The error is not on the obverse or the reverse although you can see some signs of the error if you look at the top margin. What happened is the dies did not strike the coin in a parallel manner, hence the horizontal misalignment. The result of this misalignment is that the coin is very fat on one side (the bottom) and very narrow on the top. From edge-on the coin looks like a wedge. The top is so narrow that there is no room for the edge lettering anymore and in fact is rounded (kinda like a very worn edge on a penny). There are some other issues with the coin being wedge shaped - since the dies did not come together the right way, metal was pushed out towards the fat end (due to the fact that the dies were not completely closed) resulting in some large metal fragments stuck on the reverse. This occured because the pushed metal was squeezed in between the dies and the collar. Due to the misalignment there would have been a small area between the dies and the collar in certain areas where the metal flowed in and filled.
Oh, okay - I remember seeing one of those! I would make sure you use close-up photos from the edge (hopefully before it was slabbed), and toss it on eBay.... you'll get good $ if the bidders can see the error ~
Surprisingly, this was a relatively dramatic and scare type of error Scare??? Sumptin' looks finny to me
1997 Matte Nickel strike thru U "Error Collector- I Love Dem Crazy Coins" "Money, what is money? It is loaned to a man; he comes into the world with nothing and he leaves with nothing." Billy Durant. Founder of General Motors. He died a pauper.
Is the error on the REV?
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
<< <i>Can you explain what "horizontally misaligned" means.....? >>
Presidential Proof errors
I saw Mr Weinberg just bought an uncerified Sacagawea specimen like yours for $560 link
(Sorry; but given your title, I just couldn't resist.)
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Scare??? Sumptin' looks finny to me
1997 Matte Nickel strike thru U
"Error Collector- I Love Dem Crazy Coins"
"Money, what is money? It is loaned to a man; he comes into the world with nothing and he leaves with nothing." Billy Durant. Founder of General Motors. He died a pauper.
Hoard the keys.