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Is there any collectors value in the Liberty Dollar?

Would or will the coin collecting world treat it as a Commen, or SCD?

Will it become valuable if deemed against the law?

I'm thinking of picking up one just to throw in the corner of the safe, however it's like buying Panda's from China. I dig the "coins" however you're lining the pockets of Communist China or in this case, just somebody whose pocket I don't want to line.


Edited for spelling.
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  • thebeavthebeav Posts: 3,780 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've only seen one in the news. Wouldn't know where to get a live one......
  • mach19mach19 Posts: 4,002 ✭✭
    Just recieved two $5.00 ones in the mail. I like them!
  • I just read an article on the usmint website that has declared the use of these as illegal... here is part of the text (go to the press section of the usmint site) for the entire thing.

    "NORFED’s "Liberty Dollar" medallions are specifically marketed to be used as current money in order to limit reliance on, and to compete with the circulating coinage of the United States. Consequently, prosecutors with the United States Department of Justice have concluded that the use of NORFED’s "Liberty Dollar" medallions violates 18 U.S.C. § 486, and is a crime."

    So, that answers that question. These are not legal as of now. Bye bye norfed...

    I just saw the link above... sorry for posting after the fact...
  • That's what I'm saying.......Once they are declared illegal will they have any collectors value? I'm thoroughly convinced that investing in NORFED is a quick trip to the soup line, and in fact I hope the vermin taste Federal Prison. I see it as a tax dodge. The coins probably aren't .999 silver and a $11 + oz of silver (if that is what you're getting) sells for $20.

    Twenty DOLLARS. Greenbacks. Funny how they hate US Federal Reserve Notes, yet they themselves seem to accept them.

    They seem to encourage spending them as cash in regular businesses and prey upon the uneducated consumer. The fact the main office exists in my home town is highly disturbing to me as well.

    What's disturbing more than anything is the Links page on their website. Counter Culture doesn't quite describe it.

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