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Were any of the H&K listed so-called dollars issued in 1960?

291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,268 ✭✭✭✭✭
I no longer have a copy of the book. Were any of them issued in 1960 or is 1959 the cut-off date?
All glory is fleeting.


  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,541 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Several of the ones listed around the 570-580 range were issued in 1960. There were several Pony Express issues, a Boy Scout issue, and maybe a few others. I don't have the book in front of me at the moment, but all of these are common so you should be able to fish them out of the NGC pop report.
  • Here's the ones I found....on a quick glance.... I think this is most.. there may be others....
    (Note: descriptions abbreviated to save typing - if you need more specific info on either please pm me)

    1960 Alaska Festival of Music (2) metals
    1960 Boy Scouts
    1960 USS Enterprise
    1960 Mardi Gras
    1960 Pony Express - Official medal (2) metals
    1960 Mumey Dollar
    1960 East Tincup Dollar (3) Types
    1961 Kansas Statehood Centennial
    1961 Mobile 250th
    1961 Pony Express Termination (2) metals
    1960 Fresno Diamond Jubilee
    1960 Jackson City Hall
    1960 Old Tucson
    1960 Marking Device
    1960 Louisiana Pharmaceutical
    1960 (Circa) Disneyland (undated but attributed as 1960)

    Hope this helps!!

    Evergreen, Colorado


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