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Need VAM Help - 1878-S Morgan Dollar

Picked up an 1878-S Morgan today. Having trouble identifying the VAM. The L in PLURIBUS matches the photo of the VAM 94 on the ashmore site (II 40 obverse). The reverse doesn't match. I need help.

Date is doubled, engraved wing, polising lines all over obverse and reverse, IN GOD WE TRUST doubled, broken 4th star, R in TRUST partially missing, LIBERTY slightly doubled on left, pitted die near breast and eagle's left wing, die gouges near ribbon on reverse.

full obverse scan
full reverse scan


18 date
78 date
left wing
wing pitting
4th star


  • Take a close look at the B2f reverse of VAM-48 of the VAM Encyclopedia on pg 172 and photos of engraved wing on pg 173 and slight right tilt of the "S" mintmark. This reverse also has partially broken "r".

    Also notice the die gouges in the wreath above the mintmark in the photo in the Vam Encyclopedia.

    If I only had a dollar for every VAM I have...err...nevermind...I do!! image

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  • jdsinvajdsinva Posts: 1,508
    The reverse of the coin you are showing is shared with three obverses, v48, v84 & v91. Your coin is v84.


    Semper ubi sub ubi

  • << <i>Take a close look at the B2f reverse of VAM-48 of the VAM Encyclopedia on pg 172 and photos of engraved wing on pg 173 and slight right tilt of the "S" mintmark. This reverse also has partially broken "r".

    Also notice the die gouges in the wreath above the mintmark in the photo in the Vam Encyclopedia. >>

    Yes. Thanks. I think you're right about the B2af reverse. The update for the VAM 48 mentions the die gouge in the wreath too! The obverse description for the 48 was updated as well...
    Obverse II 1– Slight doubling of B in PLURIBUS at bottom, edge of forehead, front of hair and top of Phrygian cap.

    I'll have to check out the obverse closer. It looked like the B on my coin is doubled on the right.


  • << <i>The reverse of the coin you are showing is shared with three obverses, v48, v84 & v91. Your coin is v84. >>

    Thanks Jeff!
    Thanks Terry!

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