe is. >>
Savvy bidders say that sniping is for suckas!
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
back in the '90's but wished I could have got a few boxes and tags along the way. You've inspired me to look into adding some to my collection. With all three together it really makes a sharp looking
addition to your collection. The picture below was taken in '98 or '99, but in 2001 Seattle had a earthquake and all these guys tumbled over. My Banks broke the brim of the cap so I wrapped them
all up and put them in a box. Maybe I'll drag them out again. Thanks for sharing the Ted, tag, and box and good luck with finding the rest of the set. Doug
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
It means alot to me.
On the display aspect - I'm considering a way to anchor them down so they don't fall over and break.
For me - if they're not on display, they don't exist. And I've got a boatload of SLU's collecting dust in the closet!
It's by far the nicest Hartland I've picked up - here's the tag - scanned today. It looks great - for those who've been pleasantly surprised with a pickup - you know how I feel!!!!
Thanx again guys for the kind words.
When I was a kid, a neighbor had eight or ten original Hartlands in a glass case. Each was standing in front of a box and had the tag hanging off their arm. I always wanted to take them out for a closer look, particularly the Berra with the mask. He wasn't a collector or even a big baseball fan - they were the figures he had as a kid. Just awesome.
They really do present so nicely and I'm sure they'll look great in your home, Mike!
<< <i>Spectacular!
I've never seen one of these beauts up close. That's a great pic you shared. Thanks!
Now I'm going to have to see if there's a Washington Senator I could add to my Senators/Twins collection.
Spectacular! >>
Hi Mike - forgot to respond to your comment - how about Harmon Killebrew?