Just because people are not using this forum as much, does not mean it is dead. The problem is that for some reason Registry Set owners do not come in here as much as they should to talk about their Registry Sets.
I have to agree with TDN. This board is as exciting or boring as the participants choose to make it.
If you have a new acquisition of which you're proud, tell us about it. Better yet, post a picture of it!. If you're into the competitive aspect and have made significant additions to your set, tell the world how far you've advanced in the rankings. Is there a new noteworthy set that belongs to someone who doesn't post here? Tell us about it. Thinking of starting a new set, or have questions about a particular coin or a set in general? Ask about it; there's a lot of knowledge here. Have you submitted any coins for grading? What were the results? Do you have suggestions regarding the weights certain coins carry in the registry? If you can find enough support, perhaps you can get them changed. Are there any new sets that should be considered by PCGS (short sets, complete sets, year sets, or sets by MM)?
Check out some of the old threads for ideas of things to write about.
We need to have a place to buy and sell low POP coins. According to the description of this forum it is suppose to be the place. "SELLING" is still boldly in the description of the purpose of this forum. If you are banned from doing what the forum was intended for what is left?..... Death.
I'm getting ready to start a thread in which I admit to officially becoming a Registry Ho. I want to post pictures, though, and that means waiting for the POS coin to arrive.
This hasn't been nearly as bad as it might have been.
A few of the "spam" threads developed into something interesting and those are all gone but other threads seem to be off only 25% or so. There seems to be only a slight decrease in traffic.
The problem with the BST board is that it lists thousands of average coins. I have very particular interest in high grade low pop coins, you know, the ones we tend to call Registry quality coins.
I used to be able to go to one place and talk about them and trade them with other collectors. Now for reasons that are still not clear to me, there is no longer a forum set up for this purpose. Well, there is, and it says so in the description, but the activity that the forum was set up for has been banned. OK only part of the activity, but let’s face it, collecting coins without being able to buy any is not that much fun.
I understand that some members taste in coins is such that other collectors are unlikely to find them in unsearched rolls or mint sets and those members have no use for buying and selling on this forum. The reality is that those of us that collect high grade moderns do actively trade amongst our selves. The brick and mortar shops do not cater to us and most traditional dealers think we are foolish. That leaves us to deal with each other. Personally, I have enjoyed the fact that we can cut out these middle men and make this a hobby for and by the collectors.
For those of you that collect classic coins maybe you have missed the above fact. Most high grade moderns are found, graded and collected by the same people. This makes it a very different situation than it is for collectors of 19th century coins. Did any of you find your TOP POP coins raw in a roll or buy them from the collector that did? I think the answer is NO (or at least not very often).
Modern collectors want to network with one another because that is the best place to find what we are looking for. My POP #1 1981 S MS67 SBA$ was graded by another forum member and then sold to me through this forum and I have found and sold many TOP POP coins to other members. I miss this part of the Registry forum and have suggested before that maybe a BUY/SELL forum for low POP coins would be a good alternative. The other option would be a MODERN forum that would allow selling. Either way I think there is a need for something to replace what was lost.
The problem with the BST board is that it lists thousands of average coins. I have very particular interest in high grade low pop coins, you know, the ones we tend to call Registry quality coins.
I used to be able to go to one place and talk about them and trade them with other collectors. Now for reasons that are still not clear to me, there is longer a forum set up for this purpose. Well, there is, and it says so in the description, but the activity that the forum was set up for has been banned. OK only part of the activity, but let’s face it, collecting coins without being able to buy any is not that much fun.
I understand that some members taste in coins is such that other collectors are unlikely to find them in unsearched rolls or mint sets and those members have no use for buying and selling on this forum. The reality is that those of us that collect high grade moderns do actively trade amongst our selves. The brick and mortar shops do not cater to us and most traditional dealers think we are foolish. That leaves us to deal with each other. Personally, I have enjoyed the fact that we can cut out these middle men and make this a hobby for and by the collectors.
For those of you that collect classic coins maybe you have missed the above fact. Most high grade moderns are found, graded and collected by the same people. This makes it a very different situation than it is for collectors of 19th century coins. Did any of you find your TOP POP coins raw in a roll or buy them from the collector that did? I think the answer is NO (or at least not very often).
Modern collectors want to network with one another because that is the best place to find what we are looking for. My POP #1 1981 S MS67 SBA$ was graded by another forum member and then sold to me through this forum and I have found and sold many TOP POP coins to other members. I miss this part of the Registry forum and have suggested before that maybe a BUY/SELL forum for low POP coins would be a good alternative. The other option would be a MODERN forum that would allow selling. Either way I think there is a need for something to replace what was lost.
There are several good points here.
This place is quieter since the BST has ended. There is less reason for people to come around. Some of the strongest protesters against the practice have hardly posted since.
Perhaps we should have a poll or just petition to restore this forum to its original condition. The real beauty of it is that if it happens we won't have large numbers of gripe posts about it.
As boring as when my phone stopped ringing during dinner, after the Do Not Call list went into effect. Ebay is for one thing and the boards are for another.Maybe it is quiet cause it's summer. GTS
Posts: 7383 Joined: Oct 2001 Thursday August 11, 2005 9:53 AM (NEW!)
Don't miss it at all. I get enough spam in my email without having to wade through it here as well.
If half the posts made in the US Coin Forum that pertained to Registry sets were made over here, the place would be hopping.
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Cocoinut Collector
Posts: 1180 Joined: Oct 2001 Thursday August 11, 2005 12:02 PM (NEW!)
I have to agree with TDN. This board is as exciting or boring as the participants choose to make it.
If you have a new acquisition of which you're proud, tell us about it. Better yet, post a picture of it!. If you're into the competitive aspect and have made significant additions to your set, tell the world how far you've advanced in the rankings. Is there a new noteworthy set that belongs to someone who doesn't post here? Tell us about it. Thinking of starting a new set, or have questions about a particular coin or a set in general? Ask about it; there's a lot of knowledge here. Have you submitted any coins for grading? What were the results? Do you have suggestions regarding the weights certain coins carry in the registry? If you can find enough support, perhaps you can get them changed. Are there any new sets that should be considered by PCGS (short sets, complete sets, year sets, or sets by MM)?
Check out some of the old threads for ideas of things to write about.
<< <i>Now for reasons that are still not clear to me >>
It's really pretty simple. The reason is that the privilege of selling here was abused. If the only coins ever offered here were genuine high grade low pop registry quality material trading among set owners it's likely that the hammer would not have come down. Instead, this forum had become a spam-for-all of certain dealers hawking their wares.
Russ: That makes perfect sense. But why not just make a rule that says only TOP POP coins or coins with a certain POP or less can be sold here?
Banning all selling just does not make sense. I came to this forum looking for very low POP modern coins that I could not find anywhere. Now there is no one place to go for this purpose.
I would really like an alternative. Either a Modern Forum, or a TOP POP/LOW POP Buy, Sell, Trade forum. Mr. Hall, if you are listening, what do you say?
Making it only Top Pop High grades coins would not work either. Not everyone can afford those coins and not all registery sets are made up of them. Some people enjoy lower grades coins and can only afford lower grade coins in their sets.
Unfortunately, any attempt to define, limit, streamline, or "red line" a new improved version of the reg. forum would be met by the few compainers that ruined our current reg. forum. To try to appease them is useless, as they will continue to be negative towards all versions that include discussion of coins that they do not collect (or sell), and drop in just to say so over and over. Let me know when some smart person creates an "open" reg. forum that fills the large void created when this forum "closed".
<< <i>Making it only Top Pop High grades coins would not work either. Not everyone can afford those coins and not all registery sets are made up of them. Some people enjoy lower grades coins and can only afford lower grade coins in their sets. >>
I agree, but it shouldn't be hard to separate those working on assembling or disposing of registry sets and coins in any grade and those just spamming. Certainly the previous system was wide open to abuse but I remember almost none. Perhaps it was that po- tential for abuse which ultimately caused its demise.
Perhaps a rule that coins can't be offered for sale or trade unless they've either been in a registry set or are intended to go in a registry set. And coins couldn't be solicited ex- cept for the intended inclusion in sets. If abuse were to start then these terms could be more strictly defined.
But in any case this forum is dying. It's not a case where old users are moving out and new ones are moving in, it's just dying.
<< <i>Certainly the previous system was wide open to abuse but I remember almost none. >>
This is interesting, and absolutely true for me too. I just remember that complaints were fodder for discussion of registry coins and sets, building them, buying them, selling them...
As far as I remember, this Forum was started so we could sell, trade, talk and whatever about "Registry Quality" coins? Now they say we can't sell or trade on here, what is left for here to be? A place to complain once again that we need a spot to sell REGISTRY quality coins and the BST Forum does not work. Now this place does not work for us. What's next? I left because of the fighting and now you can't sell or trade here so why am I here? (That was a retorical question, so don't flame me and tell me to leave)
Mike--(2001 #1 PCGS MS Memorial Lincoln Registry Set Owner & 2007 #13 MS Memorial Lincoln Set Owner. Both Retired)
I suppose those that do not like the rules PCGS has can start their own forums to sell on as they wish. When you are spending your own money to run the boards then you can make your own rules.
Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
The problem is that PCGS ASKED US what we wanted and we told them and then PCGS opened the Registry forum so we could buy, sell, trade Registry coins. Now we can't do that any longer so this forum no longer does what it was designed to do?
Mike--(2001 #1 PCGS MS Memorial Lincoln Registry Set Owner & 2007 #13 MS Memorial Lincoln Set Owner. Both Retired)
I must have been absent the day the rules for chatting in this particular Forum changed but would someone kindly explain to me how it is that one can be banned for discussing the sale of Registry Sets when the Forums "Menu" clearly states THIS..........
PCGS Set Registry Forum For discussions about PCGS registry sets - building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them.
<< <i>I suppose those that do not like the rules PCGS has can start their own forums to sell on as they wish. When you are spending your own money to run the boards then you can make your own rules. >>
dublduh, for as long as I've been a member here your posts on this board have always been argumentative. I cannot remember one constructive post from you on this board. Do you even HAVE a registry set? Or, do you post here just to annoy ones that do? You should stick to complaining about abortions and gays on the open forum!
<< <i> I cannot remember one constructive post from you on this board. Do you even HAVE a registry set? Or, do you post here just to annoy ones that do? >>
Since when did Russ use a Jeff as an avatar? Man I think I have been neglecting the boards way too long? RUSSSS? What is Up?? Have you crossed to the other side?
Bring it back or eliminate this forum!
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
If half the posts made in the US Coin Forum that pertained to Registry sets were made over here, the place would be hopping.
If you have a new acquisition of which you're proud, tell us about it. Better yet, post a picture of it!.
If you're into the competitive aspect and have made significant additions to your set, tell the world how far you've advanced in the rankings.
Is there a new noteworthy set that belongs to someone who doesn't post here? Tell us about it.
Thinking of starting a new set, or have questions about a particular coin or a set in general? Ask about it; there's a lot of knowledge here.
Have you submitted any coins for grading? What were the results?
Do you have suggestions regarding the weights certain coins carry in the registry? If you can find enough support, perhaps you can get them changed.
Are there any new sets that should be considered by PCGS (short sets, complete sets, year sets, or sets by MM)?
Check out some of the old threads for ideas of things to write about.
What the heck is the title of this thread trying to say?
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
We need to have a place to buy and sell low POP coins. According to the description of this forum it is suppose to be the place. "SELLING" is still boldly in the description of the purpose of this forum. If you are banned from doing what the forum was intended for what is left?..... Death.
This forum has very little purpose at this point
Well, except for discussions regarding Registry Sets. And all that pertains to that.
This is the upside to having a slow forum.
Lets see if those who are here actually visit the other forum as well.
I will post pics in a a new thread of one of my coins I recently posted elsewhere and see if suddenly posters here are seeing it for the first time.
A few of the "spam" threads developed into something interesting and
those are all gone but other threads seem to be off only 25% or so. There
seems to be only a slight decrease in traffic.
I used to be able to go to one place and talk about them and trade them with other collectors. Now for reasons that are still not clear to me, there is no longer a forum set up for this purpose. Well, there is, and it says so in the description, but the activity that the forum was set up for has been banned. OK only part of the activity, but let’s face it, collecting coins without being able to buy any is not that much fun.
I understand that some members taste in coins is such that other collectors are unlikely to find them in unsearched rolls or mint sets and those members have no use for buying and selling on this forum. The reality is that those of us that collect high grade moderns do actively trade amongst our selves. The brick and mortar shops do not cater to us and most traditional dealers think we are foolish. That leaves us to deal with each other. Personally, I have enjoyed the fact that we can cut out these middle men and make this a hobby for and by the collectors.
For those of you that collect classic coins maybe you have missed the above fact. Most high grade moderns are found, graded and collected by the same people. This makes it a very different situation than it is for collectors of 19th century coins. Did any of you find your TOP POP coins raw in a roll or buy them from the collector that did? I think the answer is NO (or at least not very often).
Modern collectors want to network with one another because that is the best place to find what we are looking for. My POP #1 1981 S MS67 SBA$ was graded by another forum member and then sold to me through this forum and I have found and sold many TOP POP coins to other members. I miss this part of the Registry forum and have suggested before that maybe a BUY/SELL forum for low POP coins would be a good alternative. The other option would be a MODERN forum that would allow selling. Either way I think there is a need for something to replace what was lost.
I used to be able to go to one place and talk about them and trade them with other collectors. Now for reasons that are still not clear to me, there is longer a forum set up for this purpose. Well, there is, and it says so in the description, but the activity that the forum was set up for has been banned. OK only part of the activity, but let’s face it, collecting coins without being able to buy any is not that much fun.
I understand that some members taste in coins is such that other collectors are unlikely to find them in unsearched rolls or mint sets and those members have no use for buying and selling on this forum. The reality is that those of us that collect high grade moderns do actively trade amongst our selves. The brick and mortar shops do not cater to us and most traditional dealers think we are foolish. That leaves us to deal with each other. Personally, I have enjoyed the fact that we can cut out these middle men and make this a hobby for and by the collectors.
For those of you that collect classic coins maybe you have missed the above fact. Most high grade moderns are found, graded and collected by the same people. This makes it a very different situation than it is for collectors of 19th century coins. Did any of you find your TOP POP coins raw in a roll or buy them from the collector that did? I think the answer is NO (or at least not very often).
Modern collectors want to network with one another because that is the best place to find what we are looking for. My POP #1 1981 S MS67 SBA$ was graded by another forum member and then sold to me through this forum and I have found and sold many TOP POP coins to other members. I miss this part of the Registry forum and have suggested before that maybe a BUY/SELL forum for low POP coins would be a good alternative. The other option would be a MODERN forum that would allow selling. Either way I think there is a need for something to replace what was lost.
There are several good points here.
This place is quieter since the BST has ended. There is less reason for people to come around.
Some of the strongest protesters against the practice have hardly posted since.
Perhaps we should have a poll or just petition to restore this forum to its original condition. The real
beauty of it is that if it happens we won't have large numbers of gripe posts about it.
Ebay is for one thing and the boards are for another.Maybe it is quiet cause it's summer.
<< <i>For discussions about PCGS registry sets - building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them. >>
YES! it certainly took a lot away from thte "building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them." part!
Master Collector
Posts: 7383
Joined: Oct 2001
Thursday August 11, 2005 9:53 AM (NEW!)
Don't miss it at all. I get enough spam in my email without having to wade through it here as well.
If half the posts made in the US Coin Forum that pertained to Registry sets were made over here, the place would be hopping.
Trade Dollar Website
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Posts: 1180
Joined: Oct 2001
Thursday August 11, 2005 12:02 PM (NEW!)
I have to agree with TDN. This board is as exciting or boring as the participants choose to make it.
If you have a new acquisition of which you're proud, tell us about it. Better yet, post a picture of it!.
If you're into the competitive aspect and have made significant additions to your set, tell the world how far you've advanced in the rankings.
Is there a new noteworthy set that belongs to someone who doesn't post here? Tell us about it.
Thinking of starting a new set, or have questions about a particular coin or a set in general? Ask about it; there's a lot of knowledge here.
Have you submitted any coins for grading? What were the results?
Do you have suggestions regarding the weights certain coins carry in the registry? If you can find enough support, perhaps you can get them changed.
Are there any new sets that should be considered by PCGS (short sets, complete sets, year sets, or sets by MM)?
Check out some of the old threads for ideas of things to write about.
Unfortunate that one guy started the complaining.
<< <i>Now for reasons that are still not clear to me >>
It's really pretty simple. The reason is that the privilege of selling here was abused. If the only coins ever offered here were genuine high grade low pop registry quality material trading among set owners it's likely that the hammer would not have come down. Instead, this forum had become a spam-for-all of certain dealers hawking their wares.
Russ, NCNE
Banning all selling just does not make sense. I came to this forum looking for very low POP modern coins that I could not find anywhere. Now there is no one place to go for this purpose.
I would really like an alternative. Either a Modern Forum, or a TOP POP/LOW POP Buy, Sell, Trade forum. Mr. Hall, if you are listening, what do you say?
<< <i>Making it only Top Pop High grades coins would not work either. Not everyone can afford those coins and not all registery sets are made up of them. Some people enjoy lower grades coins and can only afford lower grade coins in their sets. >>
I agree, but it shouldn't be hard to separate those working on assembling or disposing
of registry sets and coins in any grade and those just spamming. Certainly the previous
system was wide open to abuse but I remember almost none. Perhaps it was that po-
tential for abuse which ultimately caused its demise.
Perhaps a rule that coins can't be offered for sale or trade unless they've either been in
a registry set or are intended to go in a registry set. And coins couldn't be solicited ex-
cept for the intended inclusion in sets. If abuse were to start then these terms could be
more strictly defined.
But in any case this forum is dying. It's not a case where old users are moving out and
new ones are moving in, it's just dying.
<< <i>Certainly the previous system was wide open to abuse but I remember almost none. >>
This is interesting, and absolutely true for me too. I just remember that complaints were fodder for discussion of registry coins and sets, building them, buying them, selling them...
PCGS Set Registry Forum
For discussions about PCGS registry sets - building them, buying them, selling them, collecting them.
<< <i>I suppose those that do not like the rules PCGS has can start their own forums to sell on as they wish. When you are spending your own money to run the boards then you can make your own rules. >>
for as long as I've been a member here your posts on this board have always been argumentative. I cannot remember one constructive post from you on this board. Do you even HAVE a registry set? Or, do you post here just to annoy ones that do? You should stick to complaining about abortions and gays on the open forum!
hope you have your garden hose ready!
<< <i> I cannot remember one constructive post from you on this board. Do you even HAVE a registry set? Or, do you post here just to annoy ones that do? >>