This is how signature cut cards should look!

As many of you know, Garret (Knuckles) is working on a pretty big collection of signature cut cards for me. He is truely a master at what he does. Below you will see what can be done with some of the crap these card companies put out when some time is spent designing an appealing product. Thanks for all your hard work Garret.




Card Companies 0
Knuckles = Da man!
GO MARLINS! Home of the best fans in baseball!!
God knows i am not PC but i guess if you are of certain descents it is ok to to use racial slurs to promote cards. i also realize the kraut line term was used as term of affection back in the day, but so were a lot of things.
being a white, heterosexual, christian middle aged male with norther european ancestors i realize i am fair game for the rest of the country, because many people with my characteristics have made it to the top. there are however many, MANY more that have not.
i can imagine the outrage if koufax and greenberg were put on a card with some jewish slur or mays, aaron and gibson with a racial slur or clemente, marichal and tony perez had a catchy hispanic phrase with them.
i live in st. louis so there was a lot of coverage to the banning of the University of Illinois mascot. I support that ban. if there was any group in this country that has a right to complain about being kept down it is certainly the Native American.
<< <i>i can imagine the outrage if koufax and greenberg were put on a card with some jewish slur or mays, aaron and gibson with a racial slur or clemente, marichal and tony perez had a catchy hispanic phrase with them.
i live in st. louis so there was a lot of coverage to the banning of the University of Illinois mascot. I support that ban. if there was any group in this country that has a right to complain about being kept down it is certainly the Native American. >>
I agree with you sentiments, but the difference between Koufax, Greenberg, etc. and Woody Dumart, Milt Schmidt, and Bobby Bauer are that they were known as the Kraut Line while they were playing. I believe it was their coach gave them the nickname while they were in the minor leagues and it stuck throughout their playing careers. If you look up information on them from the hockey hall of fame, it mentions their nickname. Also, the nickname was not for the religion or ethniticity, it was because they came from Kitchener, Ontario, which was named Berlin, Ontario until 1916.
Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs
The Broderick Collection
To be politically correct, the phrase could have been placed
in quotes; but the reference to those guys using the phrase
was universal back in the day.
I sure hope I live long enough to see the backlash/reversal
of "politically correct," but I doubt that I will.
<< <i>Knuckles 1
Card Companies 0 >>
I think this probably shoots the tally closer to:
Knuckles - 100
Card Cos - 0
I obviously don't comment much all too often, but Knuckles' work is amazing and deserves stating.
Taken from the Hockey Hall of Fame website...
<< <i>In today's politically correct arena, a nickname like the Kraut Line would never exist. But that was before the pronouncement of World War II. With the eruption of war, the climate became a great deal more sensitive. "When we went into the service in 1942, they held contests in Boston to do away with the Kraut Line name. The person who won called us the 'Buddy Line.' It didn't last very long," laughs Milt. "After the war, we got back to Boston in 1945-46 and went back to being the Kraut Line again. It was quite a handle. We enjoyed it. We were all of German descent. My Mom and Dad were both born in Germany and came over to Canada at a very young age." >>
After much reading, I only found that the 3 really enjoyed the name.
I would rather spend my hard earned dollars on a card like Knuckles made over what the card companies are offering. Actually, Knuckles work are not "cards" but pieces of "art".
I tip my cap to you Knuckles, you are truly an artist.
<< <i>Why did you crack it out of the BVG case? >>
probably because it was ugly
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<< <i>How big is this card now? Too bad it can't go back into a PSA/DNA holder, can it? >>
It is now the size of a normal Tall Boy card. It will go to PSA/DNA and fit into their Tall Boy holder.
Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs
The Broderick Collection
<< <i>Knuckles, I just saw an auto page of Lord Stanley from 1904 for sale, anything you would be interested in?
jim >>
Jim, PM sent.
Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs
The Broderick Collection
Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs
The Broderick Collection
Thanks again,
- Garret
Link to auction
<< <i>How would PSA grade and slab these cards you make? I like them, I like them a lot. I just don't know if I support the idea of PSA slabbing them. >>
PSA/DNA slabs them in the normal slabs and marks them as authentic. PSA/DNA uses the blue flip, not the red ones used for typical cards. PSA/DNA treats these the same as they would index cards or any other autograph that is encapsulated. Here is a link to what some of the other cards that Knuckles has done for me look after encapsulation.
Encapsulated Thread
Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs
The Broderick Collection
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
<< <i>What's the price for a Knucks original? I'd like to do a Thurl Ravenscroft sig on a card. >>
I am sure you could PM him for a price.
Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs
The Broderick Collection
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra