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1000th Post Giveaway

Boy, it's been a while since my last post but I wanted to announce a giveaway with my 1000th post and it took me a while to figure out the giveaway and then put everything together. So here it is -- starting tomorrow morning (probably around 9:30 AM Pacific), I'll be posting a new coin picture to this thread approximately every hour. To win, you have to be the first person to tell me what these coins have in common. There will be a total of 12 coins posted, and the winner will get a coin that has the same thing in common with the 12 featured coins.

The rules:
1) All guesses must be posted to this thread for everyone to see -- no edits are allowed on your guesses. PMs sent to me will not count as guesses.
2) Only one guess per person. Once you've made a guess, you either win it or you're out (exception: see rule #4)
3) In order to win, your guess must be the common element that I'm thinking of (or something reasonably close). For example, while it may be true that all the coins that I'm displaying are round or are U.S. issues, that won't count if it's not the common element I have in mind.
4) If no one guesses correctly after all 12 coin pictures are posted, I'll start giving hints. At this point, everyone is back in the game -- you're still allowed only one guess from this point, and the first person to correctly guess the common element wins.
5) My decision for this contest is final -- if you try to find a loophole to the rules that isn't in the spirit of the giveaway, I reserve the right to disqualify you.


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