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Giveaway 1971-D PCGS MS65 Ike "Guess Final Value 1973-S MS68"

segojasegoja Posts: 6,132 ✭✭✭✭
As a thanks to everyones help with my E-Bay policies/shipping charges, I would like to give away the following: Winner gets 1971-D PCGS MS65 Ike (Postage paid by me)

Guess the final value of the 1973-S MS68 PCGS Ike ending in 1 hour 45 minutes (6 PM PDT)


Final value fee only....no postage closest to the final value wins....ties will be decided by the first one to post. One post per Good Luckimage
JMSCoins Website Link

Ike Specialist

Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986



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