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Does anyone collect Modern Game Used of HOF's

just wondering how popular these cards are....the modern 2000-2006 game used jerseys of HOF's....the ruths, the Thorpes, the Gehrig jerseys, the bat slices.....anyone thinks its still wrong to be cutting up these items for modern cards?


  • halosfanhalosfan Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm putting together a couple different sets. Sometimes I'll pick up a random single if I like the design.
    Looking for a Glen Rice Inkredible and Alex Rodriguez cards
  • what do the true vintage collectors think? are these considered vintage cards even though they were produced post 2000...

    is a ruth swatch card with a pinstripe more desirable than a 1933 ruth goudey in psa2?
  • tkd7tkd7 Posts: 1,799 ✭✭
    I think true vintage collectors don't consider the new shiny cards worth collecting. Most think that destroying a piece of baseball history like a Ruth jersey or bat is unconscionable.

    Personally, I'm not as opposed to the idea as most other vintage collectors.
  • I can see where the vintage collector would not like the destruction of a bat or jersey. In a way I don’t either however it does give more people the opportunity to own a piece of jersey,bat or whatever it is at a more reasonable price as most including me could never afford to buy a whole jersey or bat. I picked up the beliveau card in my sig line and just love it. I never would have been able to afford the whole jersey. Just my thoughts.
    ALWAYS LOOKING TO BUY HIGH GRADE 79/80 OPC HOCKEY !!! & Upper Deck "Ice Scripts" Cards

  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    most people can't afford an aston-martin, but cutting it up to distribute the pieces cheaply makes no sense. Same with cards IMO
  • if these HOF jerseys are limited, (how many ruth jerseys will they cut up) doesnt it make sense to get them now because in 10 years they may not be producing any more ruth jesrsey cards due to dwindled supply....

  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    Yes, it's wrong, but yes, I collect them. At a couple bucks apiece for modern HOFers (I can think of at least two dozen whose cards an be found at shows for $3 or less apiece), I consider them a fun collectible item - and if I ever wanted to make displays, pairing an autographed, jersey, and bat card of the same player looks quite impressive to the average fan.


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  • People having such an issue with cutting up bats, jerseys, etc. smacks of a very odd elitism, because most of the people complaining about it can't even afford to buy a HOF bat or jersey to "preserve" it. The market has spoken; apparently, those who would rather see more jerseys and bats in museums or at ballparks haven't gotten the message across to said museums and ballparks, or at least not loudly enough to get them to bid more and more often. Thus, it seems like the majority of those who care want their own "Piece Of History", to quote the appropriately-named Upper Deck insert set image
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • ok cool,then i guess its ok to post these pics withot having my head chewed off!

    think the Ruth stitching may be from the name collar....


  • Nah.. I don't collect 'em.
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