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  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    Good for those guys taking action. While I don't think it was an intentional misdoing on eBay's behalf, it is an error and and I am glad to see it spoken to.

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  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    I just got a notice about it in My Messages, i guess they are looking for more victims.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>I just got a notice about it in My Messages, i guess they are looking for more victims. >>

    They actually are not. It states that if you are part of the "Class," that you need to do nothing further. Only if you wish not to be part of the "Class" should you take any action.

    My Auctions
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    ahh i see
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • Message expired in link. Quick rundown?
  • My message has expired, too. What was the class action suit in regards to??

    Thx for spreading the word!


    BRIAN MORK , On Behalf of Themselves and for
    the Benefit of All with the Common or General
    Interest, Any Persons Injured, and All Others
    Similarly Situated,

    EBAY, INC., et al.,

    Case No. 1:05-CV-035930



    DATE ACTION FILED: 02/17/05



    To: All eBay users from February 16, 2001 to the present. If you claim to have been harmed by eBay raising the eBay bidder's existing bid where no higher competing bid had been made and where raising the bid was not necessary to meet a reserve minimum you are a Member of the "Class" and your rights may be affected by the proposed class action settlement of a lawsuit alleging that eBay would automatically increase in certain circumstances an existing bid where no competing bid had been made and where it was not necessary to meet a reserve minimum. eBay denies any and all of the contentions and allegations of wrongdoing relating to eBay's increasing an existing bid where no competing bid had been made and where it was not necessary to meet a reserve minimum, and denies that the Members of the Class have suffered any damage. This Notice summarizes the terms of the settlement, and explains your rights and options under the settlement.


    On February 17, 2005, a complaint was filed by plaintiff Glenn Block in the Superior Court of the State of California County of Santa Clara ( the "Court") as a class action alleging that eBay's automatic increase in certain circumstances of an existing bid where no competing bid had been made and increasing the bid was not necessary to meet a minimum reserve was improper and artificially inflated the bids of eBay buyers, thus causing damage to eBay buyers (the "Action"). On April 17, 2006, an Amended Complaint which, among other things, substituted Plaintiffs John Rockers, Mark Rawling and Brian Mork for the original plaintiff was filed in the Court. The caption of the Action is Rockers v. eBay, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:05-CV-035930.


    The parties participated in mediation with the Honorable Read Ambler (Ret.) in an effort to resolve the Action. As a result of the mediation and in order to settle the allegations in the Action, eBay has agreed to cease the conduct alleged by making the following "curative disclosure" that is relative to the misrepresentations claimed by Plaintiffs:

    In response to a system prompt, if a high bidder attempts to raise his maximum bid when such bidder is then between bid increments, eBay shall first disclose to such bidder the exact amount of any resulting bid increase that would otherwise occur by virtue of the bidder raising the maximum bid. By way of illustration only and using the facts set forth in paragraph 23 of the Complaint, upon raising the maximum bid once plaintiff had reached his existing bid maximum of $111.00, eBay would disclose whether raising the maximum bid level would result in the $111.00 bid being raised to the next bid increment over the last competitive bid of $110.00 and, if so, specify the exact amount to which the bid would be raised - that is, $112.50.

    In addition, eBay has agreed to pay the sum of $2.1 million ("Settlement Fund"). The Settlement Fund will be distributed to one or more federally tax exempt charities chosen by Plaintiffs' Counsel and approved by the Court. None of the charities selected by Plaintiffs' Counsel and approved by the Court shall be directly or indirectly affiliated or associated with Plaintiffs or their counsel. Based on information provided by eBay to Plaintiffs' Counsel, the $2.1 million is estimated to be approximately 50% of the claimed damages and all other economic harm allegedly incurred by Members of the Class. Distribution of the Settlement Fund to charitable organizations is appropriate because any attempt to distribute the Settlement Fund to individual Members of the Class - whose average recovery would be less than $1.00 - would result in administrative costs that would consume any settlement proceeds.
    eBay has also agreed to separately pay Plaintiffs' Counsel $800,000 for past and anticipated future attorneys' fees and expenses regarding the Action, subject to Court approval ("Attorney Fees"). This amount was negotiated and agreed to after the substantive provisions of the settlement were reached and after the memorandum setting forth the material terms of the settlement was executed. Plaintiffs' Counsel, subject to Court approval, intend to pay up to $104,300.00 and $150,000.00 to Glenn Block (or Glenn Block, P.C.) and Daniel Block (or DSB Consulting, Inc.), respectively, for their expert services in this Action from the Attorney Fees. Glenn Block was the original plaintiff in the Action and provided technical assistance to Plaintiffs' Counsel regarding eBay's auction practices, the allegations in the Action, the calculation of damages and economic harm, and due diligence. Daniel Block is Glenn Block's son and provided computer, programming and data mining expertise that was otherwise unavailable to Plaintiffs in a timely and efficient manner. Their expertise was unique and necessary for the successful prosecution of the Action.
    eBay shall also separately pay, subject to Court approval, the three Plaintiffs named in the Amended Complaint, $1,000 to reimburse them for their time, costs and efforts in representing the Class.


    If the Court approves the settlement, a judgment will be entered dismissing the lawsuit with prejudice against eBay and all of its past and present officers, directors, shareholders, employees, insures, agents, representatives, partners, joint-ventures, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and attorneys (the "Released Persons"). This means that Members of the Class will be barred from bringing their own lawsuit against any of the Released Persons relating to eBay's alleged practice of raising an eBay bidder's existing bid where no higher competing bid had been made, and where raising the bid was not necessary to meet a reserve minimum. If you do not want to be barred from bring your own lawsuit on such claims, you must validly and timely request exclusion from the Class, as set forth below.


    If you are a Class Member, you have the following options:

    (A) Participate in the settlement. To participate in the settlement, you do not need to do anything. If the Court approves the settlement and the judgment is not successfully appealed, the terms of the settlement will be implemented.

    (B) Request exclusion from the Class and settlement. If you wish to be excluded from the Class and the settlement, you must send a written request for exclusion by regular or express mail, so that it is postmarked no later than January 30, 2007. Your exclusion request must include (1) your name, address, and telephone number; and (2) a statement that you wish to be excluded from the Class and settlement in Rockers v. eBay, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:05-CV-035930. If you submit a valid and timely exclusion request, you will not participate in the settlement. You will not be bound by the judgment dismissing the lawsuit with prejudice as to Released Persons, and your claims will not be released.

    (C) Comment on the settlement. If you remain in the Class, you may comment in support of or in opposition to the settlement. To do so, you must, no later than January 30, 2007, file your comment or objection with the Court and send copies by regular or express mail to Plaintiffs' Counsel at the addresses below:

    The Court:

    Clerk of the Court
    Civil Division
    191 North First Street
    San Jose, CA 95113

    Plaintiffs' Counsel:

    Jeffrey D. Light
    655 West Broadway, Suite 1900
    San Diego, CA 92101-3301

    Your written comment or objection must include (1) your name, address, and telephone number; (2) information sufficient to establish your membership in the Class; (3) a statement of your views; (4) any supporting documentation you wish to submit; and (5) a reference to Rockers v. eBay, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:05-CV-035930. If you wish to appear and present your objection orally at the fairness hearing described in Part V below, your written objection must contain a notice that you intend to appear and be heard, a statement of the positions you intend to present at the hearing, and any supporting arguments. You may, but need not, appear in the lawsuit through your own attorney. If you do so, you will be responsible for your own attorney's fees and expenses.


    A hearing will be held on February 13, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. before the Honorable Jack Komar, Superior Court Judge, in Department 17C at the Santa Clara Superior Old Courthouse, 161 North First Street, San Jose, California 95113. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine (a) whether the proposed settlement including the attorneys' fees and expenses and service awards that eBay has separately agreed to pay should be approved as fair, reasonable and adequate and should be granted; and (b) whether the Action and the claims of the Members of the Class should be dismissed with prejudice pursuant to the settlement. This hearing may be rescheduled without further notice to the Class. You may attend the hearing if you wish, but are not required to do so to participate in the settlement.


    You can get more information by contacting Plaintiffs' Counsel at the address listed in Part IV (C). Complete copies of the settlement agreement and all other pleadings and papers filed in the lawsuit are available for inspection and copying, during regular business hours, at the Office of the Clerk of the Court, Superior Court of the State of California, County of Santa Clara, Civil Division, 161 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.


    DATED: November 8, 2006

  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    oops...someone already posted it image

    My Auctions
  • That's interesting. I've never paid attention to this scenario of upping your max bid and the new bid going up by the usual incremented amount! I wonder if any of us will see any money...
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    I don't get it. So if you bid $50 on something where the bid started at $5, and there was no reserve AND no competing bidders, Ebay would occasionally just bump your bid anyway?
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    No. Say you bid $112.61, and are currently the bid leader at $101. Then someone else bids $112.50. You would still be the leading bidder at $112.61. If you then went in and upped your highest bid to say, $125.00, then the way eBay works now is that it would up your existing bid to $115.00 because that is the next highest bid increment. If no one else bid, eBay would have made you pay $2.39 too much just because you upped your max bid.

    They should not up your current bid if you are only upping your max bid and are the current leader.

    My Auctions
  • mcholkemcholke Posts: 1,000 ✭✭

    << <i>No. Say you bid $112.61, and are currently the bid leader at $101. Then someone else bids $112.50. You would still be the leading bidder at $112.61. If you then went in and upped your highest bid to say, $125.00, then the way eBay works now is that it would up your existing bid to $115.00 because that is the next highest bid increment. If no one else bid, eBay would have made you pay $2.39 too much just because you upped your max bid.

    They should not up your current bid if you are only upping your max bid and are the current leader. >>

    That is the way I read this as well. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.

    Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>No. Say you bid $112.61, and are currently the bid leader at $101. Then someone else bids $112.50. You would still be the leading bidder at $112.61. If you then went in and upped your highest bid to say, $125.00, then the way eBay works now is that it would up your existing bid to $115.00 because that is the next highest bid increment. If no one else bid, eBay would have made you pay $2.39 too much just because you upped your max bid.

    They should not up your current bid if you are only upping your max bid and are the current leader. >>

    Got it. Thanks for the clarification, Jordan.
  • Yeah, that has happened to me in the past a few times. I always thought it was wrong. Thats cool they will stop that now. Maybe I'll get $5 in the mail !!!
  • mcholkemcholke Posts: 1,000 ✭✭
    From reading the settlement agreement it does not appear any members of the class will be getting paid. It appears Ebay instead would make payment to a charity for $2 million as they indicate the administrative burden of reimbursing members of the class is too costly for size of refunds. But we may get future relief.

    Collecting Tony Perez PSA and Rookie Baseball PSA

  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,017 ✭✭✭
    Wow , I can't believe we finally might be here. It's made me so mad to have a max bid lose to the way they have it set up. I never understood the thinking behind it. I actually set up a couple FAMILY accounts to sorta get around it but was always afraid that some BOZO would consider it to be some type of reverse shilling( I know I'm crazy for thinking that ). After losing maybe 5 items( coins or cards) , I felt it was the only way around the block. My only fear is that it will lead to some type of problem, that only some little pin-head who thought up the 1st barrier saw. I think in the end , if this is ruled against ebay ,that this will be better for ebay and their buyers & sellers. We will see, SONNY (calaban7)
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    eBay pays money - to one or more charities (selected by plaintiff's lawyers) and to the lawyers for the named plaintiffs (William Lerach's firm, for those people familiar with shareholder derivative suits). The three named plaintiffs get $1,000 each. The original named plaintiff and his son get approximately a quarter million dollars for their technical and expert advice on the lawsuit.

    Every one of the thousands and thousands of bidders who was affected - gets NOTHING.

    Feel well represented?

    Reap the whirlwind.

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  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,609 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great to see the charities get money, but as usual the lawyers are major profiteers. Meanwhile, Ebay will up some fee a penny or so on something to make up for the loss so the ebay customers windup paying for the settlement.

    As is usually the case...clever lawyers find their ways of extorting money from corporations through the legal system. Lawyers get filthy rich, one or a few plantiffs hit the court lottery, while the consumers foots the bills with higher prices. There is an interesting article about this in this month's Readers Digest which I read while waiting in the grocery store checkout line.

    I didn't read the legalities of the settlement, but having been in the business world a longtime, most businesses can basically do whatever they want in regards to their pricing structure. I can charge one customer $50 for a product and another customer $25 depending on the circumstances. McDonalds might charge a buck for a burger at one location, and it's a buck and a quarter at another location.

    I don't like what Ebay did as well as the next person, but it's their business and they should be able to operate their auctions however they wish. Seems to me that Ebay probably figured it was cheaper to settle it for 2.1 million which is peanuts to them, rather than dragging this out with their own legal fees and of course the negative publicity. Good job by these attorneys extorting more money through the legal system so that we can all pay higher and many times much higher prices for products, insurance, medical bills, etc.


    PS: just can't wait for the one or two card collecting lawyers on here to bash this post in some way with their lawyer speak propaganda - of course now that I mentioned this...they probably won't - LOL.


  • << <i>eBay pays money - to one or more charities (selected by plaintiff's lawyers) and to the lawyers for the named plaintiffs (William Lerach's firm, for those people familiar with shareholder derivative suits). The three named plaintiffs get $1,000 each. The original named plaintiff and his son get approximately a quarter million dollars for their technical and expert advice on the lawsuit.

    Every one of the thousands and thousands of bidders who was affected - gets NOTHING.

    Feel well represented?

    Nick >>

    Heck yea, anytime I only pay 800,000 AND win I feel good image At least my bids will be proper now...I upped my bid/final costs a few times.

    QUOTE"eBay has also agreed to separately pay Plaintiffs' Counsel $800,000 for past and anticipated future attorneys' fees and expenses regarding the Action"
    Sig: Looking for a recent smr magazine, Please pm if you have one to recycle. Thank You
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,342 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Guess what just froze over?? >>

    Dang. I saw the title and I just had to check. Lions are still 2-13, not in the Super Bowl as the title of this thread suggests. image
  • Darn I thought Hell Froze over and Psa Gave all sumbmissions Psa 10's For christmasimage
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