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5000th Post Giveaway !! RDV-006! Winner in First Post!

19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,491 ✭✭✭✭
Congratulations to McHeath!

PM me your contact information so I can mail you your prize!

I missed my 1,000th Post giveaway and then blew by my 2,500th Post giveaway and decided that I would NOT miss my 5,000th Post Giveaway!

I asked about what to give away and how to do it in an earlier thread and have made my decision after somewhat lengthy thought!

Since I collect Eisenhowers and have been more fortunate than most in finding the 1971-D Friendly Eagle Variety (FEV) (RDV-006) coins, I thought why not give one away here! I could try to out do Saintguru and give away one of my MS66's but then I'd quickly realize that stupidity and generosity should never be mixed as the results can be disastrous.

Sooo, instead, I'll be giving the coin posted below away in a random drawing to be held on Sunday, 12/16/2007, at a time of my choosing.


This coin is raw and has a nasty little hit right above Mr. Eisenhower's ear which, BTW, also looks like Mike Tyson had a go at!

The coin itself has some fairly dynamic luster which makes that hit just about disappear in hand. There is some old fingerprint reminents in the upper right of the obverse along with some minor hits along the bust but all in all, the coin itself would be a very sweet find if you were to happen across it while perusing your 1971-D stash! I'd grade it an MS-62 but others may disagree and are certainly welcome to.

For the newbies, do a search on RDV-006 or FEP in the forums advanced search and you'll see why this particular variety is so different and unique. There's also a very informative article in the July 2007 Numismatist that gives a very reasonable explanation regarding the existance of this variety.

Respond to this thread and I'll pick a winner.

You could give your thoughts on the RDV-006 or even your thoughts and opinion's on the Eisenhower Dollars series. Where its headed, what you have, what you've seen, yada yada yada.

Good Luck!
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

The name is LEE!


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