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**I Have Returned, Winner Announced **I Sold Off My Typeset. Time to Give Away the Album.

Rob41281Rob41281 Posts: 2,399 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have returned from my long road trip to Key West and back.
My total round trip mileage was 3,171 miles.
According to the in car trip computer I averaged about 23.0 mpg.
After adding up my gas amount totals it cost me $ 566.98 in gas.
Winner is Bigmansam who had a guess of $571.07 with a difference of $4.09.

After selling off my typeset I have an empty laying around and I'd like to give it away. This contest will be open to everyone.

At around 2am Saturday morning I will be departing Chicago by car for Key West and returning the following Saturday. The challenge is to guess how much gas will cost me on this trip (Both ways). Ill save my receipts and tally them up when I get back.

I drive a 2006 Nissan Murano S AWD with a 21.5 gallon tank and use premium gas. I will be leaving with a full tank and it will not be included in the guesses.
Person with the closest guess to actual cost will win the album.
Goodluck to all.

Deadline for guesses will be 8pm cst on Saturday June 21st.
*Edited for* Correct winner.


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