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New guy with some coins...

Hey, I am the new guy- Yeah, I am sure I will get flamed a bit here for coming straight to the BST board- I have been lurking for two years now... just now getting the ... to post.

Here is what I want to sell- Basically just buillon for anyone out there not wanting to pay dealer fees, ebay fees, apmex premiums etc etc.

I have

1855A France 20 Franc Gold

This is the only coin left now- Thank you


  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭

    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • Hi Welcome aboard imageimage

    you have some nice coins listed any photos? it would help help image also what are you asking for them? post it with pictures and I am sure you will get more replys. just trying to help . TAKE CARE,mOjO

    BTW turn your pm on , it is in your profile image

    Ebay Seller I.D
  • Here are two pictures of the Rooster... It has a bit more luster than the photo- I have not mastered the photography that I have seen on here.. but I will attempt to take some more pictures today.

    Prices- Looking for spot or willing to back off spot by 3% on the World Gold. The American Gold I want spot + 2%. Silver, just use spot of 17.20

    Thank you

  • Weather11amWeather11am Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭
    I would like to send pm, please turn on the pm function. image
  • PM sent

    Looking for reasonable silver lots (rolls or bars preferred). PM me with what you have.
  • Welcome! Good luck with the sale.....................
    Young Numismatist ............................ and growing!
  • Evening Bump

  • Once a day or you will be eviserated by this crew. Welcome aboard!
  • I am a big man... I do not think evisceration would be a good idea... the cleanup crew would need hazard pay and probably a raise....

  • oxy8890oxy8890 Posts: 1,416

    << <i>imageimageimage

    image >>

    Best Regards,


    "Those guys weren't Fathers they were...Mothers."

  • image

    thanks for the red carpet

  • eCoinquesteCoinquest Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭
    Welcome aboard. It is always nice to here when another lurker becomes one of "us".image
    BTW, good luck with the sale!!
  • Sunday morning bump
  • "One of us" I hope to attain that one day.

    I am just amazed at the photographs you folks are able to produce. Bordering on art and imagination... Very impressive. Right now I am a half dollar collector- My wife has a penchant for... wait for it... yep The 1st Spouses. She says she is going to vote for Hillary so she can have Bill in a presidential dollar and a 1st spouse coin and vice versa for Hilary. Ayway....

  • BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,504 ✭✭✭✭✭
    how many times you going to bump your own thread each day? Try the US Coin Forum if you want to talk about photos
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