How would you respond to this request?

Hey guys. I had a bunch of auctions that ended this past Sunday. I had a request from a repeat buyer (who just won 4 graded cards) if he can get a discount on shipping. He won 4 graded cards that totaled $372 and my description stated $10 for registered insured mail to Canada for the first card and $1 for each additional item won, so shipping is $13. This is pretty much what it's going to cost to Canada give or take .50 cents. I now send everything with tracking anywhere in the frigging world to cover my butt on Paypal. Anyways, I responded back to the request with "I can send it regular airmail for $6 if you send a Money Order as is with no insurance; nothing". I get another email today with a slight guilt trip and putting me in a position where I wanted to go off but didn't. He said that in the past month he has spent about $1,000 with me, and given that amount that he feels he should get some sort of discount. Okay, so I almost lost it there for a sec. I calculated everything he's bought within the last month not counting the 4 cards he just won and it's $199. I responded with the amount he's ACTUALLY spent and said that I would knock off $3 towards shipping and still send it registered insured and I would pay the rest. Also stating that Paypal will take about $15 from this transaction and Ebay will get $10-$15 from final value fee.
Anything else I can do, or just leave it at that? My wife said that since he also got a lot of stuff cheap; to ask him if he can pay more and see how he would feel in a similar position. I hate these type of situations and I hate it when someone puts me in a spot like this. Thanks.
Anything else I can do, or just leave it at that? My wife said that since he also got a lot of stuff cheap; to ask him if he can pay more and see how he would feel in a similar position. I hate these type of situations and I hate it when someone puts me in a spot like this. Thanks.
I'd tell him that you have decided to waive the shipping entirely but you would prefer that he not bid on cards from you again as you do not negociate contracts after they have been made. For a mere $13 you can be rid of him permanently, he's burned his bridge and that's that.
I wouldn't mention anything about your eBay and PayPal charges - as a buyer, I'm certain he could care less what charges you have to incur (I'm also certain it's of no concern to you how much the seller's fees are on any card that you purchased and paid for with PayPal), they are costs of doing business.
Why not email him and say: "I would love to give you a huge discount for being such a 'loyal' buyer but I'm taking care of an invalid mother-in-law who has drained all the family resources and that we have just recently lost the house and are living in a trailer park just outside the city limits."
Oh, "and thanks for your understanding."
Your friend
Ebay #99
<< <i>Okay thanks guys. I'm going to see what his response will be to knocking off a few bucks. Worse case scenario is I'll just waive off the whole shipping; send the goods and say adios to him. And to think, I was going to throw in a free PSA 10 with the order which I sometimes do for buyers who spend more $200 which isn't disclosed anywhere; but more of a surprise and my way of saying thank you. The hell with this one. >>
if all else fails, hunt him down and hit him with a stick..
1955 Bowman Raw complete with 90% Ex-NR or better
Now seeking 1949 Eureka Sportstamps...NM condition
Working on '78 Autographed set now 99.9% complete -
Working on '89 Topps autoed set now complete
<< <i>........just say no...... >>
couldn't agree more ... he is a repeat customer, and they are gold. His bids may increase your ebay items far beyond the few bucks you take off his shipping.
no brainer
Cynical Realist
Banned from the Beckett boards!
Do you want to know me?
<< <i>The ebay nut jobs are out there for sure. I sold an item and asked for $3 in shipping and the buyer sent something like $2.20. She said "thats all it costs for shipping so thats what I sent. Anything over that is fraud". >>
I would have sent them the card in a plain white envelope...or better yet, added a few nuts and washers to the package, and only put 2.20 in postage on it so it arrived postage due. I hate people like that and my sarcastic evil side comes out. It's the principle dammit...
As for you EEK, I would let the buyer know that you aren't making anything on the shipping and offer up the alternative via Money Order. If he doesn't like either option, ask what he thinks would be fair and decide if it's fair for you or not. For $372, it's probably a no brainer to just send him the stuff for the original shipping charge. I agree repeat buyers are nice, but aren't they repeat buyers because you provided the quality, service and prompt/secure shipping they expected? If so, why should they get it cheaper? I have no problem paying a premium for better anything...Do what you think is right. Personally I wouldn't fault you either way.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
As far as the buyer is concerned, I would take a few bucks off but no more. Repeat buyers are nice, but only if they're sane.
<< <i>I guess you should decide whether he'll be a repeat customer. If so, I'd give him a break for a few bucks. Maybe he'll bid up your future auctions enough to make it worth it. Sounds like you're right, but it may be better in the long run to give a little on this one.
couldn't agree more ... he is a repeat customer, and they are gold. His bids may increase your ebay items far beyond the few bucks you take off his shipping.
no brainer >>
I hardly think this is a no brainer as all these responses also repudiate. I had a repeat buyer end up costin me hundreds of dollars as some of you may know the story. I used to tend bar and from time to time people would ask for a free drink. No was the answer. Anyone who didn't ask would usually get the 3rd or 4th drink on me. I felt that its the house's(or seller's) choice to offer a discount or a perk for being a good customer, and a good customer would never ask for a discount.
BTW, on the rare occasion I gave in to a person who asked, they would never even leave a tip on a free drink. I think it says something about someones character when they think they are special enought that they can ask for special consideration. I therfore would warn you that you will encounter future problems with this person as if you don't give them their discount next time, they will be upset. The buyer has put you in a no win situation. Give him his discount and state that you will not do it again as the auction terms clearly state the shipping. Then ban him if you so choose.
My Auctions
Anyone have a 77 Eastwick?
His final email did say that he has bought from me using other IDs as well which I
have no clue what they are so I asked him in my final response along with telling him
that I will also include a free PSA 10 rookie card of my choice. Like I said earlier, I usually
give extra if someone spends over $200 with me which I don't disclose.
Thanks for all the tips and advice. All are taken into consideration. In the future, I'm
simply just going to say flat out "no". Everything is stated clearly in my auctions along
with the "shipping price is non-negotiable" which has always been there. Just a sample;
not the person in question.
<< <i>i'd probably give him just enough of a break to get him off your back long enough to block him from bidding.. >>
That's about the worst idea I've heard. First, you give him a break on shipping which costs you money. Then you block him from bidding on your auctions, which again costs you money.
If the idea of auctions is to make money then this course of action is clearly counterproductive.
If you don't want to give him a break then tell him that all shipping costs are final, and while you appreciate his interest in your cards this particular issue is non-negotiable. Or, if you value his bids enough then cut him a five dollar break or whatever and ship him the goods. This sounds like a personal decision to me, so I don't know how anyone hear could really help you.