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I Wish PSA Would…..

give a more detailed explanation when they won't put a card in a holder. I sent in a Mint 1973-74 O-Pee-Chee #81 Bill Barber RC. This card is absolutely beautiful in every way. I received it back in the same Card Saver 1 I sent it in with and it is labeled “EVID TRIM”. I know this means they believe the card has been trimmed. I believe since I paid for this card to be put in a holder and they don’t do it and keep my money that I have a right to a better explanation then just implying the card has been trimmed. I would like for them to send an explanation back with the card telling what they see to make them believe this card was trimmed.

I admit I am not an expert at grading cards, I am not even close. Matter of fact I am very new to grading, I just started getting into graded cards about 1 and a half years ago. I did however look at all four edges with a 10x lighted loupe magnifying glass. All four edges look the same to me. I can’t find a difference. So without knowing what PSA sees I have to ASSUME they think all four edges were trimmed, which would make this card significantly smaller then other cards. Now I don’t have any other 73 O-Pee-Chee cards to measure it against, but I did have a 73 Topps card that I know for a fact was not trimmed. A few years back I opened a sealed pack and this was a card from that pack. Both cards are exactly the same size in width, but the O-Pee-Chee card is a hair shorter in length. I can’t believe the top and bottom of the card were trimmed and it only makes the card a hair shorter. Calling Customer Service about how cards grade is no help either. The people that answer the phones don’t know why cards are graded the way they are and Customer Service won’t let you talk to the graders. As it stands now I don’t know what to look for so I don’t send in another card with the same problem. If that is what PSA wants then they should not keep the money for a card they don’t put in a holder. I feel since they keep the money I should get an explanation good enough so I can tell what the problem with the card is. All I am tying to say is if PSA would just taking a few minutes to explain in detail why they feel a card cannot be put in a holder it would save a lot of aggravation and hard feelings. Is that too much to ask for?

I contacted the person who sold me this card and he is genuinely surprised to find out that PSA thinks this card has been trimmed. I know he is genuine because he is taking the card back and refunding my money even though I don’t have any avenues to take in order for the person to do this. I won the auction on this card back in February of this year. Thank God I bought this card from such an honest seller or I would really be out of luck.

Because of nothing but bad experiences since having cards graded and now with this latest problem I am done with having cards graded. For now on I am holding out for already graded cards to finish my wish list. I do have a bunch of cards I sent in using PSA’s special that I am waiting on, but that will be the last of them. I also have a few cards sent to KSA and I will see how they treat me. I know a lot of people don’t have the same feelings for KSA graded cards as they do for PSA & BGS, but that does not matter to me. The cards I am interested in grading now are for my own collection.

Anyway sorry for going on this rant. My wife does not want to hear about my hobby problems and I had no one else to talk to. I hope everyone has a SAFE Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!



  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,756 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about the card being returned to you. I know you're very frustrated at this point, but bear in mind that the reason that PSA cards are as desirable as they are, is because they are very strict and very careful with their grading standards. An expertly trimmed card is very hard to spot if you're not an experienced card grader. The fee you pay PSA for grading is for their analysis and evaluation of the card. Though this particular card was not graded because it showed evidence of trimming, that's what you're paying PSA for when you submit a card for grading: an opinion. It's not reasonable to expect them to further elaborate on why they feel it's trimmed as the designation is pretty self-explanatory and that's not what you're paying them for. If you truly feel the card is not trimmed and that this seller is not just trying to pull one over on you, you might want to try re-submitting it, but odds are it'll come the same way again.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    Don't be sorry - it was an excellent rant. image

    At times it can be frustrating. I remember the feeling all to well. I dug out a couple of trimmed cards from years back and it it amazing how obviously they are trimmed to me now.

    I must say, the dealer who sold/refunded your card seems to be a good egg.

    Merry Christmas!image

  • Thank you for the replies. I have a couple of questions I am hoping maybe you can help me with. Is it common to have all 4 sides cut. And if it is shouldn’t the card be smaller then another card of the same year?

    I just heard a term new to me, “Sheeter”. Could this card have been part of a sheet and cut by modern technology and that is why PSA says the card is trimmed? In that same conversation I heard that PSA is the only grader that does not accept these cards. As I said I am very new to graded cards so any knowledge that you can pass on to me about this I would be deeply appreciated.

    Thanks again, Jim
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Anyway sorry for going on this rant. >>


    I'ld hardly call this a rant - I saw no foaming of the mouth! image

    Now, could you give the "exact" dimensions of the card?

    Next - could it be that they felt that the card was trimmed in that it was "sheet cut" vs. factory?

    I know nothing about the issue - just a question - in looking for answers.

    I agree - I wish they would set up their softward with multitudes of "stock" responses that the grader can click on and give you a detailed explanation of what they saw. This, IMO, would not be time consuming and provide better customer service.

    I think it's nice the guy is taking the card back.

    Good luck and Merry Christmas
  • Jim, the OPC Barber card that you possess is one of two things.
    If it has 4 perfectly sharp edges, it was either cut from a sheet or it was just flat out trimmed. The hairline disparity to your topps issue tells me that it was probably trimmed. The good sheet cutters will normally cut their cards oversized; not undersized. You have to remember that OPC cards back then were all cut with wires so they all had the rough cuts on the edges. At least that's how they're suppose to come out of packs. Normally if I see perfect edges on OPC cards, I would just stay clear. There are collectors who collect graded sheet cards. BGS will grade sheet cuts as long as it has the proper measurements, dimensions, etc. PSA won't grade sheet cut but will grade hand-cut (here comes Chaz); which doesn't make sense to me anyways.
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,756 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like a sheet-cut card from your description. PSA (as Bryan said) will not grade sheet cut (which I also agree with), as those cards are not true "factory produced" cards and since OPC cutting techniques left much to be desired, the whole sheet cut process gives those cards an unfair advantage in the grading process, though they look awfully fake, too, IMO.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Thank you so much for the information you are giving me. How much time would it have taken PSA to say "EVID SHEET CUT" instead of "EVID TRIM" if that is what they see. Or "EVID TRIM or SHEET-CUT". If after I received the card and could see one or two edges different then the others then I could except their response, but when all 4 edges look the same and the card is the same width as another card of the same year that is defiantly known not to be trimmed. I then feel PSA is not giving the consumer there monies worth with that explanation. I am not asking for a book report just a little more clarity.

    As far as the measurements of the card, I hope inches are close enough for this purpose. In case it is here are the measurements: 2-1/2” wide and 3-17/32” long. Can anyone tell me from these measurements if they think it is a sheet cut or it has been trimmed?

    Once again; Thank you for all the help. The more I learn the better decisions I can make in the future.

    Merry Christmas, Jim
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The size of the card, as such, does not give any info in defense of a trimmed card.

    PSA - considers a card 1/32" short - to be OK.

    They would have to use other criteria - like bent/rounded or bat eared corners - as evidence of trimming.

    I'm definitely not well versed in this area - not any area for that matter?

    If you have a 10X loupe - compare this card with others and see if you detect anything?

  • when SGC sends back a card they believed to be trimmed, they mark a sticker that is placed on the card saver ..on the sticker is a picture of a card, and they use a red pen to CIRCLE the area that is suspect....right corner, left border etc..this is something maybe PSA can do, it seems fair enough to point out that spot that was deemed trimmed or whatever....
  • jfkheatjfkheat Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>when SGC sends back a card they believed to be trimmed, they mark a sticker that is placed on the card saver ..on the sticker is a picture of a card, and they use a red pen to CIRCLE the area that is suspect....right corner, left border etc..this is something maybe PSA can do, it seems fair enough to point out that spot that was deemed trimmed or whatever.... >>

    BVG did the same thing when I sent some cards in a few years ago. They would always show what area of the card was trimmed. I don't understand why PSA can't do the same thing.
  • And while we're wishin', I'd like to see PSA add new cards to the Set Registry in a little more timely manner. It's frustrating to own a card eligible for inclusion to sit and not be recognized for 6-8 weeks at least...

    There. I feel better...
  • Hi Everyone,

    What a great bunch of people on this Message Board. Thank you for each and every one of your comments and suggestions. Believe it or not you all made me feel better. Plus you are helping me learn a lot about collecting and grading, than you! I don't know if PSA gets feedback from this board, but it would be nice if they did and would consider some of the great suggestions on hear.

    Merry Christmas,
  • cardbendercardbender Posts: 1,831 ✭✭
    Hi Jim,
    Sorry to hear about the Barber card. That's a great dealer who would take a return 9 month's after the sale, especially for a raw card.

    One thing is all OPC cards are not rough cut. I have plenty of clean cut cards with smooth edges that are from vending. I have tons of 1973 OPC's from vending with totally clean, smooth edges.

    Your card is actually oversized so more than likey it was sheet cut.
    Also the seller may not have done anything to card himself. He may have purchased it not knowing it's trimmed or was maybe suspect.

    It would be nice if PSA indicated exactly where the trimming has taken place but they don't. Maybe it takes too much time to do this, I don't know.

    Don't give up on grading because of one bad experience. At least you know that the card is funny, and you have a dealer willing to take a return. You didn't lose anything but your grading fee's. Consider it a learning experience. We've all went through them ourselves in the this hobby.

    Good luck,

  • aro13aro13 Posts: 1,961 ✭✭✭
    I agree with cardbender - not all 1973 OPC's have rough cuts. If you do not think the card is trimmed, send it in again. Many years ago I had cards returned from PSA marking where they felt the card was trimmed but I have not seen that in a long time.
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    I'm just watching this thread----please continueimage
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