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Coin Collection Software

Do any of you use a software program to keep inventory of your collection? I'm looking for a product that runs on Windows XP but has a companion program that interfaces to PalmOS. That way I have my collection in the palm of my hand at the coin shows but full transaction capabilities that can then be uploaded to Windows database. I'm looking for software that:
    downloads updated price guides for all grades of coinsstores previous price guide information for trend trackingstores images of my coinsreads PCGS slab bar codes for easy data entrystores images of my receipts from purchasesstores full details about each purchaseallows me to mark coins as "sold" instead of removing from databaselets me keep a "wish list" of coins I'm most wanting to acquirefull reporting capabilities like duplicates I have in a set, coins I don't have for a set, etc.allows me to mark which coins I wish to upgrade when opportunity arises
Any one have a recommendation about coin collecting software that may have most or all of these capabilities?
image Scottish Fold Gold


  • jdsinvajdsinva Posts: 1,508
    Maybe you can find some ideas in this thread. . .


    Semper ubi sub ubi
  • Sorry Jeff, that thread only discussing what people would like in coin collecting software. Some functions more specific to dealers than collectors. But nobody named any actual software. Do none of you use software? Just an Excel spreadsheet? I've already developed an ACCESS database for my collection that does most of what I specified. I guess I'll have to write the export interface to get the data to my PalmOS. But I was wondering, why reinvent the wheel if somebody has already done it?
    image Scottish Fold Gold
  • I use Excel and Documents To Go. PalmGear also features a program called CoinMaster. You might try that. There doesn't seem to be a program sophisticated enough to read PCGS barcode slabs. (I'm wondering if that's proprietary information. It's possible it's not legal to create such a program.)
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  • jdsinvajdsinva Posts: 1,508
    Everyone has their own specific ideas and needs for coin software, which is probably why there is no dominant software package on the market. Everyone has their Excel spreadsheets or their home-grown Access database. I now remembered why I have a reference to that thread, to keep a list of what a large cross section of people thought were useful features for coin collecting software.

    The price update would be a roadblock. That would likely involve a subscription service or a lot of manual downloads from the few sources that do offer free price guide access.



    Semper ubi sub ubi
  • Well, I solved the synchronization between ACCESS and my Palm using SmartListToGo. It lets you move data between ACCESS tables and SmartList tables. As far as barcode reading, I suspect it's fairly simple. The PCGS coin number and the certificate number. Just read the barcode with a reader and that's what it will probably display. Then all you need is to interface barcode reader to ACCESS.
    image Scottish Fold Gold

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