This Cobb slab looks awfully frosted.
Another switcheroo?
Remm the Brian48 Orr card and this same guy? Can anyone bring that thread back?
Remm the Brian48 Orr card and this same guy? Can anyone bring that thread back?

Good for you.
Shag you are not serious? You do not see the bottom of the slab and how frosty it appears?
Unless the card is doctored or a fake ...which its not apparent on the scan. what would be the point of a switch?
Groucho Marx
according to my values and my needs. Nothing holds dominion over me, I stand alone as the ruler of my life.
I am talking about the Cobb which I have pictured. How can you say that it is clear? How can you even ask me to hold it at an angle? I have cracked PSA slabs in half. From the point the crack is made it frosts. As I work up and out it does not. A person can do that, substitute a card and then 2 dabs of crazy glue later the slab is basically tight. Glue is not even needed as one mates to the other.
The frost remains.
Mark Mulder rookies
Chipper Jones rookies
Orlando Cabrera rookies
Lawrence Taylor
Sam Huff
Lavar Arrington
NY Giants
NY Yankees
NJ Nets
NJ Devils
1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards
Looking for Topps rookies as well.
I see the appearance of more frost but that's about all I can say.
I have no experience.
Have you contacted the seller?
With the Orr card the buyer had no reason to think it was switched at first. Yes, he felt it was overgraded. Not finding evidence while not looking for evidence is what happened. . If one reads the thread (all of them) one will see that the buyer did have some recervations with the cert from the beginning as it had a tear.
It sorta snowballed on him if I remm correctly. PSA found that the slab had been compromised and made the last seller of the card (the seller of this Cobb) refund the buyer.
While I am no PSA appologist as to the guarantee (or lack of one) I felt all along that the seller sold a compromised slab/cert/card. Who compromised it is anyones guess.
The Cobb card could be legit. It is being sold by the same guy that sold the Orr. IMO the case looks bad.
<< <i>PSA found that the slab had been compromised and made the last seller of the card (the seller of this Cobb) refund the buyer.
Steve >>
PSA made the seller refund the buyer? I would be interested in that part of the story. I would think they would have no legal recourse. All they can do is officially state in a letter that their expert opinion is that the slab was compromised. In fact, I think PSA and the buyer actually lost their case from a legal perspective, when they cracked the slab open without a third party witness.
In any case, I hope the Cobb is legit. As you know, the buyer is sort of a novice and I would hate for him to get burned with his first big Cobb purchase. I agree, the seller does cast some doubt (right or wrong?) following the Orr situation.
<< <i>It just kills me to say this, but from my experience I have agree with Chaz (cough cough), as every slab I've ever cracked has really, really frosted-- I mean to the point where there just couldn't be any debate at all as to whether or not the slab was cracked. I kind of wish now that I had owned one of the tampered slabs from When It Was A Fraud at some point or another, just so I could know what they looked like... but if my experience is any indication of what slabs generally look like when they're cracked (and for all I know there are guys who can crack them with a lot more care and finesse than me) the odds of this being a bum slab are pretty slim. >>
The Fraud guys had there own slab sealer. So I think you simply can not tell on their slabs.
<< <i>
<< <i>It just kills me to say this, but from my experience I have agree with Chaz (cough cough), as every slab I've ever cracked has really, really frosted-- I mean to the point where there just couldn't be any debate at all as to whether or not the slab was cracked. I kind of wish now that I had owned one of the tampered slabs from When It Was A Fraud at some point or another, just so I could know what they looked like... but if my experience is any indication of what slabs generally look like when they're cracked (and for all I know there are guys who can crack them with a lot more care and finesse than me) the odds of this being a bum slab are pretty slim. >>
The Fraud guys had there own slab sealer. So I think you simply can not tell on their slabs. >>
Oh, really? I was under the impression is was just a Mom and Pop 'glue it back together' outfit. You mean they actually sprung for a sealer? And I assume, then, that they must have somehow gotten their hands on a bunch of fresh slab (i.e., unsealed) slab pieces as well?
<< <i>It just kills me to say this, but from my experience I have agree with Chaz (cough cough), as every slab I've ever cracked has really, really frosted-- I mean to the point where there just couldn't be any debate at all as to whether or not the slab was cracked. I kind of wish now that I had owned one of the tampered slabs from When It Was A Fraud at some point or another, just so I could know what they looked like... but if my experience is any indication of what slabs generally look like when they're cracked (and for all I know there are guys who can crack them with a lot more care and finesse than me) the odds of this being a bum slab are pretty slim. >>
HA HA HA HA HA HA do have some brains!!!!! chaz
IMO The bottom of a case can be compromised and only that area will frost.
Steve My mistake it was paypal that pressured the seller to refund the buyer. PSA did in fact find that the slab was compromised.
the more i look at it the fishier it looks.. if you look closely there's two very faint marks on the plastic at either side, just inside the bottom edge, that also look quite suspicious.....
If in doubt, you must not shell out.
I'm the one who bought the T206 Red Cobb.
There was some concern that the holder looked a bit "frosted" on the corners and the same seller had previously sold a tampered Orr rookie. As soon as I received it, I sent it to PSA to review. I went ahead and paid the review fee and asked them to 1) determine if it was a tampered holder and 2) while you're at it, could you bump this sweet card to a 4 (although once I received it, I agreed that it's a very nice 3)? Today I received the card back. The verdict:
Legit 3. They also pointed out the flaws that made it a 3.
Peace of mind cost me $50 bucks. But I'm still happy with the card and total
If you're ever looking to get me a little something for Christmas, well look no further . . .
Very nice card and I would be proud to have it in my collection.
Glad to hear it's a winner!
And, I believe, Steve just had your best interests at heart.