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1878 CC- Could this be a Vam?

I did the best I could to blow this up for view, a hair fuzzy but you hopefully will understand.
eagles left wing (your right) at what I would like to refer to as a 'elbow' just a hair above the V, there appears to be a 'spike' thru the wing heading towards back of eagles head. I have not found anything in the Vam book or on the Ashmore sight that indicates what this may be.
so I need an experts opinion.


and the close up:


as always guys & gals- the help is appreciated.


  • picture?
  • sorry I hit the enter instead of space bar bar.
  • what happened to the Vammers?

    or is this a new vam?
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Sorry can't see a thing on my monitor.
  • jdsinvajdsinva Posts: 1,508
    I believe it just a polish line as I've seen that particular line between the wing and head. I' would be looking at the MM and date for the usual stuff to help determine the VAM.


    Semper ubi sub ubi
  • eyoung429eyoung429 Posts: 6,374
    I have seen it a couple of times too. Any doubling of the motto?
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
  • unfortunately hard to tell from that pictureimage but as others have said probably just a polish line as I have also seen that before

  • Sorry- had to mow the back yard before mom got home.

    To answer a few Q's.
    <<I have seen it a couple of times too. Any doubling of the motto?>>
    A- Yes, slight doubling on N, there is a raised glob between od of God, the e is filled in, and trus are connected as well. this 'spike' is raised not a polish line- it looks almost like a nail spike going thru the wing - nail head in wing point heading to back of head.

    <<I' would be looking at the MM and date for the usual stuff to help determine the VAM.


    A- Mint mark is in line as with the Vam 18, but I can not disttinguish any doubling in the leaves,head dress, ear or date and stars, but there is a faint die crack starting at the edge of the second bundle(right) and ending in second A of America, also first A is in eagles wing.

    Other than that- no other noticeable markings. It maybe be nothing and then again- hell I don't know- but I r having fun looking.

    Thanks for the advice on what and where to look- this has been fun for now.

  • VAM's Disease is funny.
    know what you don't know.

    hi, i'm tom.

    i do not doctor coins like some who post in here.

  • I brought this back up for a refreshing point of view.

    Met with hiyosilver last night, wanted to see his newly discovered 21 vam that he has- it is sweet vammers!

    Well we did the show and chat over a few, and he saw this one- it's going to go with a bunch others for Leroy to determine if I'm nuts or if I have a new find.

    I like finding these silly little embelishmnets on my Morgies!

    I have an 1899-O that has a V groove in the ear- looks like a filled ear- does anyone know IF it a Vam or is this another send off?

  • RVDavisRVDavis Posts: 1,137
    Sorry I can't tell from the photos.
    Proud recipient of YOU SUCK more than once and less than 100 times.

  • Hi Wade

    <<Met with hiyosilver last night,>>

    It was a pleasure meeting you and sharing the VAM's. I think Leroy will be busy with the coins you have. image

    Some real beauties you have, Good luck!

    Monday April 10, 2006 9:04 AM

    SM1 calls me a troublemaker....image

    Sunday August 19, 2007 9:17AM

    A mentor awarded " YOU SUCK!!"

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