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Pcgs does not crossover by designation (Cam or Deep Cameo)??

I sent a 65 SMS Kennedy to Pcgs for a crossover that was in an Ngc Ultra Cameo holder. I put in the "min. grade" box on the Pcgs form that I wanted a Deep Cameo as a minimun for crossover, but that was ignored and they put it in a Pcgs cameo holder. I called Pcgs and they said that they only cross by grade and that they do not cross by designation. What kind of crap is this??


  • sounds like ya put in the wrong coin number ?

    Cams start with 8 and DCAMS start with a 9 i believe
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I called Pcgs and they said that they only cross by grade and that they do not cross by designation. >>

    Whomever you talked with is wrong. If you include as part of your minimum grade "DC" they are not supposed to cross it unless it retains the DCAM designation. Same thing for copper designations such as RD and RB. However, if you simply put deep cameo and no numeric grade, that may be a different can of worms.

    Russ, NCNE
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Call customer service.
    There once was a place called
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    Russ is right. You have to be EXTREMELY specific & communicate what you want in EXPLICIT detail. You might even get someone on the phone at PCGS that says that you can't specify a designation (e.g. RB, RD, CAM, DCAM, FS, whatever) as part of your minimum grade - but they'd be wrong.
  • stephunterstephunter Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Russ is right. You have to be EXTREMELY specific & communicate what you want in EXPLICIT detail. You might even get someone on the phone at PCGS that says that you can't specify a designation (e.g. RB, RD, CAM, DCAM, FS, whatever) as part of your minimum grade - but they'd be wrong. >>

    I put down in the minimum grade area "deep cameo". Seems like that would work. I called Pcgs and the customer service person said that they only cross by the grade number and not the designation, but I am sure this is wrong. Now the coin has shipped and I will have to write a letter explaining the problem. I have no idea what could be done now to resolve the issue.
  • email Mr Hall
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It sounds like a strong coin or you wouldn't have tried to cross in the first place. Why not, upon return of the coin, send it back to NGC and get in back into a UtraCam holder?

    PCGS would have simply returned it without crossing it had they followed your directions anyway, so the only thing you'll be out is time and another grading fee.


  • stephunterstephunter Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭

    << <i>It sounds like a strong coin or you wouldn't have tried to cross in the first place. Why not, upon return of the coin, send it back to NGC and get in back into a UtraCam holder?

    PCGS would have simply returned it without crossing it had they followed your directions anyway, so the only thing you'll be out is time and another grading fee. >>

    I think that your right and this is probably the worst case scenario.
  • ....i'd say it is " a best case scenario " !!

    no guareentee that NGC will Ultra it again ...........and PCGS may just thumb their nose

    at your requests .
  • stephunterstephunter Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭
    The coin was mailed back to me by Pcgs still in the Ngc Ultra Cam holder. Seems strange since Pcgs posted as MS65 instead of "DNC". Thats a good thing in this case.

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