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VAM Guy's Ever see this or know of a 1886 P Morgan Turkey Vam? Pic's in Post Gobble Gobble !!

It's an 1886 P with a Nice Turkey Thingy hanging under the Eagles neck!(Can be seen with the naked eye)

There is a cool lookin clash mark just above and behind the arrow heads (looks like Flames!)

Inside field of upper right wreath has triple c shaped clash and just below looks double c shaped clash.

I've heard of a 1886 VAM with the double C Clash (1C or something if I remember correctly)

But have not heard of or seen one with the Clashes or Gouges? under the neck!

Any help would be appreciated




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  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The marks in front of the eagle's neck are clashes, and the clash mark above the arrow heads is from the cotton bolls. It looks like you have a VAM 1C, which has clash marks from where the ribbon cinches Liberty's cap repeated and separated by a significant die rotation. The clash after the rotation is visible to the left of the second leaf cluster down from the top.
  • TonedCoinTraderTonedCoinTrader Posts: 2,765 ✭✭✭
    Thanks John,

    Do all VAM 1C's have the Clashes under the Eagles Neck like that?


    Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm going to have to defer to someone who has ready access to the coin. The clashes in front of the eagle's neck are from Liberty's hair, and I have seen those on other coins.
  • TonedCoinTraderTonedCoinTrader Posts: 2,765 ✭✭✭
    Thanks John,

    Anyone else?

    Just currious as to why the VAM 1C is not explained or pictured in the Encyclopidia of Morgan and Peace Book?


    Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
  • CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    Yes, that is a VAM-1C, though not all 5 right wreath clashes are apparent in the image. Do you see any clashing on the obverse? Also is there any significant die rotation between obverse and reverse?
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
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  • TonedCoinTraderTonedCoinTrader Posts: 2,765 ✭✭✭

    I can see Clearly all 5 C Clash marks.

    No Die Rotation at all unless it was a 360 degree turn. image

    I don't see any Clash marks on the obverse, but it might be cuz all that Ugly Tarnish is all over it!



    Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
  • CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    Yours is a typical 1C then. People are actively looking to see if there are intermediate examples. All known have an unclashed obverse. If a clashed one is out there, it possibly could exhibit a rotation consistent with one of the clashes.
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
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  • PM Sent.

    (Nice clashes and tarnish by the way!!) image

    With that strong clashing of the cotton bolls under the eagle's wing and the outline of Liberty's profile on the eagle's right side wreath, I would be curious to see if there is a Full or Partial E under Liberty's tail-feathers.

    I don't have my Super Clashed Die book by Mark Kimpton, (forum member Morganvamclashie) at the moment because of the early hour, but sounds like the others already researched it.

    Take a look under the tail-feathers to see if you can see a full or any portion of the Clashed E of Liberty's headband.


    If I only had a dollar for every VAM I have...err...nevermind...I do!! image

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