4 Sale-HERE & eBay - PCGS certified Registry grade MS 66 Washington Quarters - Fresh batch liste

I have several more PCGS certified REGISTRY CALIBER Washington Quarters that I will be offering HERE as well as ON EBAY!
Don't have to go thru a Major Auction House - NO LONG WAITS - NO BUYERS" FEES <Juice> and Insured S/H complete with Delivery Confirmation gets this coin in your hands within DAYS! DON'T MISS IT. Better yet, if someone wants to discuss this coin, PLEASE get with me BEFORE bids commence as I generally never pull any item once there are bidders. If you SNOOZE, you lose! Don't risk it. I COULD place a Buy it Now on it but it's listed commencing at $9.99 with NO RESERVE! Oh, it's a 3 day listing that is the LAST coin to end late Sunday night, BTW.
This group will include some pretty tough dates and mint-marks - ALL PCGS certified, READY for your Washington Quarter Registry sets. I just started listing some tonight and will continue to do so unless anyone would prefer to work with me here.
This group will include OLDER PCGS holders that range from the 40s thru 1989 - AND THERE ARE MORE COMING NEXT WEEK. For the most part, whereas there was a time when PCGS certified Washingtons were EVERYWHERE on eBay, nowadays they are, no longer. You don't need to do the legwork or send them in for grading. They're ready to go into your Registry sets! I repeat - DON'T MISS OUT ON SOME REALLY NICE PCGS 66 Washington Quarters.
Take advantage of this - Have them IN YOUR HANDS within DAYS - NOT WEEKS .... with NO Auction House "Juice" to contend with etc .
In some cases I have multiples while in others I DO NOT! IF YOU NEED A GIVEN DATE for your PCGS Registry Set I urge you to contact me. My coins speak for themselves and ALL are graded PCGS 66. The list is a work in progress and I will be coming again next weekend with even more - but no clads! Sorry.
Whether you work with me HERE or decide to go the eBay route, the same No-Nonsense Money Back Guarantee is a given. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! I can give you decent deals if I don't have to feed the "Fat Cat", FeeBay and his evil sidekick, TakePal.
I've done the legwork fro you. Save yourselves Time trying to hunt these down elsewhere.
If you would like a quick, handy "refresher" on the caliber of coins you can expect from Me, simply click on the link below and browse my retired PCGS Washington Quarter Registry Set. I have plenty more AND THE PIX!!
And I DO have other coins besides Washington Quarters!
Thank you and ENJOY!!
DON'T DRAG YOUR TAILS on these Beauties. DON'T MISS OUT!!!
Other PCGS certified coins as well as problem-free "certifiable" RAW coins ARE AVAILABLE from me off eBay at all times. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Stop by, say Hello. Maybe I SHOULD apply to be an authorized PCGS Dealer. I certainly have the Inventory the CASH at hand and the assets to meet the requirements but alas, I'm just a lowly poor collector.... for Now!
Don't have to go thru a Major Auction House - NO LONG WAITS - NO BUYERS" FEES <Juice> and Insured S/H complete with Delivery Confirmation gets this coin in your hands within DAYS! DON'T MISS IT. Better yet, if someone wants to discuss this coin, PLEASE get with me BEFORE bids commence as I generally never pull any item once there are bidders. If you SNOOZE, you lose! Don't risk it. I COULD place a Buy it Now on it but it's listed commencing at $9.99 with NO RESERVE! Oh, it's a 3 day listing that is the LAST coin to end late Sunday night, BTW.
This group will include some pretty tough dates and mint-marks - ALL PCGS certified, READY for your Washington Quarter Registry sets. I just started listing some tonight and will continue to do so unless anyone would prefer to work with me here.
This group will include OLDER PCGS holders that range from the 40s thru 1989 - AND THERE ARE MORE COMING NEXT WEEK. For the most part, whereas there was a time when PCGS certified Washingtons were EVERYWHERE on eBay, nowadays they are, no longer. You don't need to do the legwork or send them in for grading. They're ready to go into your Registry sets! I repeat - DON'T MISS OUT ON SOME REALLY NICE PCGS 66 Washington Quarters.
Take advantage of this - Have them IN YOUR HANDS within DAYS - NOT WEEKS .... with NO Auction House "Juice" to contend with etc .
In some cases I have multiples while in others I DO NOT! IF YOU NEED A GIVEN DATE for your PCGS Registry Set I urge you to contact me. My coins speak for themselves and ALL are graded PCGS 66. The list is a work in progress and I will be coming again next weekend with even more - but no clads! Sorry.
Whether you work with me HERE or decide to go the eBay route, the same No-Nonsense Money Back Guarantee is a given. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! I can give you decent deals if I don't have to feed the "Fat Cat", FeeBay and his evil sidekick, TakePal.

I've done the legwork fro you. Save yourselves Time trying to hunt these down elsewhere.
If you would like a quick, handy "refresher" on the caliber of coins you can expect from Me, simply click on the link below and browse my retired PCGS Washington Quarter Registry Set. I have plenty more AND THE PIX!!

Thank you and ENJOY!!

Other PCGS certified coins as well as problem-free "certifiable" RAW coins ARE AVAILABLE from me off eBay at all times. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Stop by, say Hello. Maybe I SHOULD apply to be an authorized PCGS Dealer. I certainly have the Inventory the CASH at hand and the assets to meet the requirements but alas, I'm just a lowly poor collector.... for Now!

If you'd rather deal with me on a personal level, it can be arranged!
Don't miss out on your chance at PCGS 66s without "Juice" and or long waits.
Come see me.
See the link ABOVE.
Check them out. I'm about to start listing them ... NOW!
Good Luck to all.
Washington Quarter Registry Participants, don't miss out on your chance at very nice PCGS 66 Washies!
Check them out.
I will be listing more PCGS Washington Quarters for your Registry Sets again this uupcoming weekend.
Thank you for all the bids!
Once there are substantial bids I won't cause it's not ethical or fair to bidders.
I would simply like to express my gratitude for all the bids and to congratulate all the buyers over the last 2 weekends.
I plan to take the remainder of the month off to clean up the War Room and to get everything back in order.
Beginning the first week of August I plan to come out with still more PCGS 66 Washington Quarters as well
as other PCGS certified Washingtons. In the interim however, should anyone need any of the tougher dates
and mint-marks feel free to contact me and I will give you the best prices possible. Same Guarantee of Satisfaction
It seems very little has changed with me regarding saving the Best for last. Some of these are real nice
originals, some very obviously naturally toned, some have thick unbroken frosty luster. There are also some
very unique pieces that I will be happy to explain AND SHOW. Some of these will NEVER see FeeBay!
I have a plethora of handpicked certifiable raw coins that also come with a money back Guarantee & that
they are, in fact, certifiable.
Besides Washington Quarters I have extensive handpicked holdings comprised of many other US Type,
something for everyone's budget. Thanks again. I DO appreciate ALL that took part.